Donal Ridenow y Elhalyn
- Age: 23
- Marital Status: single
- Occupation: nothing in particular
- Residence: Ridenow quarters in Comyn Castle
- Laran: strong Ridenow donas
- Abilities
- Unarmed Combat: good
- Armed Combat: never tried
- Horseback Riding: good
- Appearance: Blond hair, green eyes, 6 feet tall.
- Hobbies: chess, wrestling
- Other Information: Sensitive. Has a great sense of family,
and would die for his uncle Marcello Ridenow. He has an obsession: to find out why his parents are dead and who his family is.
- Family Trees: Ridenow
- E-mail: gelineau@info.iuta.u-bordeaux.fr