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uss lst 745

Large Slow Target

Please visit the WW II Monument
Washington D C

This Page is dedicated to S1C James J. Tansey, Sr (My Father) who served aboard the USS LST-745 in the Pacific Theater during WW II.

James Tansey, Sr: Jim has lived in Leominster, Massachusetts most of his life. He married Glady Caisse, in 1940. Glady's died in June 1968. He has been a resident of Mariner Rehabilitation and Nursing Home in Fitchburg, Massachusetts since 1988. Besides Jim, Jr, the oldest, He has a daughter Barbara. Jim served in the US Navy during WWII. He was stationed aboard the USS LST-745 and seen much action in several major battles in the Pacific Theater. New monument at carter park in leominster massachusetts clik for larger imageMonument dedicated to Amphibious Forces of the US now at Carter Park, Leominster, MA. He worked most of his life as a woodworker and retired from Selig Furniture Mfg Co, formerly of Leominster. Jim passed away on April 19th, 1998 at Mariner Rehabilitation Center at Fitchburg, MA where he was a resident for about 9 years.Both Gladys and Jim are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Leominster, MA.

NOTE: Found out recently that Maureen's Uncle Tom King, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK was also stationed in the European Theatre on LST 304.



October 22nd, 1911
April 19th, 1998




James Sr and James Jr

pic 1 pic 2 japanese pow's original pic 33x10 inches

Misc pictures, including original 33" x 10", some aboard ship showing Japanese POW's.
Click pics for larger image

vj day from tuesday august 14, 1945 worcester ma evening gazette

LST Links

  • LST 745 Photo & Aritcle by Leggette Land
  • Photo's of LST's by Number
  • LST's by Number
  • Build a LST Model...kit for sale
  • Tom Aubut's LST 282 Pages
  • (Not just LST's)
  • LST Links...Steve McKenna's Pages
  • United States LST Association
  • LST 519
  • Vets List LST's
  • 'Living Laurel Foundation' - 28th April 1944 Slapton Sands, Devon, England, A convoy of USA LSTs were attacked by German E-Boats. Of the 8 LSTs, most were severely damaged or sunk, while no. 289 made it back to Dartmouth. HMS Azalea was the only escort. 749 American sailors and soldiers lost their lives. A Wall-of-Names is to be erected by The Living Laurel Foundation


    Built by Dravo Ship Bldg Co. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
    Launched on 22 May 1944.
    Commissioned on 31 May 1944

