Cristilyn Aillard
- Age: 25 (23 IRL)
- Marital Status: single
- Occupation: Head of the Aillard Domain
- Residence: Castle Aillard at Valeron
- Laran: Aillard Gift in full measure
- Other Info: the daughter of a sea chieri; currently pregnant
with a daughter fathered by Marcello Ridenow
- Abilities
- Unarmed Combat: passable
- Armed Combat: satisfactory ("Mother insisted I learn to defend
- Interpersonal skills: average
- Laran strength and training: rated technician at Arilinn
- Weaknesses: a slight tendancy to poison people :p ; sometimes sees men as objects to be used; will hold a grudge for years
- Romantic relationships: none at the moment
- Family trees: Aillard
- E-mail: herself_the_elf@innocent.com
- Darkover website: http://members.xoom.com/Valeron