I. What is successful grace?
A. Sometimes it is called irresistible grace or effective grace. It simply means that whenever He wants to be, the Holy Spirit is always successful in brining a person to faith. If God purposes to bring a person to Christ, God absolutely cannot fail in accomplishing His purpose. Corollaries of this truth are the fact that God could save anybody He wants. That is, no hearts are to hard for God. So if a person dies without Christ, it is not because God did His best and just couldn't get the person to believe. Instead, God could have brought the person to faith and saved Him, but God chose not to do this.
II. The need for successful grace.
A. We are dead in sins (Ephesians 2:1-3). Therefore we will never believe on our own. So the only way that a person will ever believe is if God raises him from the dead gives faith to him. That is, God must cause us to believe.
B. How does God cause us to believe? By making us spiritual alive (in other words, by regenerating us). We are by nature dead in sins--we have no desire for God and hate him. So God takes away our hatred of Him and replaces it with a desire for Himself. This is His act of changing our hearts so that we want to come to Christ. In successful grace, God does not force anybody to come to Christ, but makes them want to come. God is always successful because humans always choose according to their greatest desire. So when God makes Christ our greatest desire, we always come to Him.
III. Many verses teach that there is a call of God that is always
successful in bringing a person to believe in Christ.
A. Romans 8:30
B. 1 Corinthians 1:22-24.
C. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29.
D. 1 Corinthians 1:30-31
E. John 6:37
F. John 6:39
G. John 6:44-45
H. John 6:61-65
I. The general (or outward) calling is simply the preaching of the gospel. So everybody who hears the gospel is called outwardly. This call can be resisted. In fact, nobody will ever respond to the outward call unless God accompanies it with the inward call. The inward call is regeneration, or in other words, successful grace. Since this is the act of God that calls faith into being, everybody who gets this call comes to Christ.
IV. The Bible teaches that regeneration precedes faith.
This hammers home the point that we are dead and sins and
therefore could never choose to be made alive anymore than
Lazarus could have chosen to be resurrected. You are not born
again because you believe. Rather, you were born again so that
you would believe. This is successful grace.
A. John 1:12-13
B. John 3:3
C. John 6:63
D. John 3:19-20
F. 1 John 5:1; cf. 2:29; 3:9; 4:2-3, 7
G. The new birth described in the Old Testament
V. God regenerates us by means of His word.
A. James 1:18
B. 1 Peter 1:23
C. Romans 10:17
VI. Many verses show successful grace by teaching that faith is a
gift of God. Notice very carefully what this means. It doesn't
mean that God makes it possible for you to believe--that would
not be a gift, but an opportunity. Rather, it means that God
makes it certain that you will believe. Faith is the gift
of God means faith is caused by God.
A. How would it steal glory from God if faith was not His gift, but instead was ultimately the product of your own self-determination?
B. Philippians 1:29
C. 2 Timothy 2:25
D. Acts 3:26; 5:31
VII. Questions.
A. Why isn't God forcing the elect to believe?
B. How do you respond to someone who says that this turns us into robots?
C. Does this affect your evangelism at all?
VIII. Conclusion: since God is the one who gives faith, He is the
one who ultimately determines who will be saved.
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