Caleb Scott
- a.k.a. Hermes "Caleb" Scott-Aldaran
- Age: 27
- Occupation: Terran Civil Servant- Caer Donn Field Office
- Former Occupation: Spaceforce Officer
- Residence: Caer Donn
- Laran: some Aldaran gift, untested
- Politics: supports native self-determination and integration
as long as it is mutually beneficial to Terrans and Darkovans
- Abilities
- Unarmed Combat: good, but not inclined to brawl
- Armed Combat: excellent, as expected of a trained Spaceforce
- Horseback Riding: quite good, likes animals
- Interpersonal skills: friendly, sensitive to others, sincere, does
not lie
- Laran strength and training: his gift is untrained and only
surfaces occasionally; he knows what it is and doesn't find it
bothersome; it's even helpful every once in a while
- Strengths: a good arbiter, a profound sense of personal dignity,
respect for others, thinks before he speaks
- Weaknesses: sometimes insular, tight-lipped -- but only says what
he means
- Appearance: close-cropped very dark auburn hair, medium
build, medium complexion
- Pets: his horse, Beauregard
- Romantic relationships: a few casual, but nothing serious --
he hasn't found the right person yet
- Friends: cousin Mabry Aldaran; Olivia Given, Terry O'Connor
- Hobbies: horseback riding, mountain climbing, tracking,
military history
- Other Information: He is aware of his Darkovan heritage, and
even has a friendly relationship with certain members of the Aldaran
family, but chooses to work within the Empire Service, rather than
petition to be acknowledged formally by the Aldaran Domain.
- Family Trees: Aldaran
- E-mail: ogiven@vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu
- ICQ #
- Darkover website: http://www2.ucls.uchicago.edu/~ogiven/darkover/index.html
- Non-Darkover website: http://www2.ucls.uchicago.edu/~ogiven/