THE AGE OF INVENTION All spheres of life went through changes and spins In those years of progress and of roaring engines. With mechanized marvels, like the world's never seen, 'Twas an age of invention, of the man-made machine. Yes, some magnificent mind and cracker-jack brains, Set the key for the times with new gadgets and gains So that life's daily grind, its diverse capers and cares, Would be eased by degrees, with less pulling of hairs. Mister Graham Bell was one, you might call him Alex, On the phone he invented in 1876. Which soon took the place of the passe telegraph, And all those dashes and dots and the need for good math! And the business men beamed at some splendid new wares: -- Typewriters and plastics, and clicking cash-registers. While fast word from Europe was made ready and able, When one Cyprus Field stretched his trans-atlantic cable. And more snapshots of life could be sent forth and back By George Eastman's new camera, called a kodak. Even diets were changed -- burgers filled every station -- When Gustavus Swift gave us refrigeration. And black inventors as well saved us hours of toil With machines to make shoes and to give engines oil. In fact, to keep our trains running, men asked to deploy Elijah's fine oil pump, the one "real McCoy". And more buildings did rise and the skies often scrape When Elisha Otis unveiled his new-fangled brake, To stop a free fall down an elevator's shaft -- So if a cable does break, you're not split in half! Yes, each day seemed a dawn and each step seemed a dance In the glow of new works and a culture's advance. While still on the horizon, like a mountain or tower: The great coming of cars and electrical power... |
Worksheet # 86 |
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