    Arr New Orleans 31 May 44 Dep 17 Jun
    Arr Panama City 08 Jun Dep 21 Jun
    Arr New Orleans 22 Jun Dep 04 Jul
    Arr Cuba 10 Jul Dep 13 Jul
    Arr Colon, Panama 17 Jul Dep 19 Jul
    Arr San Diego 02 Aug Dep 03 Aug
    Arr Pearl Harbor 14 Aug Dep 11 Sep
    Arr 180th Meridian 19 Sep
    Arr Eniwotek 25 Sep Dep 29 Sep
    Arr Crossed Equator 01 Oct
    Arr Manus 4 Oct Dep 11 Oct
    Arr Leyte 20 Oct Dep 24 Oct
    Arr Hollandia 30 Oct Dep 06 Nov
    Arr Maffin Bay 07 Nov Dep 09 Nov
    Arr Leyte 16 Nov Dep 18 Nov
    Arr Hollandia 30 Nov Dep 05 Dec
    Arr Finschafin 8 Dec Dep 11 Dec
    Arr Morotai 18 Dec Dep 27 Dec
    Arr Sansapor 29 Dec Dep 30 Dec
    Arr Lingayen Gulf 09 Jan Dep 13 Jan
    Arr Leyte 19 Jan Dep 23 Jan
    Arr San Antonio 29 Jan Dep 30 Jan
    Arr Leyte 02 Feb Dep 06 Feb
    Arr Mindoro 11 Feb Dep 12 Feb
    Arr Leyte 15 Feb Dep 27 Apr
    Arr Okinawa 02 May Dep 07 May
    Arr Ulithi 13 May Dep 07 Jun
    Arr Saipan 10 Jun Dep 20 Jun
    Arr Okinawa 26 Jun Dep 07 Jul
    Arr Guam 16 Jul Dep 16 Jul
    Arr Saipan 17 Jul Dep 24 Jul
    Arr Leyte 29 Jul Dep 30 Jul
    Arr Subic Bay 02 Aug Dep 06 Aug
    Arr Okinawa 11 Aug Dep 17 Aug
    Arr Subic Bay 22 Aug Dep 23 Aug
    Arr Leyte 26 Aug Dep 30 Aug
    Arr Panay 01 Sep Dep 09 Sep
    Arr Batangas 10 Sep Dep 20 Sep
    Arr Yokohama 29 Sep Dep 03 Oct
    Arr Manila Bay 16 Oct Dep 16 Oct
    Arr Subic Bay 17 Oct Dep 18 Oct
    Arr Manila Bay 19 Oct Dep 20 Oct
    Arr Batangas 21 Oct Dep 26 Oct
    Arr Tokyo Bay 04 Nov Dep 11 Nov
    Arr Saipan 17 Nov Dep 12 Dec
    Arr Truk 15 Dec Dep 18 Dec
    Arr Chichi Jima 24 Dec Dep 26 Dec
    Arr Uraga 28 Dec Dep 30 Dec
    Arr Yokosuka 30 Dec Dep 11 Jan
    Arr Guam 17 Jan Dep 24 Jan
    Arr Peliliu 28 Jan Dep 30 Jan
    Arr Uraga 08 Feb Dep 17 Feb
    Arr Guam 23 Feb Dep 26 Feb
    Arr Saipan 27 Feb Dep 27 Feb
    Arr Wake 05 Mar Dep 05 Mar
    Arr Pearl 16 Mar Dep 18 Mar
    San Pedro, Calif 02 Apr 46

    Those Who Served Aboard LST-745
    James J Tansey Sr (MA)
    Joseph Howe (RI)
    ? Possion (MA)
    Robert Karl Shannon
    Curt Davy (OH)
    Roger H deCourcy (IN)
    Stanley Eisenmenger(KY)
    Edwin Tandberg LTJG
    (Below names, dated 28 Jun 1944, see Harry deCourcy comments below)
    Crick PHM3
    O'Halloran GM2
    Cunningham GM3
    Humphrey S2c
    Deen [tug boat skipper] S2c
    Hill, C.S. F2c
    Gertsma F2c
    Helmstetter S2c
    Midsokke F1c
    Winterhalter MoM3
    Mistich COX
    Roberts S2c
    Norgaard Ens
    Hendrick SK3
    DeJourdan MoM3
    Moreau S2c
    Evans S2c
    Kaminski S1c
    Sesco S2c
    Nutzel MoM3
    Moore, D.W. GM3
    Selby F1c
    Harwood S1c
    Demos S2c
    Sherbino MoM2
    Davy S2c
    Fiorito S2c
    Gaines S2c
    Hall S2c
    Graham, T.R. S2c
    Hordern BM2
    Hodes S2c
    Kondrotavicz S2c
    Frechette F2c
    Dunham S2c
    Dubois COX
    Davis PHM2
    Land, Leggette SF1
    Embry S2c
    Parrish QM3
    Minske SC1
    Graham, L.J. S2c
    Parreault SC3
    Hagreen S2c
    Orlick S2c
    Hennessy S2c
    Englehart S2c
    Sells S2c
    Greer S2c
    Naras S2c
    Hemmendinger S2c
    Burns [boats] Y2
    *Possion S2c
    Koons S2c
    Robertson SC2 [bkr]
    Karbowski F1c
    *Feel free to email names to add to this list.

