The ancestry of Rev. John Warham. This ancestry was compiled by Judy Osborn of St. Petersburg, Florida, who located and transcribed about twenty early English wills of Warhams and related families, the 1623 and 1677 Visitations of Dorset, parish registers of Crewkerne, Somerset and Maiden Newton, Dorset and an article by Professor William W. Rockwell in the Tercentenary Of The First Church Of Windsor (Conn.), 1930, p. 67-72.

I. Richard Warham - Born probably about 1475-1485. M. Thomasine _______. She m. 2) ______Keymer. He was mentioned as deceased in the 1572 will of his son, John Warham the elder, of Compton Vallence, Dorset. Richard Warham was buried in Compton Vallence. Richard may have had a brother Thomas Warham who may have been the Thomas Warham of Compton, Dorset, who was Fellow of New College, Oxford, 1514-1526. Died 1526. Richard may also have had either a son or brother, Ellis Warham who may have been the Ellis Warham of Compton, Dorset who was Fellow of New College, Oxford, 1521-5. Died 25 July 1548.


A. John Warham - See below.

B. Joan Warham - m. John Phillips.

II. John Warham the Elder - Of Compton Vallence, Dorset. Probably b.a. 1500-1510. His will dated 9 July 1572 (PCC - 26 DAPER), proven 1572. He married, Katherine (probably Soper) of Somerset, who survived him. Could she have been related to John Soper who held land at Poundisford, at Pitminster, Somerset, from 1534 to 1546, when he released it to William Hill, who built the present Poundisford Park Manor House? John Warham had a farm called Frome Billett. His will. lists his children and grandchildren and he left monies to the churches and poor of Compton Vallence, Frampton, Maiden Newton and Toller Porcorum.


A. Thomas Warham - See below.

B. Mary Warham - She received 100 hundred pounds in 1572 from her father's will. She probably married, William Strangman.

C. George Warham - Of Compton Abbas, Dorset, Somerset, He received a tenement. in Southover, Frampton, Dorset in 1572. His will, proved 1584 (PCC 15 WATSON). He married, Joanne ____, who was his executrix. He evidently died without issue. He named his father (deceased), brothers Edward and Thomas, William Strangman and his children, George Strangman, Sr., George Strangman, Jr., Henry Strangmen and William Strangman, children of George Warham's unnamed sister (Mary). He also left a lamb to Hughe Bucher and Anne Hennynge.

D. Robert Warham - He received 100 pounds from his father's will in 1572 and he left a 300 pounds legacy for his niece, Katherine Warham. No mention of a wife or issue. He was probably the Robert Warham of Compton Valence who was Fellow at New College, Oxford, 1551-8, B.A. 19 Feb. 1555/6.

E. Edward Warham - Of Osmyngton, Dorset. He married Phillipa Upham of Somerset, who died after 1601. [Note: A John Upham, (b. 1600), came to New England with Rev. Joseph Hull (friend of Rev. John Warham and brother of "Mary & John" passenger, George Hull), came in 1635 and settled in Weymouth, Mass.

(Savage). Edward's will written 6 June 1.601, proven Nov. 1601. (PCC - 80 - WOODHALL). Besides his children he names, cousin William Golsey, brother Thomas Hippesley, cousin Magdalin (Magdalen) of Crewkerne (niece), John Rocester of Ilminster, cousin Anthony Burley, cousin William Balche. [Note: There was a John Balch of Bridgewater, Somerset who went to Cape Ann in 1623, with Rev. John White's "Adventurers".]


1. John Warham - Born about 1563. He cared for his mother after his father's death (1601). He married Ann Monperson of Corton, Wilts, Wilts, [Note: where Roger Ludlow, of the "Mary & John", was born. Interestingly, Thomas Stoughton, of the "Mary & John", married a Elizabeth Montlpeson of Wiltshire about 1612). John Warham matriculated from St. Albans Hall, Oxford, 20 Mar. 1583/4. (age 20) and was admitted as a student of the Inner Temple in 1589 Student of Middle Temple, 1595, as son and heir of Edward Warham of Burtlon, Dorset.


