Conn MacAran
- Age: 26 (17 IRL)
- Marital Status: single
- Occupation: horse trainer and riding teacher
- Former Occupations: horse trainer and riding teacher at St.
Valentine of the Snows; mechanic at Arilinn
- Residence: Nevarsin, moving to Thendara
- Laran: strong MacAran gift, and some Ridenow gift
- Politics: never thought about it
- Abilities
- Unarmed Combat: poor
- Armed Combat: average
- Horseback Riding: very good
- Interpersonal skills: very good, a very friendly person
- Laran strength and training: strong laran, trained as a mechanic
in Arilinn
- Weaknesses: extremely curious and a little bit shy
- Appearance: really dark red hair, almost black; good looking; a little short
- Romantic relationships: none
- Hobbies: reading, riding, dancing, hawking
- Other Information: Calm, he is a pacifist. Brother of Daimary MacAran, he was given to fosterage with an Ardais family when he was 8 years old. He went to Arillin at 17, and left for St. Valentine of the Snows at 22, where he got a job training horses and chervines and giving riding lessons to young monks.
- Family Trees: MacAran
- E-mail: conrado@adaptanet.com.br