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* * * REUNIONS & Other Base('s) Info * * *

81st Fighter Wing Association
2005 Annual Reunion

WHEN: 10th to 14th November 2005.

WHERE: Las Vegas, NV including Nellis AFB Air Show.

HOTEL RATES: Make your own reservation. $35.00 during the week and $65.00 Friday and Saturday.
Plaza (Downtown Vegas) Hotel. Tell them you are with the 81st FWA Reunion.
CALL: 1.800.634.6575, Press #1 for Reservations.

Joe Williams, Jr
503 Pocantas Drive
Ft Walton Beach, FL 32547-3220
Phone: 850.863.8008. E-Mail:jmw07@cox.net
Make check payable to 'Joe Williams Jr'

NUMBER OF PEOPLE______x $35.00 (Banquet) plus $25.00 Registration Fee = $60.00 per person. None registered guests will pay $25.00 per person for the Cocktail Party if they attend.


November 10th:
Registration, 6:00pm Free Welcome Coctail Party in Hospitality suite.

November 11th:
Free Day, Veteran's Day Parade with General Membeship Meeting, scheduled around Parade.

November 12th:
Air Show at Nellis Air Force Base, $6.00 Bus, Hospitality Tents.

November 13th:
Air Show or Free Day in Los Vegas, Hospitality Tents at Nellis AFB, 2nd Day of Air Show, 7:00pm Banquet, Cash Bar, Annual Program, Hosts Joe & Lois Williams.
Note: Registration Fee includes cost for the Banquet!

November 14th:
Pack-It-Up or Stay for awhle!

Further 81st FWA / TailWinds / Membeship Infomation may be obtained by contacting... Chuck Wrobel 81st Fighter Wing Assoc.

*Changes & Updates will be available in Talewinds & Registration Desk on November 10th at Hotel.

20th & 81st TAC Fighter Wings
2004 Annual Reunion

WHEN: 16 to 18 September 2004.

WHERE: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

HOTEL RATES: $75.00 Single/Double; $95.00 Triple; $115.00 Quad per room, per night.
Westin Hotel, downtown Oklahoma City (Reserved Rooms).
CALL: 405.235.2780 to make your reservation .

Joe and Ronnie Schmidlkofer
43 Five Lakes.
Sulphur, OK 73086.
Phone: 580.622.4295 Sorry, No E-Mail

Banquet nights we would like the guy's in coat & tie and our girl's in evening wear.

Forthcoming information will have the proper figures for the amount of money we will need up front for all pre-paid items (Meals, etc).

You will find that there is a lot to see and do in Oklahoma City. You may want to consider spending more time than the three days. Check out: Oklahomacity.com

Further 81st FWA / TailWinds / Membeship Infomation may be obtained by contacting... Chuck Wrobel 81st Fighter Wing Assoc.

Grovers (Shepherds Grove) 2004, Branson, MO, Reunion, 7-12 Nov 2004. Go to: CP Lee's Grovers Page for more info.

Getting a reunion together in April or May 2004 in San Antonio for 81st SPS, 'B' Flight, RAF Woodbridge. Any 'B' Flighters out there that I haven't contacted, contact me Rick England: Texas City, TX ASAP.


Need information about RAF Alconbury for Book. Go to Alconbury Book. 28/12/01

* * * PAST REUNIONS * * *

Harris L Johnson Greensboro NC 27406. RAF South Ruislip, High Wycombe Place/Squadron Assigned: 485 Communications Squadron, SAC. Trying to locate other squadron members for a 50th Reunion. Will you help? 7/7/01


WHEN: 16 to 19 October 2003.

WHERE: Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, Bob Hope Hotel.

HOTEL RATES: $75.00 per room. 70 Rooms Reserved for 81st FWA.
CALL: 937.879.2696 to make your reservation at the 81st FWA special rate.