a. Edward Warham - Born 1600, age 23 in 1623 Visitation. He matriculated from Wadham College, 8 May 1618 and received an M.A. from St. Edmund Hall, 9 Feb. 1620/21, and admitted a student of the Middle Temple in 1620. He attended Oxford about the same time as Rev. John Warham.

b. Phillipa Warham

c. Anne Warham

d. Katherine Warham

e. Francis Warham

f. Bridget Warham

g. Thomazine Warham

2. Robert Warham - He received al1 of his father's leases in Glastonbury, Somerset in 1601.

3. Edward Warham - Born about 1565. Of Ponnsknoll in 1637. He received 200 pounds from his father's estate in 1601. He was matriculated at St. Albans Hall, Oxford, 11 Oct. 1583, age 18. B.A. 4 Dec. 1587. M.A. 10 July 1590. He was probably the Edward Warham, M.A. who was rector of West Lydford in 1592, and of East. Lydford, 30 Nov. 1613, the patron being a clergyman named, Richard Creed.


a. Edward Warham - Matriculated from St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 30 June 1615.

4. Thomas Warham - Of Owermoygne, Dorset. He received 200 pounds from his father's estate in 1601. His will PCC 46 GOARE, 1637 has not been read.

5. Katherine Warham - She received a legacy of 300 pounds in 1601, from her uncle, Robert Warham. According to the 1623 Dorset Visitations. (p.74) she married Robert Napper of Bexington, Dorset. He was the son of William Napper of Puncknowle, Dorset, and Anne Shelton (dau. of William Shelton). [Note: West Bexington is at Swyre, Dorset, the home of John Holman, of the "Mary & John" 1630 . Robert Napper was an overseer of the will of John Hennynge, proved, 1611, husband of Dorothy Warham. Katherine Warham's father, Edward Warham (will proved 1601.), was the brother of Dorothy, so Dorothy (Warham) Hennynge was Katherine's aunt.


a. William Napper - b.1607

b. Andrew Napper

c. Robert Napper

d. Edward Napper

e. John Napper

f. Shelton Napper

g. Arundell Napper

h. Ann Napper

i. Katherine Napper

6. Jane Warham - Named in 1601 will of her father.

7. Katherine Warham - She received 100 pounds in 1572 in her father's will. According to the 1677 Dorset Visitations, p. 49, Sir Robert Naper of Moore Crichell, Dorset, was a knight, attended Oxford College, 1559-1566, Sheriff of Dorset in 1606 and his will was proved 15 Nov. 1615 (PCC 108 RUDD) (Not searched.). He married 1) Katherine Warham, dau. of John Warham of Compton Valence. He married (2) Magdalen Denton, who died, 1624. In 1615, the year his will was proven, he founded the Napper's Mite, a bell gabled almshouse on High East Street, in Dorchester, Dorset, which still stands today.

The 1623 Dorset Visitations list Sir Robert Naper of Morescrichell and Magdalyn Denton, who is called his second wife, but does not list, his first wife. Katherine may have died without children.

7. Agnes Warham - She married, ______Thurman, and she was alive in 1572.

8. Dorothy Warham - She married John Hennynge, who was High Sheriff of Dorset, 1610. They lived in Poxwell, Dorset. He was born about 1536, son of John Hennynge and Jane. His will proved 16 July 1611 (PCC - 74 WELDON). The overseers of his will were, "my special good friends", Sir George Trenchard, Sir John Browne, Sir John Williams, Knight, John Warham, Robert Napper, gent. and William Alberte.


a. Margaret Hennynge - Unmarried in 1572. She married, Thomas Lymster Alias Foxwell, son of Nicholas. Thomas' will dated 14 July 1586 and proved 19 Oct. 1586 by Nicholas Lyminster and proved second 10 Nov. 1592. She died by 14 July 1616.


i. Thomas Foxwell

ii. Dorothy Foxwell - m. ______James

b. Alice Hennynge - Unmarried in 1572. She married, William Talbot, gent., of Bradmayne, Dorset, son of William Talbot of same, and _____ Yeomans of London.


i. Edmond Talbot -

ii. William Talbot - B. 1591. M. Honor Tulse, dau. of William Tulse of Southampton County

iii. Alice Talbot - M. Edward Shaw of Brodwaye, Dorset.

