Mauve Moments - Poetry & Prose - Page 2


Morning's sweet hostage
my breath
to be captured once again
between your lips
and tomorrow

Oh, sorrow!
Let me not
my release from these


She once healed him,
His affliction so easily remedied
With collaborative colloquy
Or a muted gaze.

A harbinger of his hurried heart,
Her presence once signalled
Entwining souls, encircling arousal,
Disbelief that the passing years had other plans.


Come September,
She travels north a bit
Only to return home.
To tropical Mexico, she goes,

Occasionally seen
Meandering the plantations,
The sun intensifying
The pale yellow of her wings.

Upon her tongue,
The ambrosia is sweet.
She is Enantia albania....
She is melite.


What if
He'd carried her off when he wanted to,
For the world to see,
Tuxedos and taffeta frantic?

Cries of, 'What!'
'Why!' 'How!' 'Who!' and 'Hey!'
And the smelling salts
Provided by ushers and maidens.

Would they
Have laughed any louder, he and she,
Perhaps any happier
Than they were when she uttered simply, 'Yes'?

Prayer of the Atheos

I wished it,
And it was.
The disease became God.
Choosing destiny
As my path,
My dungeon's facade,
Thus replacing one
As procurer of my fate.
How long before I bid
On Hell's vast estate?
I would wish no more
Save one meager plea,

'Let his poisoned peculiar
Yet rot inside me!'


Extract from me what you will
My will, if you desire
For you own me, Master
Lord, Almighty Sire

Allow me, grant me
Granted, I'm undeserving
Yet I thirst to drink
To think I'm still learning

With each painful reminder
Remind me, Sir
With your guidance, my former self
Is slowly becoming a blur

The Seventh Month

My seasons have merged
in a dry river bed
under his skin
beneath the ground
beyond the horizon
upon a landscape
reachable not by foot
or sky or sea
but within the folds
of the soul's passport...

Sifting Through

There is no greater pain,
Yet not having experienced any such as this would surely make it so.

A dry pain,
She calls it.
No tears to soften her features, no liquor to dull this searing revelation of self.

Aware, awake,
Attempting to book a flight
Back to 10pm....when none of this mattered.

A Sop's Fable

Once upon a twisted existence
Subsisted a pathetic pawn,
A puppet clasped in the claws of Hades
Not the hands of Avalon.

Manipulated under the guise
Of an innocent emotion
Who dared to succumb, naively led,
To a lord with the nectar potion.

Teased and raped by fickle fingers,
A troubling sight for eyes.
Once upon the final act,
The curtains did not rise.

Left for naught nor righteous reason;
Tis the time to ponder.
Tangled strings and broken dreams
Fare not in blessed's yonder.

Sydney Awaits

The first day of the first month of the best of her life,
She'll have already packed and stacked the rest;
Turned the hands of time, watched it fly;
Carefully wrapped and stamped Cupid.
She arrived long before the final boarding call
To somewhere once too far away,
Typically refusing one last look behind.

Tea & Suicide

One would think
I'd have learned my lesson by now
to sip, not speak
to listen, not choke
watching your lips discard me

Spoon's tempo consistent
I accept a lump or two
to appease, to please
today will be the last until....

Forgive my manners
I seem to have lost them
somewhere between lust and sympathy
spilling life across your tapestried womb

My essence blends well
given the sheen
of your well-travelled bosom
I've soiled your thoughts
alas, a momentary interruption

Thus Love

I feel as though I'm being plunged
into profundity once again...
my heart is screaming, silent to most,
excrutiatingly loud to mine own ears...

these extremes rocket me
into the heights of Elysium,
fling me into the depths of Gehenna...
without you, there would be nothingness...
I would be mere matter,
perhaps existing...perhaps not....

absorbing life's enormities and simplicities
while absorbing the sun and wind and fog
through my pores...
I would wish to hear
the sound of my own breathing...

I am left with my dark thoughts,
and my tears are not good company...
the spirits complement my mood,
the enormity of my feelings...

christ, am I being tested?
for I will surely fail,
but not for lack of studying,
absorbing every angle...

my will is nonexistent
when my thoughts are of you,
which is every waking moment...
and in sleep, you smother my dreams,
except when my subconscious mind

it is a survival instinct, I suppose...
for if I were to think of you
within and without every moment,
I would surely go mad with desire...longing...

Thus love...


If, by chance, a lesser man
Had cross'd my fated path to stand
Before me...spoken words less grand

Yet, if by a sweeten'd phrase,
A nimble kiss, syncopic haze,
I'd been spared lost yonder days

I would not have known thy face,
Foreign, then, as thine embrace,
Lips mine own dared dream to taste

Thy gaze, as yet, 'twould not have turn'd;
Others 'fore, cross'd and spurn'd;
This bridge, alas, I will not burn


I've come to the conclusion
that his claret once coursed
through my veins such that
it does this very moment.

With each gentle exhalation,
exhaltation remains tangled
amongst the red tape,
raped as we have been by trust.

Slumbering encumbrances
threaten to dismantle
our hearts' haven...
let us not allow the awakening.
Contemplative paths prevail
as my soul wanders
amidst the abyss of his
promised kiss.....

What Boundaries

A refugee pawned,
what price would she garner
within another's arms?

Would she fetch forever,
gutted and skinned,
a writhing soul as yet intact?

Hobbyists muse,
pointing out flaws
upon the canvas,
a reproduction of a masterpiece.

Breathing Zim, a work in progress.

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*All poems are the sole property of B. Rudolph.*