Atalanta n'ha Liriel
- Formerly: Atalanta Pendragonne Ardais y Ridenow, dilettante
- Age: mid 20's
- Marital Status: single
- Occupation: acting weapons instructor, assistant apothecary
- Residence: Renunciate Guildhouse
- Laran: just enough to make life annoying; a touch of empathy, catalyst telepath
- Abilities
- Unarmed Combat: about average
- Armed Combat: about average
- Horseback Riding: passable. She can use a horse to get places.
- Interpersonal skills: not very good. Her shyness is often
interpreted as standoffishness
- Family Trees: Ridenow
- E-mail: atalanta@hotmail.com
- Non-Darkover Website: http://www.oocities.org/soho/2273