iv. Anne Talbot - m. William Page of Charde

v. Edith Talbot - m. William Locke of Brockington, Somerset.

c. Roberte Hennynge - He inherited land called Crupton in Maiden Newton, from his father in 1616. He had two sons, names unknown.

d. Richard Hennynge, esq. - Of Poxwell, Dorset (1623). He married Jane Smith, dau. of George Smith of Motford, Devon.


i. Dorothy Hennynge

ii. Jane Hennynge

iii. Richard Hennynge - b.1615.

iv. Nicholas Hennynge - b. 1618.

v. Edmund Hennynge - b. 1620.

vi. John Hennynge - b. 1622.

e. Thomasine Hennynge - She married Edmond Dashwood of Dorchester (1616). [He was one of the financial supporters of Rev. John White, in the Cape Ann venture of 1623.] She inherited a messuage in Dorchester in 1616, where she and her husband were living.

f. Joane Hennynge - She married John James the elder, "late of Oweroyne". She was deceased by 14 July 1616.


i. John James, the younger.

g. Dorothy Hennynge - According to the 1677 Dorset Visitations, she married, William Fillyoll, esq. of Knights Street, Dorset, son of William Fillyoll of Knights Street in Marnhull, Dorset) and Elizabeth Fitzjames, dau. of Aldred Fitzjames of Uphill, Dorset. [Note by Dave Strong on the Irish Connection.]


i. William Fillyoll, - esq. Of Knights Street, Dorset. B. 1600. Married Katherine Nicholas, dau. of Robert Nicholas, esq., of Alcanning Wilts.

ii. Thomas Filliol - b. 1602

iii. Richard Filliol - b. 1603.

iv. Margaret Fillioll - b. 1607

v. Robert Filliol - b. 1613

vi. John Filliol - b. 1614.

h. Elizabeth Hennynge - She married (pos. Roger) Jolliffe. She received 40 shillings from her father's estate in 1611.

i. Anne Hennynge - Under 18 in 1584. She possibly married William Golsey of Dorchester, Dorset.

j. Jane Hennynge - She married ______Strode, and she had children when her father died in 1611.

k. Pos. Katherine Henninge - M. John Joliffe.


i. Katherine Jolliffe

ii. Dorothy Jolliffe

iii. Richard Jolliffe

iv. John Jolliffe

v. Robert Jolliffe

vi. George Jolliffe

v. Martha Jolliffe - M. ______Cooke

vi. Rebecca Jolliffe - M.______ Wolcott

vii. Margaret Jolliffe - M ______Drake.

viii. Mary Jolliffe - M. James Bisse of Shepton Mallet.

9. Thomasine Warham - According to the 1623 Dorset Visitations, she married, John Browne, Esq. of Frampton, Dorset. She must have predeceased her father (1572).


a. Sir John Browne - Heir. Probably the Sir John Browne whom Thomas Warham (3 below) names as an overseer, in his will of' 1606 and he may be the one who witnessed the will of John Henynge in 1616.

In the 1623 Dorset Visitations, p. 94, a John Browne, is listed, son and heir of John Brown of Frampton, who married, Elizabeth Trenchard, dau. of Sir George Trenchard of Wolueton, Dorset and Elizabeth Speake, dau. of George Speake. The Charminster, Dorset, IGI record says John Browne, son of Sir John Browne, knight of Frampton and Elizabeth Trenchard, daughter of the Right Worshipfull Sir George Trenchard, m. 18 Nov. 1607, Charminster. This John Browne may be the above. This George Trenchard was probably the one who John Hennynge referred to as a special, good friend when he wrote his will, proved in 1611.

b. Sir Robert Browne of Godmanston . He married Francis Martin.


i. Robert Brown b.1602.

ii. Francisca Brown b. 1605

iii. Bridget Brown b. 1606

III. Thomas Warham of Maiden Newton, Dorset. Born about, 1535-1540. His will dated 27 Mar. 1606, proven 12 Nov. 1612 (PCC 101 FENNER). He apparently married twice, (1) Margaret Miller, who was buried, 5 Dec. 1587, Maiden Newton. She was daughter of John Miller & Anne Woolly. In the will of John Miller, dated, 14 Mar. 1578/9, proved, 22 June 1579, lists his son-in-law, Thomas Warham, and he notes that Thomas has four children. Thomas Warham married (2) Alice____ , who survived him and probabl.y married (2) Briant Legg, 5 Oct. 1613. This marriage seven years after Thomas Warham wrote his will and one month before his wil1 was proved.


