Join us in the Noah Chat room of the Virtual Yeshiva.


3:00 pm EST, "B'nai No'ach Study Group," Professor Vendyl Jones leads a live a presentation reflecting on the Seven Laws which comprise the Noahide Covenant, a part of the 613 laws given at Mount Sinai to the Jewish people, in the "Noah Chat" Room. 3 hours.


8:00 pm EST [STARTING DEC. 13!] "Counter-Missionary Education," Professor Uri Yosef begins an important series of weekly lectures and discussions arming Jews and Noachides with Torah knowledge to respond to missionary lies and distortions, in the "Noah Chat" Room. 2 hours.


8:00 pm EST, "Biblical Archeology and the Laws of the Nations," Professor Vendyl Jones' discussion of geography, history, linguistics and hermeneutical principles of interpretation of the Biblical Laws of Noah, in the "Noah Chat" Room. 1 hour.

9:00 pm EST, "Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach," Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver delves into the age-old Noahide Code according to traditional Talmudic, Kabbalistic, and Chasidic teachings, in the "Noah Chat" Room. 1 hour.


9:00 pm EST, "Spirituality for the Nations," Miriam Ben-Yaakov of the Vendyl Jones Research Institute leads an interactive teaching on the origins of Jewish Spirituality and its application to the B'nai No'ach community, in the "Noah Chat" Room. 1 hour.

10:00 pm EST [NEW PROGRAM!] "The Gan Eden Project," Singer, songwriter, and musician, M'eirah presents a spiritual journey through Tanach set to acoustic guitar and a wide range of instuments like citerns, citars, and tablas... a beautiful blend of east and west, in the Noah Chat" Room. 1 hour.

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Meet the teachers
Prof. Vendyl Jones, founder of VJRI, has been lecturing on Biblical archaeology and Torah to B'nai Noach for most of his life. Be sure to read the exciting story of his quest for the treasures of the Tabernacle in the book: Door of Hope
More about Vendyl

Miriam Ben-Yaacov is presently living in Texas, where she is working with VJRI. She has been writing and teaching Torah for many years. You can read some of her works on Lest I Forget Thee. Miriam has also done energy work as a healer in Israel.
More about Miriam


Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver studied in Yeshiva Gedola, Melbourne, Austalia; Yeshiva of Tzfat, Israel; Yeshiva Gedola of Sydney, Austalia; Central Yeshiva of 770 Eastern Parkway, New York. He received Rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Yehuda Yeruslavski of Nachlas Har Chabad, Israel.

  Professor Uri Yosef was born, raised, and educated in Israel, and completed his higher education (Ph.D. and M.B.A.) in the US. A researcher, scholar, and former tenured professor, Uri speaks at various Jewish venues about the efforts to counter Christian missionary groups. Uri's background in languages includes: Hebrew (native tongue), English, German, and Yiddish on a fluent level; Arabic, Aramaic, Portuguese, and Spanish, and ASL (American Sign Language) at various levels of proficiency.


Miriam Ben-Yaacov

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