Roleplay #: One [01] - Record (W-T-L): 05 - 02 - 04 - Next Match: [Vs] Christian
eHw Achievements: Joined eHw, Won at Cyberslam, Leader of Rabid Liferz, Manages eHw Deathmatch Champion!
eHw Suicide just happened and John Cena defeated Sting in an Old School Scaffold Match for the eHw Deathmatch Title in Cena's Hometown of Boston, Massachussets by: Sting and Cena carefully make their way towards each other, but as Cena goes to punch Sting, Sting quickly side chops Cena on the right side of his neck. Cena falls back a few steps and drops down on his ass to avoid falling over a side of the scaffolding. Sting makes his way over towards Cena but when Sting bends down to pick Cena up Cena kicks Sting right in the face. Sting falls backwards and grabs onto one of the chains attached to the top of the arena to avoid falling over. Cena carefully gets up to his feet, he spins Sting around, and gives him a DDT. Cena tries to roll Sting over the side, but Sting is still next to the steel chain, and he grabs a hold of it to avoid spilling over. Cena gives up trying to push him after a few seconds and gets up to his feet. Sting starts to get up but Cena pulls him up by his top and attempts to give him a Spin Out Powerbomb but Sting rakes Cena’s eyes as he is up in the air and swings behind him. Sting lands and falls into the middle chain connecting to the top of the arena again to gain his balance. Cena crouches down and clutches his eyes. Sting turns to face Cena, picks him up to his feet by his hair, and sets him up for the Scorpion Death Drop but as he gets him bent back, Cena elbows Sting in his stomach several times until Sting drops Cena and favors his stomach. Cena carefully gets up to his feet as the scaffolding continues to lightly swing back and forth. Cena picks Sting up in a fireman’s carry and sets him up for the FU but Sting again rakes Cena’s eyes and gets down behind him. Sting bends Cena backwards and gives him the Scorpion Death Drop!! Sting slowly and carefully gets up to his feet to make sure he does fall off. Sting tries pulling Cena up to his feet, but Cena is dead weight. Sting sees that Cena has a cut on the back of his head after it smacked against the scaffold via the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting pulls Cena up so he is on his knees, then starts pushing him back but as he does Cena grabs Sting by his top and pulls him back and over the edge of the scaffold! Sting goes over the edge but grabs onto the edge of the wooden beams the scaffold is bolted to. Sting is over the edge of the scaffold and Cena believes he has won the match as he holds both his arms up in victory. Sting uses his vast upper body strength to pull himself up and grabs a hold of the near left support chain. Sting pulls himself back up on the scaffold as Cena is celebrating the victory he thinks he has. Cena is throwing up the W as Sting sneaks up behind him. Sting spins Cena around but when he spins around Cena bends down, picks Sting up in a fireman’s carry, and gives Sting the F-U over off the scaffold and crashing through over half a dozen tables and down to the ring!!!! John Cena wins!
Chris Benoit is seen looking through a empty Gym, the gym he trained in, The Dungeon.
~The Rabid Wolverine~ Chris ~The Canadian Crippler~ Benoit: You know, this is where it all started. The Dungeon. The place where Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Me, Chris Benoit were trained. Now, there's only one reason why I came back to the eHw.... That is to achieve what should be mine! I did it in WCW, ECW, and WWE and I can do it again in the eHw! Do you know what that is? That is to grab what is rightfuly mine, the eHw World Deathmatch Championship! And I know, John Cena has it, but if you remember correctly, HARDCORE HOLLY, lost that Triple Threat Match to the Sandman. HE got pinned 1, 2, 3! So, John Cena, if you ever lose it, it's mine! And, considering you won't, THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP IS MINE! Now, you all know, The Sandman, Scott Steiner and I are all VERY close friends, so again, not my title because of Sandman's Title Shot.... YET! What is my title? Well, since Shelton and I are title free, ETF WATCH OUT! Now, on a more important note, why am I here in The Dungeon? Well, seeing as my very close friends, Stu and Owen Hart, are both dead....