A. Magdalene (or Maudlen) Warham - Born about 1560. She married. twice, (1) John Partridge, 6 Oct. 1578, Maiden Newton, Dorset. His will dated, 19 May 1595 (PCC 41 SCOTT), bu. 21 May 1595, Crewkerne. She m. (2) Gybbes Gollopp, Master of Arts, 30 April 1.601, Crewkerne. He was Bpt. 2 July 1566, Stoke Abbott, Dorset, son of William Gollopp. Magdalene moved to Crewkerne, Somerset, as did her brother Richard. Her second husband, Gibbes Gallopp of Stoke Abbott (Dorset), matriculated Gloucester Hall, Oxford, 18 Nov. 1586, age 17, B.A. from Magdalene Hall, 5 June 1589 and M.A. from Gloucester Hall, 21 June 1592. He was presented by Roger Gollopp of Brimely, Dorset, gent., to Odcombe, Somerset 23 Feb. 1.606/7, where he was minister until 14 Dec. 1644. (He wrote his will, 2 Nov. 1644, when he was very ill.) He was presented to Sutton Bingham, Somerset, 1 Sept. 1625, succeeding William Gollop, where he was minister until 2 Feb. 1645/6. He did not die in office. He was a resident of Odcombe and he signed the Bishop's Transcripts there. No burial of his wife, Magdalene (Warham) Partridge Gollope has been found, but she died before 1644. (Ref: Somerset County Record Office, Taunton and Dorset County Record Office, Dorchester).


1. Thomas Partridge - Bpt. 14 May 1579, Crewkerne. Not mentioned in 1595 will.

2. John Partridge - Bpt. 2 Nov. 1580, Crewkerne. There may have been two Johns. One was buried, 21 May 1595, Crewkerne, two days after his father wrote his will on 19 May, when he left a son, John, a wayne and wheels. A John Partridge married an Agnes Westover, 29 June 1602, Crewkerne. He may have been the one mentioned in the will of his step-father, Gibbes Gollopp, in 1644. Daughter Magdalene, bpt. 1603, Crewkerne.

3. Francis Partridge - Bpt. 16 Sept. 1582, Crewkerne. Mentioned in 1595 will.

4. Ann Partridge - Bpt. 13 Nov. 1584, Crewkerne. Mentioned in 1595 will. She married Robert Ford, 10 Nov. 1-602, Crewkerne, and he may have been the Mr. Ford, mentioned in the will of Ann's stepfather, Gibbes Gollopp.

5. Edward Partridge - Bpt. 4 Apr. 1587, Crewkerne. Mentioned in 1595 will. He was probably the Edward Partridge who married Jane Rosseter It of the Park", 17 Aug. 1608, Crewkerne, [Note may have been related to Edward Rossiter, of nearby Combe St. Nicholas, Somerset, a "Mary & John" passenger in 1630.]

6. Elizabeth Partridge - Bpt. 15 Oct. 1589, Crewkerne. Mentioned in 1595 will. She married _____ Slade, and was mentioned in 1644 wi I]. of her stepfather, Gibbes Gollopp.

7. William Partridge - Bpt. 14 Oct. 1593, Crewkerne. Mentioned in will of 1595.

8.Margaret Partridge - Mentioned in 1595 wil1 She married William Domne (Donne), 20 June 1619, Odcombe, son of Hugh Domne. They were both mentioned in the will. of her step-father, Gibbes Gollopp, in 1644.

B. John Warham Bpt. 27 Oct. 1561, Maiden Newton, Dorset. He married Elizabeth _____. His will, 10 Nov. 1599 (PCC-97 KIDD), at age 38. When he wrote his will he had no children but his wife was pregnant. This child may have been the John Warham who married, Cecila Hatch in Clyst Hydon, Devon, 28 June 1619, although he would have only been 19 years old. This John Warham, previously confused with Rev. John Warham, and Cecila, had children in Clyst Hydon: Francis - 1620, John - 1622, Edmund - 1624, and at Seaton Beer, Devon, Mary - 1626, at Clyst Hydon again, William - 1629, and finally back in Maiden Newton, Dorset, Elizabeth, - 1631, Thomas - 1633, Robert 1633 and another Thomas - 1642.

