Arthur McArthur is a political analyst, freelance writer and sometimes poet.
(pictured right) has recently made regular contributions to the blog of Andrew Bolt, mainly based on his observations of Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party.
Arthur has created this website to catalogue some of his poems and stories and he thanks you for taking an interest in his observations.
When Kevin Rudd happened along

I cast my mind back 12 months and think,
Was Australia so bad? Were we on the stink?
Why was the mood for change so strong?
What was it that Howard did so wrong?

He paid off a $10B deficit and $96B debt,
He was the best of economic managers yet,
Recovering from the Labor Party devils,
Achieving record employment levels.

Economic growth at all-time highs,
Honest leadership a relief from the Labor lies,
Low interest rates and a strong Aussie dollar,
To see the Libs success you don’t need to be a scholar.

A strong stock market was a sure-fire bet,
No thoughts at all of a deficit,
Budget surpluses guaranteed,
Until Rudd came along and started to mislead.

The stockmarket’s crashed, life savings lost,
Self funded retirees counting the cost,
All Howard’s great work has come undone,
And Rudd’s achievements amount to none.

Housing prices crashed, this all in just one year,
Kevin Rudd is the sum off all our fear,
And in just 12 months since he received the call,
The pompous Kevin Rudd has ruined it all.

And Arthur McArthur from SE Victoria,
Will not be swept up in the left-wing euphoria,
The media lies, the exaggeration,
The thoughtless Labor Party ruination.

I care too much about our great nation,
And I share the anger and the frustration,
I won’t sit back and watch Rudd make each bad call,
He must be made accountable for it all.

And when history teachers speaks to their pupils,
And explain honesty, ethics, morals and scruples,
The students will ask where it all went wrong
And they’ll say “When Kevin Rudd happened along”.