
1631 - Plymouth Colony established a trading post - Jonathan Brewster

1632 Fall - Edward Winslow - explores the Connecticut Valley and builds a fort and trading post.

1634 - 1635 - John Oldham lead a party to winter at what is now Wethersfield.

Lt. William Holmes establishes a trading post at Windsor on lands claimed by Plymouth Colony.

1635 - West Country people from Dorchester, Massachusetts move to Windsor [first named Dorchester]

1635 July - group lead by Lord Saye and Sele claim rights to the region. Authorize John Winthrop the younger to control the mouth of the Connecticut River.

1636 March - Winthrops authority is accepted by settlers.

1636 May - Rev. Thomas Hooker and settlers reach Hartford.

1638 May - In a sermon he declares that authority rested upon the free consent of the people.

1638 - John Haynes and Roger Ludlow found Fairfield, Connecticut. They also believe as Rev. Thomas Hooker.

1639 January - Fundamental Orders are adopted by Hartford, Windsor and Wethersfield.


New Haven

1636 - Rev. John Davenport, Theophilus Eaton and others establish a colony and trading post at New Haven.

1641 - Stamford was established

1643 - Guilford and Milford joined the New Haven Colony.

1643 November - a General Court was established, two deputies from the four towns.

They made Mosaic law the basis of their legal system.


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