Fan Art
So, this is where I am going to put all and any fan art that is sent to me.  Okay, so I don't really have anything yet but give me a break my site hasn't been opened THAT long! If you do have anything you can send me to put up here I would love you forever and ever!  Send it to and I will most definitley put it up here!  I sort of just took things that were sent out on the Max Pack...if people have problems with that let me know and I will take them down.  Unless otherwise noted the art is done by me.  Feel free to use anything that I made but preferably link it back here.
Done by Bonbon from the Max Pack.
Done by Corky from the Max Pack
Done by Link from the Max Pack.
Many Faces of Max Casella Collage
Many Faces of Racetrack Higgins Collage
E-Mailed to me by Jesska. Thanks Jesska! :)
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