    lst 745 by leggette land

    lst 745

    Comments About Website:
    (When E-mailing the addresses below, remove the X after the @ sign)
    Hello, my name is Mark Fetch. I enjoyed reading your Web-Site on LST 745. My interest in the ship started when I was a little boy. You see my Aunt was the sponsor, she was my Dad's sister, her name was Ann Simon and my Uncle Paul was a superintendent at the Dravo ship yard on Neville Island. They had a painting that hung over the living room sofa of LST 745. When your only six years old it was quite an impressive site. My Aunt's grandchildren have the painting now. My Mother has photo's of the ship's christening, you don't see much of the ship only my Aunt and her sisters. My Aunt and Uncle passed away in the late 60's and early 70's and my father in 1982. It was nice reading the names and comments on your site it brought back some nice memories. Thank's Mark.

    My name is William Fromme. I recently obtained a 'poster' from my Grandmother of the ship my Grandfather served on in WW II, it is the LST 745. The photos on the poster are the same as posted on your website, so it appears you have the same one I do. My Grandfathers name is Robert Karl Shannon and he passed away in 1998. It appears that he served whth your father. Well, I really just wanted to say hello and thank you for creating the website to acknowledge those who served in WW II.

    My name is Joyce Gunderman, my father, Robert Karl Shannon, served in WWII aboard the LST 745. After looking at the pictures of his ship, I can fondly recall the many times my father and I would sit at our kitchen table and he would talk about life aboard his ship and his shipmates. I want to thank you for having this website to remember and to honor all the men and women that served in WWII.

    Just browsing old ships with friend of mine who was on LST-745. He is sitting here now. He recalls your Father. His name is Curt Davy, he was on the ship 1944-46. He was a skivy waver :-) Better known as a signalman. We are not sure what his rate was, it indicated MA. That throws us. Curt would like to know if you have any other names and addresses, especially snail mail addresses. He has no PC. If you will please send to me, I will print them out and send to Curt. Curt lives about 2 hr drive from here. We are both living in Ohio. My address is

    My dad, Roger H deCourcy, passed away last week. He had always been close mouthed about details of his service in WWII. We did know he served on LST's and had joined his first one as a SF3 when it was being built in Pittsburgh in 1944. At some point he had broken his jaw and was shipped back to the Naval Hospital in New Orleans. He was then assigned to another LST. While going through his papers I found his Navpers 553 which listed the 745 as his original ship. There is also a letter from the First Lt. recommending him to his next duty station and a list of people who donated money for him (see 'Those who served' above). They are dated late June of 1944. My Dad had told of going down the Mississippi to sea, heading for the Panama Canal and ending up lost in Cuba. I never could figure out why the Navy would have sent a guy with a broken jaw all the way back from WESTPAC to NHNO for treatment. Your list of destinations of the 745 solved it. Based on the list and the dates on the papers I have it appears that the 745 was in New Orleans at the time he broke his jaw and was transferred. I am assuming that he joined his next ship from there and that was the one which got lost. We are sending for his service records and should get more information from them. In the meantime, I just want to say "Thanks" for putting the information you had out there. Attached are some photos I took of LST 393 about a year ago in Muskegon, MI. The ship had been donated to a museum by a sand company. The museum folded and the sand co got their ship back. I took the pictures through a fence with a long lens. I guess it is one of the few LST's left. Thanks Again, Harry deCourcy, Merrillville, IN

    I recently found your website after my grandfather visited D.C. for the WWII Memorial. My grandfather, Stanley Eisenmenger, served on the LST 745 in the South Pacific. He lives in Louisville, Kentucky. He asked me to email you to add his name to the list you have of those serving on the LST 745. If you need more information from me I’d be glad to talk with you. I can be reached at 502-550-4185. Natalie Tinsley Louisville, KY.