The crowd at the House Show and Chris Benoit both take a moment to remember the great Owen and Stu Hart.
~The Rabid Wolverine~ Chris ~The Canadian Crippler~ Benoit: Rest in Peace Owen and Stu Hart, you'll be with us forever! Now, I'm here to see and remember True Legends. Remembering the hard work, sweat, blood, and tears, just Stu Hart pounding us, telling us and teaching us how to be the best! And, this friday, at Friday Fury in the America's Capital, Washington D.C., I will prove I am the best when I make Christian Tap to the Cripplers CrossFace! I used to be close friends with Christian in a one time stint here in the eHw, but now, we are enemies! All I've heard lately is "Oh Christian is the best! He's beaten Kevin Nash AND Dean Malenko!" Blah, blah, blah! Just because I lost to Kevin Nash, and I was in a Stable with Dean Malenko, a little something called The Radicalz.
The crowd explodes as The Radicalz are mentioned but Chris Benoit keeps on talking.
~The Rabid Wolverine~ Chris ~The Canadian Crippler~ Benoit: You know, the "Peepulation," might be "growing," but, NOTHING can stop Chris Benoit now! I've been training the past few months I've been away from the eHw! I've been back here in the Dungeon with Bret Hart, with Lance Storm, even with Arn Anderson and the newest Dungeon Trainee, Shelton Benjamin! So, Sting, I know that you're in that bad condition, and Christian, I know you have a little bit of a streak, but both of you, are going to tap! Christian, you are the Unlucky one! Because, I have'nt been in the ring for a little while, and you will be the person I take out my frustration and pain on after that Loss to Kevin Nash sidelined me for a few months, but even when injured, as I said before, I TRAINED TO BE THE BEST ONCE AGAIN! Ever since I won an Epic Triple Threat Match against HBK and Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship of the World, I have become greater than ever! I have held the World Title in ECW, WWE, AND wCw! I've made the best Tap! Kane, Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, everyone I've faced, has tapped! So, Christian, don't expect yourself to be any different! So get ready for the pain, because Struggle is Optional, but Pain is Inevitable!
The screne fades into a commercial as Benoit stares around once again.
Chris Benoit: Hard Knocks DVD
John Cena's GREATEST F-U's DVD
Arn Anderson's DVD: The Living Legend
The scene opens ups when "Basic Thuganomics" by John Cena hits and, the NEW Deathmatch Champion, The Doctor of Thuganomics, John Cena makes his way down to the ring and grabs a mic and begins to speak to the Michigan Crowd.
~The NEW eHw Deathmatch Champion~ John ~Word Life~ Cena: Yo, yo, yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, YO! What up East Lansing, MICHIGAN?! Yo, yo, chill, chill, chill! Man, last wednesday in Boston, Mass, just like the Red Sox and Wolverines, I kicked some ass! Man, Sting said I jipped him out of a victory, while he could barely breathe, just like Michigan State, I got some late game shit waitin' up my sleeve! Ya'll know, THE CHAMP IS HERE! And, Christian, for you the end is near! Man, you see this belt around my waist? Christian, you just like Sting, you NEVER gonna have a taste! And ya'll just saw, Chris Benoit down in the place, it's called The Dungeon, because it's hell, just like the face paint all over Sting's Face! So Sting, hell nah you ain't gettin a sudden rematch! All you are is a dude who needed to be scratched! From the Card that is, cuz' I DOMINATED you, I got you skinnier in that match than work from Stacker 2! So, this year, is the Year of the Cena! Sting and Christian suck at wrestlin' cuz' they movin' like a senia! So now that The Docta is eHw Deathmatch Champ, the only thing you be grabbin' from me, is a really big cramp! Dude, I heard Sting sayin' he want a do ova! Man, only thing that need to be Re-Done, is him back in a Baby Stroller! Instead of "Aww he's so cute," you'll hear "What the hell happened to you?!" And tonight I'm introducin' to you someone you thought was'nt here, but now you gonna scream his name when me and him are near! So East Lansing, Throw Up the W's, because I'd like to here a warm Re-Welcome to the eHw! But the Re-Welcome, it ai'nt for me, it's for a boy from Canada, my dude, CB!
