Please Support Me
Please Join Me in My Experience in Brazil!  Here are some ways that you can support me and participate with me in my work and mission in Brazil.  Thank you so much!
I believe the most important and meaningful way that you can support me is through your prayers.  To view a list of my specific prayer requests, please visit the Praise and Prayer Requests page.
Maryknoll is a non-profit organization that supports it's missioners and their work by receiving financial gifts.  If you would like to support me and my ministry work, please click on the link to receive further instructions.  Financial Support.
Send Me a Card
I love to get real mail, pictures, postcards, or anything to brighten up the walls of my room.  My address in São Paulo is:
Sarah McLaughlin
Av. Lins de Vasconcelos 3170, Apto. 3
04112-002 Vila Mariana, São Paulo
SP   Brasil
Receive My Newsletter
I believe that a big part of my ministry is to share my experiences with my friends, family, and my Christian community in the US.  If you would like to receive a hardcopy of my newsletter and a complimentary subscription to the Maryknoll Magazine, please email your name and US Postal Service mailing address to  Please indicate in this email if you would like to receive the magazine.