- a.k.a. Lana
- Age: 21
- Marital Status: widowed
- Residence: none
- Laran: not tested, but she has empathy and Alton gift
- Abilities
- Unarmed Combat: poor
- Armed Combat: less than poor
- Horseback Riding: average
- Interpersonal skills: shy, but very friendly, sometimes submissive (especially to men)
- Laran strength and training: no training
- Weaknesses: very obedient to any man; can't make decisions on her
own very well, but tries
- Appearance: brown haired, blue-grey eyes, slender
- Other Information: Kaile'aan grew up in the Dry-towns. After
she inadvertantly killed her husband with her uncontrolled Alton gift,
she was left in the desert to die, where she was found and rescued by a
group of Travellers.
- E-mail: zirbc000@mail.uni-mainz.de
- ICQ # 33584971