This unborn child received 100 pounds, to be paid out of John's lease of Barrolandes, after the decease of his or her father. John's sister, Magdalene Partridge, owed him a sum, and as such, she was to provide for John's widow, It meat, drink, lodging and other necessities, unti1 next Easter". He left brother, Thomas, and sister, Jane Warham, 10 pounds each. All of his debts were to be paid out of his lease for 40 years of Barrolandes, by brother, Richard Warham (no doubt father of Rev. John Warham). He left his wife, 20 pounds, and residue to his brother, Richard, executor. Overseers: cousin Richard Hill (Related to the Hill-Soper family of Somerset.?) and Thomas Warham. Cousin Frances Cook 20 S. Witnesses: Richard Hi11, William Nocholles, Frances Cook and Thomas Flower.

C. Richard Warham - See below.

III. Richard Warham gentleman - Bpt. 8 Dec. 1565, Maiden Newton, Dorset. Bu. 7 Oct. 1623, Crewkerne. His will dated 16 Sept. 1623, proved 1624 (PCC Byrde-1624). He married Agnes Cooke or alias Hooper, 14 Oct. 1588, Crewkerne, Somerset. She was the Agnes Hooper, bpt. 1562, Crewkerne, dau. of John Hooper and Elizabeth Cogan, dau. of Nicholas Cogan of Chard. [ Note: This makes Rev. John Warham and Mary Cogan wife of Roger Ludlow , cousins. Roger, Mary and Rev. John came on the Ship Mary& John in 1630. Roger owned the ship and Rev. John Warham was one of the ministers of the group]

Richard Warham held for lives, by copy, one cottage and a garden on South street. (NOTE: There is a South street in Crewkerne, that is a main road that leads southeast from the town). He also held three acres of land in the common fields of Crewkerne. (Ref: 1599 Survey of Crewkerne, Somerset Record Office T/PH/hsy).

He was one of the six townsmen chosen to help the Free. School at Crewkerne, sometimes called the Chantry of the Holy Trinity. On 27 Jan. 1614, John Ball was headmaster, Richard was elected Warden of the school, and presumbably he held office until his successor was elected, 27 Dec. 1619. His duties were to preside at the meetings, to keep the accounts, pay the bills, to ride out and inspect the school estates, and in conjunction with the baliff, to have charge of the school muniments (title deeds), and to prosecute any legal business which might be necessary for the good of the school.

When he wrote his will on 16 Sept. 1623, he was "possessed of and in divers lesses within the manor of Crewkerne of certain lands there of and some of the lords of the same manor for and during the term of three thousand years, as in and by the same leases more affordable than it may appear. Rev. John Warham was heir to this property. Richard also named his wife Agnes, his daughter Magdalen Gibbs and each of her children, and his daughter Joan Cossins and her children. When John left for New England he gave one and a half acres to his servant:, Bernard Jefferys, husbandman, for three years.


A. Isabel Warham - Bpt. 6 Mar. 1589/90. Bu. 6 Mar. 1589/90.

B. Joan Warham - Bpt. 10 Oct. 1592. She married Roger Cossins, 9 Nov. 1611, Crewkerne, bpt. 13 Mar. 1590/1, Crewkerne, son of William. He may have been the Roger Cossins who witnesses the will of John Bartoll of Crewkerne, 1640, father of John Bartoll who came to Salem, in the 1630's.


a. Agnes Cossens - Bpt. 29 July 1615.

b. Edith Cossens - Bpt. 14 Dec. 1617.

c. John Cossens - Bpt. 9 Sept. 1621.

d. William Cossens Bpt. 6 Apr. 1624.

e. Joseph Cossens Bpt. 18 May 1627.

f. Roger Cossens - Bpt. 19 Jan. 1629/30.

g. Anne Cossens - Bpt. 1 Nov. 1632.

h. Joane Cossens - Bpt. 24 Jan. 1635/6.

