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USS LST 393 was built by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company at Newport News, Virginia. Miss Lucy Jean Sorensen acted as the sponsor at the launching on November 11th, 1942.
The Landing Ship Tank was commissioned on December 11, 1942 at which time Lt. John H. Halifax, USNR assumed command as the ships's first Commanding Officer. USS LST 393 participated in three invasions in the Atlantic, Mediteranean and made 75 voyages to foreign shores. She carried (9,135) over one-half of the a Division of Army Personnel and 3,248 vehicles ranging from Long Toms to Jeeps. She also carried 5,373 prisioners of war and 817 casualties.
The ship covered some 51,817 nautical miles in her first three years of service and her anchor touched bottom in 38 parts of North Africa, Sicily, Italy, England, Wales, Ireland, France and the Canal Zone.
USS LST 393 won three Battle Stars on the European, African and Middle Eastern Area and was awarded Service Medals for participation in the following operations.
One Star - Sicillian Occupation - September 15, 1943 One Star - Salerno Landings - September 21, 1943 One Star - Invasion of Normandy including the bombardment of Cherburg - June 25, 1944
USS LST 393 was decommissioned at New Orleans, Louisiana on March 1, 1946 and stricken from the Navy list one year later. On March 20, 1948 she was sold to the Sand Products Corp., of Detroit, Michigan for conversion to merchant service. She was renamed the M.V. Highway "16" in lieu of the extension of U.S. Highway "16" from Detroit to Muskegon, Michigan spanning Lake Michigan to Milwaukee where U.S. "16" begins again.
USS LST 393 is the newest fleet member of the Great Lakes Naval Memorial And Museum. Plans are to restore USS LST 393 to her World War II configuration and to obtain National Historic Landmark statist. This vessel will be available to LST Assoications throughout the United States of America for conventions and memorials. The museum will also organize programs to educate present and future generations of the roll of the amphibious force.
USS LST 393 WAR DIARY - June 1944
June 5, 1944
Moored in Falmouth Harbor, Falmouth, England. Received signal from Flag Ship to weigh anchor at 0810. Anchors aweigh at 0823 and underway forming in convoy of Task Group 126. 4 to commence operation plan 1-44 with rhino ferry in tow.
June 7, 1944
Underway in convoy of LSTs and various other ships enroute from Falmouth, England to Colleville, France, carrying army vehicles and army personnel. At 1010 let go bow anchor in 10 fathoms of water off Fox Green Section of Omaha, Beach, Colleville, France. Casualties brought aboard at 1135.
June 8, 1944
Sounded G.Q. at 0115, enemy planes overhead, we held our fire. Anchors aweigh at 1515, underway to proceed in closer to Beach. At 1531 let go stern anchor in 7 fathoms of water in Baie de la Seine off Colleville, France. Men from LST 75 aboard for transportation at 1532. Casualties aboard at 2025. Wanchors aweigh at 2119 to proceed to North Bound convoy anchorage area, at 2217 formed in convoy of LSTs bound for Portland, England.
June 10, 1944
At 1630 English ship alongside to take off casualties and survivors.
June 13, 1944
Underway in convoy of LSTs, enroute Portland, England to Colleville, France. At 1104 anchored off Sugar Red Section, Utah Beach, in 3 fathoms of water.
June 15, 1944
Underway in convoy to Sothampton. Moored bow and starboard side to in Berth 6, in outer dock, Sothampton, England. Casualties taken off at 1137.
June 16, 1944
Underway at 0017 to form in convoy and proceed to Beach inBaie de la Seine, Colleville, France. Anchored at 1352 in 8 fathoms of water. Underway at 1523 to proceed closer to beach. Anchored at 1530 off Omaha, Fow Red Beach, in Colleville, France. Underway at 1738 passing through breakwaer standing out of landing harbor, Omaha Beach, Colleville, France.
June 17, 1944
Beached off Dog White, Omaha Area, Vierville, France. At 0003 sounded G.Q. after receiving red alert. No action secured from G.Q. at 0028. Commenced unloading of vehicles, and army personnel at 0345.Completed at 0400. Received orders from HMS Ceres to proceed to Portland, England, with LCT 210 in tow. Underway at 1200. At 1312 temporary bulkhead on LCT 210 gave way. LCT was ordered to return to beach. Underway again at 1345 to join convoy ten miles ahead.
June 18, 1944
Underway in convoy of the following LSTs 355(F-S), 400, 523, 27, 393, 288, and 532, enroute Portland, South England, to Omaha and Utah Invasion Beaches, Baie de la Seine, France, course 079 degrees, speed 6 knots.Beached at 1231 on "S" Red Section of Utah Beach. 1438 commenced unloading vehicles and personnel on to beach. Commenced taking on casualties and survivors from beach at 1515, completed operation of unloading ship at 1635. Completed taking on casualties and survivors after taking on 302 at 1630.
June 20, 1944
Underway at 0745 to proceed to HMS Ceres for further instructions. Came to anchor off Omaha Beach south east of Kansas Light Ship in Baie de la Seine, France at 0910 underway maneuvering around due to storm at 0937. Underway to proceed to form convoy headed for Sothamption, we acting as commodore of convoy, speed 4, course 025 degrees true.
June 21, 1944
Pilot aboard at 0014. Moored bow and starboard side to Hard "S-3" in Southampton Harbor, Southampton, England. At 0955. Bowsdoors open and commenced unloading of casualties, completed operation of unloading casualties and commenced loading ship with British Army vehicles and personnel. Completed loading operation after taking on 417 men and 12 officers, Bristish personnel, and 68 behicles of various types. Underway at 2109 to proceed to anchorage in Solent. Anchored in St. Helen's Road, Eastern Solent.
June 22, 1944
Underway at 0000 to proceed in convoy of LSTs to Bristish section of invasion Beach, in Baie de la Seine, France. Underway to proceed to anchorage at 2223. Anchored at 2314 off Juno section of British Beach in Courseuelles in Baiede la Seine, France. Sounded G.Q., planes over head, bombs dropped, at 2318 secured from G.Q.
June 23, 1944
Anchored off British section off Courseuelles in Baie de la Seine, France. Sounded G.Q., red alert in area, at 0125; secured from G.Q. at 0230. At 0827 moored starboard side to port side of British Ship, Empire Rhodes, Baie de la Seine, France. Commenced loading with Army personnel and vehicles at 0835. Completed operations after taking aboard 17 trucks from British Empire Rhodes. Underway to British Ship Falstaff at 1224. At 1300 moored starboard side to portside of British Ship Falstaff to unload their army vehicles. In Baie de la Seine, Courseuelles, France. Commenced loading British Personnel and vehicles for English Liberty Ship Falstaff, at 1435. Completed loading operation of vehicles with 13 vehicles aboard, at 1512. Underway to proceed into beach at 1515. Beached on sector Nan-Green on Juno Beach. Began unloading of ship at 1745. Unloading operations completed at 2259. Underway to proceed to anchorage, at 2350. Anchored off British invasion beach in Baie de la Seine, off Courseulles, France.