"Whatever" by Our Lady Peace hit's and Chris Benoit makes his way down to the ring.
~The Rabid Wolverine~ Chris ~The Canadian Crippler~ Benoit: John, thank you. Now, The Rabid Liferz are here to DOMINATE, the eHw! And John Cena has already started that! He stepped onto the Scaffold and lifted Sting up onto his shoulders! Then he F-U'd him down through some tables and nearly broke his back! And now I see in the main event of eHw Friday Fury, a guy who lost his title match, and loser who tapped out to me many times! Twice here in the eHw even! Kane and Randy Orton! Why does'nt the new eHw Deathmatch Champion have a match? Huh? Well, since I have to take on Christian, than, I guess I'll have to prove I deserve to be in the Main Event against Al Snow! But all of the critics can tell me, "Chris, you're not good enough! You can't even beat Christian! Watch out for Trish!" You know what that all is to me? Motivation! And...
~The NEW eHw Deathmatch Champion~ John ~Word Life~ Cena: Whoa! Chris! That reminds me, since Trish is there at ringside with that punk ass Christian, who you gonna bring? Not that you need anyone, I'm just sayin'....
~The Rabid Wolverine~ Chris ~The Canadian Crippler~ Benoit: John, you know who's coming with me? One of the men who we celebrated your eHw Deathmatch Championship Win with! Not Shelton, no, Torrie's a woman, not Sable, not You, John Cena, but it is..... Arn Anderson! The Living Legends are a part of The Rabid Liferz, that's me and Arn, and the Thuganomers are apart, You, Torrie and Shelton, so, John, just don't doubt me! And for Shelton, next week I hope he does get his eHw Debut! I mean, I'm coming back this week, John got his two matches, a rematch after he got cheated out of a win even! And Christian, if you try to use the ropes it won't matter! Because, well, if you accept this and not be a pussy it won't matter, I want to preview the Clockwork Orange House of Fun Cage Submissions Match! That match is between Sting and I if you don't remember. And Christian you my friend, well, you're not really my friend, but, you will understand, the true meaning of pain! Now, get ready to TAP OUT!
"Whatever" by Our Lady Peace hits again and Chris Benoit and John Cena exit the ring.
Chris Benoit's Return Match:
The scene comes back and Shelton Benjamin is seen posing for a Photo Shoot.
~The Upset Kid~ Shelton ~Beat Triple H 4 Times~ Benjamin: Hey! If it is'nt eHw. Ya know, I've been thinking, maybe I was wrong, maybe I'm not the upset kid, maybe I'm not the upset kid for the reason of... I'm expected to win now! But, no, Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton, Ric Flair and the rest of the bunch, who I've beaten, all have different opinions on that! So I say, yeah, you're right, I am an upset in almost every win I get, BUT, I do win don't I? I mean, seeing John Cena win that eHw Deathmatch Title, it inspired me! F-Uing Sting 25 FEET DOWN, crashing onto tables, nearly breaking his back, that was pretty funny, and inspiring! Now, the main point of me being here, is, The Rabid Liferz. Being the upset kid, I do like landing that Stinger Splash, and than getting a Roll Up, or hitting a T-Bone Suplex and getting the 1, 2, 3, BUT, yet again, there is a but. I enjoy it more when my opponents receive... The Shell Shocka! And now that I think about it, I don't need The Rabid Liferz to win! But, they need me! So, since I do owe Chris Benoit.... Wait a second, I don't owe Chris Benoit shit! So, why does'nt Shelton Benjamin go solo? I'll tell you why, because John Cena has the Deathmatch Championship around his waste! AND, John Cena is my only shot at Tag Team Gold! But, Chris Benoit, He's Un-Needed!
Just then Shelton Benjamin exits his photo shoot, grabs a pair of his wrestling clothes, and heads for the ring. Shelton gets into the ring and grabs a mic.
