Leisha n'ha Ursula
- Age: 25
- Marital Status: single
- Occupation: manager of Leisha's Sweetshop
- Former Occupations: matrix technician at Arilinn
- Residence: Renunciate Guildhouse in Thendara
- Laran: Ridenow empathy in good measure, touch of Ardais gift
- Abilities
- Unarmed Combat: average. It was poor before she joined the
Renunciates, but she was trained in the Guildhouse
- Armed Combat: average, for same reasons as above
- Horseback Riding: good
- Interpersonal skills: talkative, makes friends easily. Rather
bossy, passionate temper; she gets angry very quickly, but also
quickly forgets why she got so angry...and of course never bears a
grudge. Her greatest fear is to lose her friends.
- Weaknesses: hot-headed. She often makes judgements before
completely analyzing the situation, aggressive. Talks really loudly.
- Romantic relationships: Cormel Rockraven; Marcello Ridenow (VERY long ago)
- Friends: Jorik Hastur, Mabry Aldaran, her sisters in the Guildhouse. Wonderful relation with her Oath Mother, Valentina n'ha Doria. Emelda Lanart-Hastur, the Sweetshop's best customer.
- Hobbies: riding, herbal cooking. This latest hobby has become her work...
- Family Trees: Delleray, Leynier
- E-mail: leisha@tin.it
- Darkover website: http://www.oocities.org/NapaValley/8567/leisha.html