Life and Times of a Harry Potter Message Board Board Animation

The Board

Daily Prophet

--The Place--

History Book

AIM List
Board Arrivals
Casa Anita
Casting List
Chocolate Frog Cards
MBer's Works
National Anthem
Our Websites
Reference Section
Secret Adobe
Time Zones
Y'all Ball

Visit the board's store!
Email Addresses
Anita Skeeter
Andrew Sprout
Alex Granger
Alicia Spinnet
Darwin Diggory
Draconita Riddle
Jack Flash
Jeremy Weasley
Lady Verilidaine
Megora McGonagall
Princess Hermione19
Shadow LeBlade
Trisana M. Granger
Our National Anthem

Message Board!
It's the place we've all adored;
Message Board!
Cyberspace where the world will never find you.
Message Board!
More than just computer cord;
Message Board!
Time to party and put the past behind you.

As we talk, theories fly, who will live, who will die?
Who goes bad, who goes good? No one knows, but who would?
Posting; take your turn, write it down
on the nine hundredth page inside an endless race
-have some chips, as we argue o'er shiips H and R, D and G, C and K, who is she?
Posting; read it fast, read it all
watch the letters grow big and grow small and try to see a face.

Message Board!
And the chorus is encored,
Message Board!
Where the laws of the real world will not bind you.
Message Board!

With a scepter and a sword,

Message Board!

Get a rank and title just like I do!

Oh my lord!
This is D-E-D, I'm bored!

Message Board!
You can gripe, but we'll all try not to mind you.
Message Board!
Long ago our theories soared;
Message Board!
Every name here is still one to be kind to.

It's a castle with walls and with rooms and with halls
It's a place that we've made through our love and our hate
(And all the fighting in the past)
For months we've been brave, we've been strong
And we're not gonna give up now
(And we can make it last)
We throw pizza with glee, then sit down and drink tea
Talk of silly small things and of Lord of the Rings
(Cause Rowling's slowness has us bored)
For months we can write more and more
What a great group of friends -
And what a Message Board!

*Extremely Long Dance Sequence follows, in which everybody is suddenly in Y'all Ball outfits just so it looks prettier. This is pretend, remember.*

Message Board!
It's the place we've all adored;
Message Board!
Cyberspace where the world will never find you.
Message Board!
More than just computer cord;
Message Board!
Time to party and put the past behind you.

Message Board!
And the chorus is encored,
Message Board!
Where the laws of the real world will not bind you.
Message Board!
We will never be ignored;
Message Board!
Every day there'll be -

*Imposter pokes his nose in the window and is promptly shoved out.*