Articles Defending the Inspiration and Trustworthiness of the Bible

Articles Defending the Inspiration and Trustworthiness of the Bible

*Understanding the Inspiration of the Bible by MP: Part one in a series of four articles defending the inspiration of the Bible. This one is simply to explain what it means to say that the Scriptures are the word of God. This foundation is essential to any investigation over whether or not the Bible really is inspired, as it claims.

*Historical Evidence for the Bible by MP: This is part two. The name speaks for itself.

* Decisive Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible by MP: Part three in my series defending the Bible. This article goes into a very convincing way to demonstrate the inspiration of the Bible while avoiding circular reasoning.

*The Bible: Crucial Questions by MP. The final installment addressing any loose ends.

*Can we Trust the New Testament? by MP.

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