Arthur McArthur is a political analyst, freelance writer and sometimes poet.
(pictured right) has recently made regular contributions to the blog of Andrew Bolt, mainly based on his observations of Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party.
Arthur has created this website to catalogue some of his poems and stories and he thanks you for taking an interest in his observations.
Kevin Rudd announces the new Labor Party Front Bench

Lu Kewen got his team together in November 07 and had this to say,
‘Just like Richie Benaud said; “We work as a team, and we do it my way”’
“I’m Kevin and I’m here to help”, but that’s only what the public see,
Behind closed doors he tells his ministers “All decisions will be made by me.”

‘Albanese, stop frowning son, my news for you is grouse,
I’ve appointed you, my friend, as the Leader of the House.
So make sure you interject at all times, with comments vile and crude,
And keep that snarl on your face at all times, like you’re always in a bad mood.’

‘Swanny, old mate, you got the gig, I announce you the Treasury Minister,
But things are in bloody sensational shape so don’t do anything sinister,
A wishy-washy budget’s fine, just don’t stuff it up,
So is too much to ask that, at press conferences, you just keep your mouth shut’?

‘Bowen, assistant Treasurer, you’ve got a bright future, you bet,
Look after Swanny will you lad, he needs all the help he can get,
You’ve moulded you style on the ex-Labor PM, so make sure your career is not fleeting,
So act and talk like him as much as you like, but don’t stuff things up like Keating’

‘Lindsay, old boy, your Finance, so prove you’re smarter, tougher, bolder,
And no doubt you’ll keep Swanny on his toes, anxiously looking over his shoulder,
Get animated Linds, spark up old boy, it’s time to remove all doubt,
But unlike Swan, who must remain mute, when you speak, open your bloody mouth’

‘Peter Garrett, Climate Change and Arts, it’s really horses for courses,
I’ve liked you ever since I first saw you on stage singing ‘US Forces’
The way you danced, you stirred things up, on stage you were the king,
But, listen baldy, there’s a new king now, so don’t say a bloody thing’.

‘Nicola Roxon, Health is yours, a tough one, it’s not a quick fix,
But speaking of health, whenever you speak, I start to feel quite sick!
Don’t blame the states, blame Howard, while our health systems collapse,
And hopefully the public won’t notice you’re way out of your depth.’

‘I’m not sure who’s more untrustworthy in life, more adept at fibbin’,
A Labor MP or a former used car salesman, like you Joel Fitzgibbon,
Minister of Defence for you, and your first duty is a mass charade,
Bring home the boys from Iraq so I can have my very own street parade.’

‘Last but not least is dear Julia, I swear to God you’ve got balls,
I’ve given you 5 ministries, I’ve succumbed to your ambitious calls,
I had to give you what you wanted, but geez I hate the way you talk,
The only ministry I didn’t give you was the ‘Minister for funny walks’

But when it’s all over, after just one term, their epitaph’s not funny:

Never before in the history of mankind has so little been achieved by so many"
I moved house last week; an annoying chore! However in the process of unpacking box after box of accumulated junk, I happened across one of the greatest books ever written: The Latham Diaries. A book which perfectly exposed the rotten core of the A.L.P.
As I caught my breath yesterday afternoon I reached for the dust covered dust cover for the first time in a long time. The last time I’d read this comedic book the great JWH was still PM, so I went straight to the index at the back of the book, searching for references to our illustrious leader, Rudd, Kevin.
And, for old time’s sake, I quote from the former member for Werriwa’s memoirs and his various descriptions of our beloved leader:

Kevin Rudd; “prissy Labor bloke”, “pompous language”, “insatiable for publicity”, “a big noter”, “part of the conga line”, the brunt of “a thousand and one jokes”, Labor colleagues should “never listen to Rudd on foreign policy”, “Rudd was even worse today”, “he’s an incredible piece of work”, “needs to be cleaned out”, “ a non believer”, “a snake sliding around in the grass”, “the pretender”, “a fanatical media networker. He is addicted to it, worse than heroin”, “nightmare on Rudd street”, “crazy bastard”, “the king of caveats”, “sounds incomprehensible in the media”, “a terrible piece of work, addicted to the media and leaking”, “junior minister material”, “had a poor campaign”, “stuffed up his explanation”, “an empty vessel”, chucked a tantrum and “he’s such a prima donna”, “disloyal and unreliable”, “I don’t trust him no matter what he says”, “too unreliable”, “only maniacs like Rudd”.

So there you have it, from a former Labor party colleague and leader, describing our PM.
I know the lefties will say “why listen to Latham”?, but remember these observations were written by a man on the inside at the very heart of the Labor Party working side by side with Krudd.
And this clown, as described in the various quotes above as the brunt of many jokes, is now our incompetent P.M. Sadly it looks like the joke is on us.