    My name is Gerry Tandberg. My father, LTJG Edwin Tandberg, also served on LST 745 as the Engineering Officer. It's my understanding he was aboard LST-745 for all campaigns in the Philippians. My father was 25 years old when I was born, during their landing at Leyte, Oct 1944. He took many black and white pictures and developed them aboard ship. Those photographs remain in a trunk at my sister’s house in Sacramento, CA, and have not been opened since 1993. I recall many of those photographs showing tanks and other vehicles in the ships hold, and some exiting the bow doors. Unfortunately, like so many men who survived battles of war, my father did not talk much about his WWII experiences. I tried to obtain information on the LST 745 crew members many years ago when my father was still alive. Unfortunately he died on his birthday, 12 Jan 1991. I also have a map showing all the campaigns LST 745 participated. It may have been hand drawn by my father drawn on a thick white paper then rolled up. I saw it unrolled about 50 years ago, and as I recall it was about 8” tall and about 18” long. I believe I will need to have it steamed open to avoid damage, if it can be found. My father was easy going, 5’11", very thin (they were all thin), probably would have been comfortable with the enlisted men, and one of few who had a camera, probably a simple box camera. Any LST 745 crew members still alive might remember the two Bulldog ships mascots that were thrown overboard by a disgruntled crewman when they were in the Philippians. I joined the Navy in 1962, but stayed only long enough to fulfill my military obligation. I’m a student of history, and have read many accounts of the war in the Pacific. To date, I’ve never seen pictures or any film showing LST 745, other than those taken by my father. One question: If the final Disposition of LST 745 was sold for scrap to Boston Metals, Co, Baltimore, MD. on 26 Sep 1947, how could it have participated at Inchon Landing during the Korean War in Aug 1950?

    Awards, Citations and Campaign Ribbons

    Precedence of awards is from top to bottom, left to right
    Top Row - American Campaign Medal - Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (3)
    Bottom Row - World War II Victory Medal - Navy Occupation Medal (with Asia Clasp) - Philippine Liberation Medal

    LST-745 was laid down on 19 March 1944 at Pittsburgh, Pa., by the Dravo Corp., Neville Island; launched on 20 April 1944; sponsored by Mrs. Paul Simon; and commissioned on 31 May 1944.

    During World War II, LST-745 was assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific theater and participated in the following operations:

  • Leyte landings--October 1944
  • Zambales-Subic Bay--January 1945
  • Assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto--May and June 1945

    Following the war, LST-745 performed occupation duty in the Far East until mid-February 1946. She returned to the United States and was decommissioned on 9 July 1946 and struck from the Navy list on 28 August that same year. On 26 September 1947, the ship was sold to the Boston Metals Co., of Baltimore, Md., for scrapping.

    LST-745 earned three battle stars for World War II service.

    Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey

  • USS LST-745

    • Landing Ship, Tank:
    • Displacement: 1,490 tons (lite); 4,080 tons (full load of 2,100 tons)
    • Length: 327'
    • Beam: 50'
    • Draft: 8' fwd; 14'4" aft (full load)
    • Speed: 10.8 knots (max); 9 knots (econ)
    • Armament: 1 3"/50 DP; 1 40mm; 6 20mm
    • Complement: 7 officers, 204 enlisted
    • Diesel engines, twin screws
    • LSTs carry smaller craft topside, a tunnel-like hold full of tanks, vehicles, guns or cargo.
    • Built at Dravo Corp, Pittsburgh, Pa., and commissioned 31 May 1944
      Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey
    Go HERE for a webpage about the Inchon Landing during the Korean War. LST 745 was one of four participating LST's in that landing. (Code-named Operation CHROMITE, began August 12, 1950, and was completed the following month.) Read the story and view the pictures. Go HERE to view pic of LST 745 from the Defense Technical Information Center webpage (above).

    Maureen and Jim Tansey 1995

    Maureen and Jim Tansey 2005

    Email Jim

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