

 Plymouth Company -

First expdition of 1606 - capturd by the Spanish in the West Indies.

1607, August. - Sir John Popham - second expedition exploring the coast of Maine.

1607 - Sir Ferdinando Gorges -

Ships: "Gift of God" - under George Popham

"Mary and John" - under Raleigh Gilbert.

Landed in Maine and erected a fort.

Colony failed.

Sir John Popham (son) sent fishing and trading expeditions.

1614 - Captain John Smith explores the New England coast.

Published - " A Description of New England", giving the area the name.

Richard Vines - wintered at the mouth of the Saco River - reported rich cod fishing.

1620 - Charter from King James I to Plymouth Company.

 Plymouth Colony:

1619 - Patent from the Virginia company - negotiated by the Pilgrims who had settled in Leyden, Holland.

Gained and important concession from King James I. - He would not interfere with their religious practices.

Group Leaders -

Pastor John Robinson

William Brewster

Company -

Thomas Weston - ironmonger

John Pierce - clothmaker

Three groups - controlled all capital and profits for seven years, then to be divided.

70 adventurers in England - 10pounds/ share

Adventurer - planters - 2 shares/ 10 pounds for their settling.

Planters - 1 share for their labor.

Plymouth - 25 Dec. 1620

Deacon John Carver - First Govenor.

Half the Pilgrims died in the first four months.

1621 Spring - Squanto and Samoset taught the pilgrims to grow corn.

Thanksgiving - celebrated after the harvest of 1621.

Virginia massacre 1622 - Pilgrims militarize the colony - leader Captain Miles Standish.

William Bradford - second Govenor.

Kept a journal - published "Of Plymouth Plantation"

1621, June - Second patent from the Council for New England. [gave title to land jointly for adventurers and planters. 100 acres per person transported and 1500 acres for public use, annual rent 2 shillings/ 100 acres.

1623 - colony abandoned its communal economy.

November 15, 1626 - London investors bought out.

Two trading posts established near Plymouth

1630 January - New Plymouth Patent.

1636 - Code Great Fundamentals - established the General Court. [two deputies from each town elected by the freemen, a Govenor and his assistants.

1691 - Absorbed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Council for New England -

1622 August - John Mason and Sir Ferdinando Gorges receive patent to all lands between Merrimack and Kennebec.

1622 - David Thompson and Christopher Levett receive grant of 6000 acres.

1623 -1624 - John Oldham and Richard Vines settlement on southside of Saco River.

1629 - John Mason and Sir Ferdinando Gorges divide their joint holdings. They are given trading rights to an area as far as Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence.

1631 - Sir Ferdinando Gorges receive grant of 24,000 acres on the York River (Agamenticus)


 Dorchester Company

Formed by Rev. John White of Dorchester, England.


1624 - 1626 - Cape Ann (Gloucester) venture failed but settlers remained.


New England Company

1628 March 19 - formed by Rev. John White of Dorchester.

Patent of land - three miles north of Merrimack river to three miles south of the Charles river.

90 members - 6 from the Dorchester Company.

1628 September - John Endecott arrives with colonists, first govenor until 1630. (Salem)

Massachusetts Bay Company

1629 March - royal charter. [Note: charter did not say where annual meeting to be held. The government was transferred to New England. The government was made into a self-governing commonwealth.]

Salem - the church was formed along separatist and two freemen expelled for conforming to the Anglican.


1. 1630 March 20 - Ship "Mary and John" - Dorchester, Massachusetts.

2. 1630 March - Winthrop Fleet.

Four Ships -

Arabella - Ship the John Winthrop arrives on.

3. 1630 April - Winthrop Fleet.

Seven Ships -

Civil Government -

First limited to shareholders later to include Freemen [ adult males who were members of the Puritan Church, which violated the charter]

Freemen elected deputies to the 18 member General Court

General Court elected the Governor and Deputy Governor

Deputies and assistants sat in a single house.

1644 - change to Court of Assistants and House of Deputies.

1631 - Roger Williams arrives

Pastor of Salem Church

He attacked:

the validity of the charter

questioned the right of civil authorities to legislate matters of conscience.

Urged the Salem Church to separate from the others.

All Puritan churches to separate from the Church of England.

He believed:

The church should be free of state control.

Opposed compulsory church service.

Opposed interference with private religious beliefs.

All religious beliefs deserved equal respect.

1635 September - Roger Williams banished. In the spring he went south to Providence.

1633 - Thomas Morton and Sir Fernando Gorges tried to have the Charter revoked.

1635 May - Lord Commissioners for the Plantations in General - ordered its recall because it had been questionably obtained and exceeded it's authority.

1638 April - Winthrop ignored the council's order.

1638 April - John Wheelwright established the town of Exeter.

1639 July - Exeter Compact.

1640 - Maine - Sir Ferdinando Gorges -

Governed through his cousnin Thomas Gorges and a provincial court.

1640 June Provincial court established at York.

1651 - Massachusetts claims that Maine was included in its boudaries.

Massachusetts absorbs Maine.

1641 - Portsmouth and Dover concede to the authority of Massachusetts.

1642 - Hampton, 1643 - Exeter.

1641 December - Body of Liberties, drawn up by Nathaniel Ward.

[Note - published in England as " An Abstract of the Laws of New England"]

1646 November - Robert Child and others complained that the colony discriminated against non-puritans, in violation of English Law.

1648 - General Court adopted a more extensive code.

1652 June - General Court began to mint its own coins in defiance of Parliment.

1652 October General Court declared itself and independent commonwealth.

1660 August 7 - Accepted the ascension of King Charles II.

King's Commissioners:

Sent to:

Investigate the colonial government.

Settle all boundary disputes between colonies

Secure enforcement of the Navigation Acts

Colonists four requirements:

All householders must swear allegiance to the crown.

All men of competent estate must be freemen.

All orthodox believers must be admitted to the existing churches or churches of their choosing.

All laws derogatory to the crown must be removed.

Massachusetts did not comply, the commissioners advised that the charter should be revoked

1666 Massachusetts refused to send representative to England to answer the charges.

1665 Oct - 1668 May - Commissioners set up government in Maine.

1668 July - Special Convention at York recognized the claim of Massachusetts. Three Maine deputies were seated in the Massachusetts General Court.

1674 June Duke of York's Claim - a patent issued to the Duke recognized his title to lands between the Connecticut and Delaware Rivers and the St. Croix and Kennebec in Maine.

Sir Edmund Andros designated Governor General by the Duke of York.

1685 - King James II, nullified almost all Royal Charters - [documents granted by previous Kings that defined the geographical borders of each colony] and created the Dominion of New England, under the authority of Sir Edmund Andros, governor general.
Andros alienated everyone imposing unjustified taxes, forbidding all town meetings, commandeering churches for his own Anglican services and censoring the publication of all printed material.
1689 - a taxpayer revolt against Andros resulted in him being thrown in jail, and colonial agents were negotiating new charters with King William of Orange.





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