Catherine's grave
Catherine Nelms (nee Purcell ) 1824-1911 is buried in the New Ballarat Cemetery with her grandchildren Eliza Esther Nelms(1879-1880) and Mary Ann Nelms (1879-1880). Her grave is not marked so I took a number of photos of surrounding headstones. With the aid of a mobile phone and an excellent system at the Old Ballarat Cemetery I was able to locate her plot.

On arriving to the cemetery I actually felt quite strange this is a person I have never met but I felt quite sad. Do I buy flowers ? How do you grieve for someone who died well before you were born ?

I have arranged the pictures so they roughly resemble how they are at the cemetery. Where I could read information from photos of other headstones I have included below.
In Loving meonory of John Taafe died 7th Feb 1898 also his beloved wife Bridget died 11th May 1936 and their loved daughter Annie died 6th Dec 1933
(gravestone behind Catherine's and 1 to the right).
Block A Roman Catholic Section.
Thomas Ballard photo a little difficult to read can make out more details at actual cemetery(gravestone to the left of Catherines).
This gravestone was erected by Patrick in memory of his brother Thomas Harrison(gravestone to the right of Catherines).
Catherine Eliza and Mary's plot
View from plot
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