Glenna n'ha Linnea
- a.k.a.
- Age: 25
- Marital Status: Single.
- Occupation: healer/herbalist
- Former Occupations: Spent 1 year studying basic Terran
nursing techniques and homeopathic remedies
- Residence: Dalereuth Guildhouse (but she hopes to
establish herself in Storn's new shelter)
- Laran gift and laran training: She gets very strong
and usually accurate hunches concerning herbs, with the ability to "feel" a plant's healing or harming properties. She is in denial that this is a form of laran.
- Politics: Very liberal. She opposes patriarchy and
the comyn as an all-powerful ruling class.
Personality: She wanted to be a mercenary soldier, but
she wasn't big enough or strong enough for it. When
the Terrans offered healing training for renunciates,
she jumped at the offer and chance to go offworld.
She dropped out of their program after a year due to
ethical problems with the way the Terrans treat
patients as diseases with numbers.
- Personality:
- Strengths: She's very loyal and intelligent, and she
seldom panics.
- Weaknesses: It's taken her years to find a niche in
life and in the Guild. She can also be rather hotheaded at times.
- Combat training: Armed: Quite good. Unarmed she can take care of herself
- Horseback riding: Good.
- Appearance: A petite woman with short dark hair and
dark gray eyes
- Romantic relationships: She's never been in love.
- Friends: Becca n'ha Kyntha and others from Dalereuth
Guildhouse. She considers all renunciates to be her blood sisters.
- Pets: Claithmor, her gray stallion.
- Hobbies: Reading about herbs (especially offworld
ones), learning about alternative medical treatments.
- Other Information: She was the daughter of a farmer
and his wife from the lowlands. She joined the Guild after a healer discovered she had a serious problem in her reproductive system, because her parents were
making plans to marry her off before it became known she was barren. Glenna was strongly attracted to the idea of a Sisterhood where her worth wouldn't depend on her ability to have children.
- Family Tree:
- E-mail: kalliaardais@yahoo.com
- ICQ #
- AOL IM: pepsihead22
- Darkover website:
- Non-Darkover website:
This page was last updated on 10 August 2000.