~The Upset Kid~ Shelton ~Beat Triple H 4 Times~ Benjamin: Chris Benoit! I think we need to talk! I have the most potential in all of the eHw, and you are just bringing me down, so Chris, GET OUT HERE!
Just then Chris Benoit gets into the ring with a pissed off look on his face.
~The Upset Kid~ Shelton ~Beat Triple H 4 Times~ Benjamin: You know what Chris, Thank you!
~Doofy as Hell~ Joel Gershner: What? Thank you? I thought this all was going to end? Now, Shelton Benjamin, just, wow!
Just then Shelton Benjamin and Chris Benoit hug and shake hands, but something is shown on the screne that distracts Chris Benoit and he begins to run backstage, but when he get's backstage it says "Just a Lie." Than, out of no where a Masked Man kicks Shelton Benjamin in the back of the head! The man takes off his mask, it's Charlie Haas! Haas is about to nail him with a Belly to Belly Suplex when Benoit runs back down to the ring and nails him with chops and punches! Benjamin than gets up and NAILS a Shell Shocka on Haas as Benoit and Benjamin clear the ring holding eachothers arms up while Cena comes down to raise there arms as well!
Benjamin grabs a mic and begins to speak.
~The Upset Kid~ Shelton ~Beat Triple H 4 Times~ Benjamin: Charlie! We did'nt have success in eHw together, so I broke it off, you and mine's friendship, is now over! You wanna attack me! OKAY DO IT WHEN I'M LOOKING! And Triple H, I've beaten you in the WWE, and since Chris has his match with Sting at the next Pay-Per-View, and a Match on Fury, what do you say I make it so Shelton Benjamin is 5-0 against Triple H at the Next show?!Because, Trips, Charlie, THERE AIN'T NO STOPPIN ME YO!
"THERE AIN'T NO STOPPIN ME, YO!" Hit's and Benjamin, Cena, and Benoit all make there way backstage.
While backstage, Todd Grisham catches up with them and asks Shelton Benjamin....
~Asks to Many Questions~ Todd Grisham: Shelton! Is it true about what you just said?! You're challenging Triple H to a match?!
~The Upset Kid~ Shelton ~Beat Triple H 4 Times~ Benjamin: No, no, that's not true. Sorry, I'm Challenging Triple H to a Stairway To Hell Match! So, Trips, think about it ass hole!
~The Rabid Wolverine~ Chris ~The Canadian Crippler~ Benoit: And You! Todd, stop asking such stupid questions! Of course he's challenging him, and of course he's going to beat him! He's never had a match like this, Triple H has, but! Shelton is the Upset Kid! And this whole thing of him hating us, that was a joke! We wanted to finsih saying, all of you who think you can tear us apart, you're wrong! We are the most Physically Intense Superstars in the eHw! Actually, in the world! John's had an Intense Old School Scaffold Match, I've Had Two Bed of Weapon Mathces, and now the Clockwork Orange House of Fun Cage Submissions Match! And Shelton here, he's now having a Born to be Wired Match! And now Shelton has a Stairway To Hell Match! But, Shelton, not even we know this, what's at the top of that Ladder?
~The Upset Kid~ Shelton ~Beat Triple H 4 Times~ Benjamin: Oh, yeah, Trips, since I got to chose the Match Type, I picked a Weapon that you will love! A Sledgehammer Covered in Electric Razor Wire! So, see ya there Trips! OH YEAH! And don't forget! I've told you a few times already, THERE AIN'T NO STOPPIN' ME YO!
~The Rabid Wolverine~ Chris ~The Canadian Crippler~ Benoit: Heh, and Sting, me and you have a match after I demolish Christian, so, Sting, since you are whining about it being One to One in your series with Cena, why don't you accept this. Since we already have our match, our match will be for The Deathmatch Championship! If I win, Cena retains either keeping it or giving it to me, if I lose, you get it! Now, Struggle is Optional, Pain is Inevitable, GET IT?!
Tapped Out: WGTT, Evolution (Batista, Flair, Orton) (X4), Mike Awesome, Christian??