by maven

STANDARD DISCLAIMER: ER and Law & Order belong to NBC and their lackeys.  It's a parody so I can't really say no disrespect meant but please believe that any disrespect was inspired by a sincere respect for ER and Law & Order.  No, really.


CONTINUITY DISCLAIMER: Well, up to Rampage on ER and the season ender on L&O.

EXPLANATION AND FURTHER DISCLAIMERS: Mindless babble based on mindless speculation and a little mindless wish fullfillment.  I don't own any of the characters.  I'm still on a sugar high from Hallowe'en and hearing voices which are having the following conversation.


"Detective Munch.  What are you doing here?"

"Little vacation.  Catch the Bulls, attend the Hysterics Treatment Symposium, get roped into a multiple homicide.  What about you?  I thought you were on your way to DC?"

"I was en route when I got the call."

"Chicago is en route from New York to Washington, DC?"

"Some guy named Sorkin did the tickets and, yeah, according to him it is.  What have we got?"

"Bit of a mess.  You want it in chronological order or body count?"

"Let's go chronological."

"Okay.  We start with a dead guy named Fossen."

"Which one is he?"

"He ain't in there.  Died about two months ago.  Killed about 19 people before a concerned citizen took him down.  Died here."

"Works for me.  Did they give the citizen a medal?"

"Nope because technically he didn't kill him.  A Dr. Mark Greene withheld medical treatment and Fossen died."

"Again, works for me and give him a medal.  Which one is Greene?"

"Bald guy."

"There are two of them."

"Taller one with the toe tag with #1 on it."


"Anyway, a few months later patients suddenly begin dying after surgery.  Usually old people."

"Does the Chicago PD have a suspect?"

"I redirect your attention to Dr. Mark Greene."

"Okay, so Greene pops a murderer which is a good.  Then he pops a bunch of old people, which is a bad.  Now he's dead.  Does the Chicago PD have a suspect?"

"See that other bald guy?  Toe tag #2?"


"Doctor Robert 'Rocket' Romano, chief of surgery."

"And Romano killed Greene because Greene was killing surgical patients and making his department look bad?"

"No, Romano killed Greene because Greene was killing Dr. Corday's patients.  Romano has a thing for her."

"Do you have any Tylenol?"

"No, but this is a hospital so I imagine they have the good stuff somewhere."

"Okay, who is Corday?"

"Tall, curly hair, breast milk stained shirt."

"I see.  No, actually I don't.  Why did Greene only target Corday's patients?"

"They're married and have a four month old baby.  We don't have a pysch take on it but I think Greene had intimacy problems and was unable to deal with issues verbally and resorted to murdering his wife's patients so that she would get suspended and be able to stay home with the kid so that the baby doesn't grow up to be a snotty, rebellious, disobedient and sociopath in training like the daughter from the first marriage."

"You're joking?"


"And they wonder why I play for the team I do.  Do we have a psych consult yet?"

"Nope.  The hospital insists on calling in their own shrink."

"And the delay?"

"Flights out of San Francisco are delayed due to fog."

"Okay, any suspects on who killed Romano?"

"How many people do you count in that room?"

"Ummm, about a dozen."

"We have about a dozen prime suspects minus one."

"Minus one?  Which one?"

"Doctor Kerry Weaver.  Short, dead ferret on her head, crutch."

"And she isn't a suspect because?"

"Three excellent reasons.  One, everyone hates her.  Two, we think she hates everyone.  Three, she's a dy… namic lesbian."

"I see.  So your reasoning is that it can't be her because it's too obvious as well as politically incorrect."

"In a nutshell."

"Gimme the run down on the rest in there."

"Dr. Luka Kovacs, post traumatic stress, recently beat an attempted mugger to death.  Nurse Abby Lockhart, alcoholic, recently killed one of Kovac's fish after a bad breakup, Dr. John Carter, post traumatic stress and an addict, had a thing for Lockhart when she was involved with Kovac and now that she's free has a thing for Dr. Susan Lewis.  Dr. Susan Lewis recently returned from five years in Arizona who had a thing for Dr. Greene.  Dr. Peter Benton, again, history of violence and use to be involved with Corday and is currently involved with Dr. Cleo Finch.  We think.  Anyway, ummm.  I lost track."

"The cute one with the bare midriff and barbed wire tattoo?"

"Randi something starting with F.  She and Weaver are the only ones who haven't slept with at least one person in that room.  Unless it's each other.  Which, you know, would be really ho…"

"Damn it, Munch, is this a homicide investigation or Peyton's Place?"

"You want my professional opinion?"

"Never mind.  Any suspects outside of this room?"

"I took the liberty of compiling a list of disgruntled former employees and patients who may have had a beef with Romano.  Here you go."


"Yes, Counsellor?"

"This is the Chicago phone book."

"Pretty much."

"Okay, you know what I think?"

"What do you think?"

"That if this was Scotland the verdict would come back Not Proven."

"Meaning innocent and don't do it again?"

"Exactly.  Besides, there are at least three interlinked love triangles so they're going to suffer enough.  So let's chock this one up to justifiable homicide and you can go catch that Bulls game.  I'm heading back to the hotel before my flight to DC tomorrow."

"So they're free to go?"

"Yes.  NO!  Umm, the one with the tattoo and the one with the crutch?  I think I should question them some more."

"Think you'll get anywhere with them?"

"Oh, yes."


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