Please send registration fee of $25 per person (Registration Fee plus $20 Annual Donation (lifetime members exempt) to:
John & Bette Hoye
Hemlock Ave.
Lewiston, Idaho 83501.
Phone: 1.208.746.6155 or E-Mail: jhoyebet@cableone.net

John & Bette Hoye will then send you registration material and information about tours and activities.

Further 81st FWA / TailWinds / Membeship Infomation may be obtained by contacting... Chuck Wrobel 81st Fighter Wing Assoc.

I would like to inform those of you who were ever associated in any way with the B-66 aircraft that there is a B-66 Association. The Association was started in 1998. We held our first reunion that same year in Las Vegas. The 2nd B-66 Reunion was also held in Las Vegas, in 2000. The 3rd Reunion is scheduled for Nashville, TN, 25-27 October 2002. We currently have almost 900 on our Roster (Mailing List) and a similar number on our Lost Friends List (a list of those who we know are deceased and those we are looking for). IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE B-66 ASSOCIATION, please send your regular mailing address to me at jimmilam@aol.com as I am the keeper of the Roster. YOUR REGULAR AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES WILL BE RELEASED ONLY TO MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. We have published two Newsletters-THE DESTROYER. We will send copies of those when we receive you regular mailing address. Hope to hear from you. 6911th Homepage
Jim Milam 11/27/01


WHEN: 24 to 26 October 2002

WHERE: Fort Walton Beach, Florida...Ramada Plaza Hotel Beach Resort

HOTEL RATES: $ 90.00 to $130.00.
CALL: 1.800.874.8962 for reservations. 70 rooms have been booked for this reunion. You will have to tell them you are with the 81st FWA reunion to get these reduced rates.

Please send registration fee of $25.00 to:
Joseph M. Williams Jr
503 Pocahontas Drive
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32547-3220
Phone: 1.850.863.8008 or E-Mail: jmw@emcst.com

Joe Williams will then send you registration material and all information about tours and activities.

Further 81st FWA / TailWinds / Membeship Infomation may be obtained by contacting... Chuck Wrobel 81st Fighter Wing Assoc.

Shepherds Grove Reunion - Branson, MO - 7-12 Nov 02. Go to Charles Lee's Website for information.

***REUNION - 20th and 81st TFW, Albuqueque, NM in late September 19-20, 2002. Contact Dave Smoker, Host, P.O. Box 46, Jemez Springs, NM 87025-0046. (The 20th and 81st FWA group in New Mexico is essentially a 'later group' who served at RAF Bentwaters/RAF Woodbridge around the 1970's era. I've been in touch with them for a couple of years. They're mostly the Air Police, etc. Mostly career NCO troops who served together and they get on quite well and have been reunioning for a goodly number of years. They sent me a stack of pictures without notations, names and etc from a previous reunion. I've had phone calls from some of them who served at RAF Bentwaters & RAF Woodbridge, Voodoo types. From... Chuck Wrobel 81st Fighter Wing Assoc.)

***50th REUNION(1951-2001)***planned at RAF Bentwaters Sep 9-16, 2001! Click for information or email Chuck Wrobel 81st Fighter Wing Assoc.

The 20th and 81st TFWs 14th annual reunion this year is September 20-22, 2001 in beautiful downtown Ocala, FL. The reunion hotel is the Hamton Inn. Thursday - check in starts at noon. Friday and Saturday - meeting room open 0730-2200. Friday AM tour of horse racing farm. (2hr) $10.00. Friday PM tour of the E-One plant (for the uneducated they make fire trucks.) free. Friday night spaghetti and meatball dinner (salad coffee and dessert) at the VFW Post at 1800. Cash bar (damn). Then entertainment after. All this for $7.50. Saturday visit Don Garlits racing museum, Silver Springs and Daytona Beach and Speedway. Saturday Night Banquet at the Holiday Inn. 1800hrs. The contact persons are Mr. and Mrs. Jack F Fletcher, Jr., 8092 SW 108 Loop, Ocala FL 34481-5723. Phone 352.237.9661. fletchocala615@cs.com.