

1576 - Sir Humphrey Gilbert - wrote that America was an island.

1578-1579 - He made a voyage to the New World .

1583 June - He returned to Newfoundland with five ships and 260 men but perished at sea in September.

Sir Walter Raleigh - Sir Gilbert's half brother, received the renewal of the Gilbert patent.

Sir Walter Raleigh sailed to the New World

Ships commanded by -

Sir Richard Grenville

Ralph Lane

They searched the North America mainland and called it Virginia.

Landed on Roanoke Island.

1585 April - colonizing party - Ralph Lane was left in charge.

1586 June - Colonists abandon the colony returning to England with Sir Francis Drake.

Sir Richard Grenville returned with supplies and found the colonly abandoned - he leaves 15 men.

1587 July - John White expedition arrives and finds no survivors. He leaves more colonists.

18 August 1587 - John White's grandaughter, Virginia Dare is born. [First child born in the new world]

August - John White returns to England.

1590 August - John White returns to find no trace of the colonist.

Letter CRO carved in a tree and CROANOAN carved in a doorpost.

1602 March expedition mounted to search for surviviors. None ever found.

1605 March - 1606 July - George Weymout searches for territory for colonization of English Catholics.

Two groups of merchants for a patent - granted April, 1606.

Virginia Companies: [ a company received all lands 50 miles north and south of the first settlement and 100 miles inland.].

London Company -

3 ships

105 settlers

Settled around Jamestown - April, 1607

Plymouth Company - landed 100 men in Maine - August, 1607,

It was later abandoned.

Jamestown -

Captain Christopher Newport - returned twice from London with supplies in 1608.

Colony reduced to 32.

Sept. 1608 - Captain John Smith elected President.

"He who shall not work shall not eat"

June, 1609 - New charter - extended the boundaries from sea to sea and 200 miles North and South of Old Point Comfort.

No import or export duties charged on goods to the New World.

Settlers promised land after working for company up to seven years.

October, 1609 - Captain John Smith returns to London.

1610 - Colony reduced to 60 survivors.

June, 1610 - Thomas Lord De La Warr - arrives.

May, 1611 - Sir Thomas Dale assumes control.

Dale Code - severe penalties for internal disorder.

Construction of a fort at Henrico [50 miles from Jamestown] begins.

Aug, 1611 - 1614 - Sir Thomas Gates completes fort at Henrico.

March, 1612 - Third Charter

Bermuda comes under company control.

1612 John Rolfe - introduced - West Indian Tobacco as a profitable crop.

1614 - March - First shipment of tobacco.

1616 - John Rolfe married Pocohontas.

1614- April, 1616 - Sir Thomas Dale - govenor.

1616-1617 - George Yeardley acting govenor.

1617 - Nov. 1618 - Sir Samuel Argall misruled as Deputy Govenor.

1618 - Sir Edwin Sandys, Earl of Southampton gains control of the company. He was a Puritan .

1619- April - George Yeardley - Govenor

1619 - Harsh Legal Code repealed

Settlers allowed the Rights of Englishmen.

Representative Assembly

General Assemby -

22 burgesses [2 from each town, hundred or plantation]

September 14 - August, 1619 - Govenor and Council met in Jamestown church. First Colonial Legislature.

New Headright system - any investor who bought a share for 12 1/2 shillings, or went to Virginia colony received 50 acres of land.

90 women sent to colony. [ Payment for a wife was her passage - app. 125 pounds of tobacco.

Dutch Man of War - left 20 black indentured servants.

1621 -1624 - Sir Frances Wyatt govenor.

May 24, 1624 - Charter revoked.

NOTE: Indentured Servants - The one paying for the passage received land, the one who migrated worked for a specified number of years [5-7]

1624 King James I - Appointed Sir Frances Wyatt govenor

1626 - March - George Yeardley govenor.

November, 1627 - March, 1629 - Francis West

1629 - 1639 - John Harvey

1639 - 1641 - Sir Frances Wyatt

1642 - 1652 - Sir William Berkely

January 1649 - declared allegiance to the Stuarts after the death of King Charles I and became a refuge for Cavaliers fleeing England.

October 1650 - Parliament instituted a blockade of Virginia. Two armed vessels were sent.

March 2652 - Virginia submitted to Parliment.

1652 - Burgesses chose Richard Bennett - govenor.

---- - 1659 -Samuel Matthews - govenor

1660 - Burgesses control Virginia

1660 - March - Sir William Berkely - royalist - elected govenor.

Commissioned by King Charles II at the Restoration.


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