Practical Applications of God's Providence

I. What benefit does it yield in our lives to believe that God, in His providence, controls all things?

1. It gives us deep gratitude to God for all good things--including our love for Him and faith in Him--because all good things are from God (see Romans 11:36 and James 1:18).

2. It keeps us from despair and instead gives us patience and comfort, strength and hope through suffering and adversity. In all bad things that happen to us, we can have the confidence of Joseph: "God meant it for good" (Genesis 50:20, NASB) and the worship of Job: "...and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said, `...The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord'" (Job 1:20-21).

3. It causes us to marvel at God's great wisdom because He works all things together for His glory and His people's good (Romans 8:28)--not just in spite of the opposition but by means of the opposition. He makes evil backfire and makes satan continually shoot himself in the foot because when satan intends something for the harm of God's saints, God's intention is to ultimately benefit them. This is amazing wisdom to praise God for!

4. It gives us joyful trust in God for the future.

5. It frees us to obey with confidence and security--even when obedience appears risky or "foolish" by the world's standards. Thus, God's providence encourages us into risk-taking obedience for God's great glory.

6. It gives us deeper trust in God because He will accomplish all of His purposes. None can fail (see Job 42:2 and Isaiah 46:10).

7. It gives us great encouragement to and confidence in prayer. For God can do what we ask.

8. We need never feel overwhelmed, because God is in control.

9. It gives us great courage and boldness through all things.

10. It shatters bitterness and complaining and shows us to be satisfied.

11. It makes us strong people.

12. It glorifies God.

13. A denial of this truth involves a reduction of the supremacy of God in our hearts.

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