C. Magdalene Warham - Bpt. 25 Aug. 1591. She married, George Gibbs, 18 Sept. 1616, Crewkerne, bpt. 6 Aug. 1588, Crewkerne son of Alexander. He may have a been related to Giles Gibbs of Crewkerne, Somerset, Exeter, Devon and Windsor, CT. She was bu. 21 Feb. 1660/1. George Gibbs also witnessed the will of John Bartole.


a. Rachel Gibbs - Bpt. 22 Apr. 1620, Crewkerne.

b. Thomas Gibbs - Bpt. 21 Jan. 1622/3, Crewkerne. He pos. married, Mary Beere, 3 Oct.1644, Crewkerne.

c. George Gibbs Bpt. I June 1625, Crewkerne. Pos. d.y.

d. Susanna Gibbs Bpt. 12 Dec. 1.627, Crewkerne. She was possibly named

after Rev. John Warham's wife, Susanna Gollopp.

e. John Gibbs - Bpt. 27 Sept. 1630, Crewkerne.

f. George Gibbs - Bpt. 16 Oct. 1633, Crewkerne.

D. Richard Warham - Bpt. 12 May 1594, Crewkerne. Bu. 12 Feb. 1616/17, Crewkerne.

E. John Warham - See Below.

V. Rev. John Warham - Bpt. 9 Oct. 1595, Crewkerne. D. 1 Apr. 1670, Windsor, Ct. He married (1) Susanna Gollopp, 8 June 1625, Stoke Abbott, Dorset. Susanna's baptism has not been found. She died either in England or soon after 1630. John m. (2) Jane (Dabinot?) Newberry, 1637, widow of Thomas Newberry. She died 23 Apr. 1.655, Windsor. He m. 3)Abigail (Searle) Branker, 9 Oct. 1662, widow of John Branker. She died 18 May 1684, Windsor.

John Warham graduated from St. Mary Hall, Oxford, B.A. , 14 Nov. 1614 and M.A., 18 May 1618. In 1627 he served in the church of Crewkerne, where he was born, but when he was rebuked for preaching Puritanism by Bishop William Laud, he left and the Bishop of Exeter gave him a living at St. Sidwell's parish in Exeter. In 1629, after he decided to come to New England he returned to preach one last, time in Crewkerne and he was rebuked again.

In March 1630 Rev. John Warham and Rev. John Maverick became the ministers of the "Mary & John" group, among whom were many families from Crewkerne. He and Maverick were the ministers at Dorchester, MA until 1636, when Maverick died and Warham moved to Windsor, CT with most of the "Mary & John" families, where he was their minister until his death.


A. John Warham, Jr. - Bpt. 7 Mar. 1626/7, Crewkerne. Bu. there 17 Mar. 1626/7.

B. Infant - Bu. 23 Feb. 1627/8, St. Sidwell's, Exeter, Devon.

C. Mary Warham - Bpt. 26 Dec. 1628, St. Sidwell's, Exeter. No record in New England.

D. Susanna Warham - Bpt. 14 Nov. 1629, St. Sidwell 's, Exeter. Buried there 16 Nov. 1629.

Children by Jane Dabinott

E. Samuel Warham - No record of his birth. He died, 1647, Windsor.

F. Abigail Warham - Bpt. 17 Aug. 1638, Windsor. She married, Thomas Allyn, 21 Oct. 1658, son of Matthew Allyn and Margaret Wyatt.

G. Hepzibah Warham - Bpt. 9 Aug. 1640. Died, 1647, Windsor.

H. Sarah Warham - Born 28 Aug. 1642. Died, 1678, Windsor. She married Return Strong, 11 May 1664, son of John Stronge of Chard, & Abigail Forde.

I. Hester Warham - Bpt. 8 Dec. 1644, Windsor. Died, 10 Feb. 1736. She married (1) Rev. Eleazer Mather, 29 Sept. 1659, son of Rev. Richard Mather & Katherine Hoult and (2) Rev. Solomon Stoddard, 8 Mar. 1670.


Ludlow Ancestry -

 Minterne - Brown Ancestry

Cogan Ancestry

Cooke als Howper Ancestry

Miller Ancestry

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