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Chief Donald MacNauchtan, born about 1250. At first the MacNauchtans were allied with the MacDougalls against Robert Bruce but the story goes that Chief Donald MacNauchtan watched Robert Bruce defend a bridge single-handedly while his beleagured army escaped -- and perceived Bruce to be righteous and deserving of his allegiance. Henseforth through the centuries the MacNaughtons remained steadfast for Bruce's descendants, the Stuarts. Chief Alexander MacNauchtan is said to have fallen at the battle of Bannockburn in 1314.

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Chief Duncan MacNauchtan, Born about 1270.  Fought alongside Robert Bruce and was one of the 12 knights who tried to take the heart of Robert Bruce to the Holy land.

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Chief Alexander MacNauchtan, born about 1290,  was a good friend of King Duncan and was awarded lands on the Island of Lewis in 1346.  He died in 1351 while attempting to take possession. The charter indicates he had three sons, Duncan, Gilchrist, and John by a first wife, at present unknown. His second wife was Christina Campbell of Craignish. The next chief recorded is Alexander. Angus Macnaghten in his book explains this by saying that Alexander's son Duncan must have had a son named Alexander who became chief.

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Duncan MacNauchtan, eldest of the 3 sons of Chief Alexander. Born abt 1310.

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Chief Alexander MacNauchtan, born abt 1330, married Marion Cardenay, the ex-mistress of King Robert II, and had 2 sons. They were half-brothers to King Robert II's children. The eldest son, Donald MacNauchtan, was born before Chief Alexander McNauchtan married Marion Cardenay, so was not considered "legitimate", hence his brother became chief of the clan. Donald became Bishop of Dunkeld and died in 1439.

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Chief Duncan MacNauchtan, living in 1437

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Chief Gilbert MacNauchtan, born about 1430

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Chief Gilbert MacNauchtan, born abt 1470

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Chief Alexander MacNauchtan, born about 1490, began building Dunderave Castle around 1560.

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Chief John MacNauchtan, born about 1550, married Ann MacLane. Finished Dunderave Castle 1596.

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Chief Malcolm MacNauchtan 1605 - 1649


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Chief Sir Alexander MacNauchtan, 1633 - 1685.  Friend of King Charles I and II.

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Chief John MacNauchtan, 1660 - 1706. Took his clan to the battle of Killiecrankie, suffered in a terrible prison as a result.

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Laird John MacNauchtan, 1690 - 1773 customs officer at Anstruther, Fife.  Married 3 times, but had no offspring. Founded a chain of amazing clubs for gentlemen in Anstruther, Edinburgh and elsewhere.












John MacNauchtan, 1639 - 1707. Very active in the feuds with the Campbells, fought at Killiecrankie alongside his two sons.

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John MacNauchtan, b. abt 1670, was at Killiecrankie with his brother and father and his chief and fifty other McNaughtons.

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Thomas and Malcolm McNaughton, born in Dunderave castle around 1710.

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Thomas's son Duncan and Malcolm's daughter Katherine, first cousins, were married on December 8, 1772. They had six children. These families immigrated to Quebec Canada in 1821 and 1831. Their descendants are now scattered all over Canada and the United States.

Our McNaughton database

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Sir Alexander McNauchtan, born abt 1470, died at Flodden about 1513

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Shane Dhu, born about 1510, went to Ireland with 7000 other Scots under King of the Isles Alexander Konnell -- married Konnell's daughter. Shane Dhu became very close with Konnell's son Sorlie Boy and became his secretary, did very well, and acquired a great estate.

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John MacNauchtan, born abt 1550

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Daniel Macnaghten, Born abt 1590

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John Macnaghten, Born abt 1640

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Edmund Macnaghten, 1679 - 1780

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Edmond Alexander Macnaghten, born 1759. In 1818 400 McNaughton clansmen selected Edmond Macnaghten to be chief of clan Macnaghten. When he died the chiefship passed to his younger brother Francis. Francis and his wife Letitia had seventeen children. He was knighted in 1809.

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Sir Edmond Charles Macnaghten,  Chief, 1790 - 1876

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Chief Edward Macnaghten 1830 - 1913

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Chief Edward Macnaghten 1859 - 1914

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King Robert Bruce  1274 - 1329


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Princess Marjorie Bruce  1297 - 1316, married Walter Steward


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King Robert II  1316 - 1390 -- married twice, first to Elizabeth Mure producing 9 children and secondly to Euphemia Leslie of Ross which produced six children. By his mistress Marion Cardenay he had eight sons. Marion Cardenay afterwards married Chief Alexander MacNauchtan and had two more sons.

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King Robert II's first child, by Elizabeth Mure, was Princess Margaret Stewart. She married John MacDonald, Lord of the Isles

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Sir Donald Balloch, Lord of Isla, born abt 1425

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John De Insullis, hanged by his cousin King James IV in 1499

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Chief John MacIan, hanged along with 2 of his brothers and his father by King James IV in 1499.

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"King of the Isles" Alexander Konnell,  1480 - 1538. Fourth Chief of Clan Iain Mhoir. Alexander Konnell took 7000 Scottish soldiers to Ireland in 1532, one of them being Shane Dhu MacNauchtan, who married one of Konnell's daughters.

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Sorlie Boy MacDonnell 1505 - 1590, youngest son of Alexander Konnell. Sorlie Boy was a valiant warrior who fought against the English his entire life.

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Sorlie Boy MacDonnell and his wife Mary O'Neil had 5 known children. Their daughter, Ann MacDonnell, born about 1535, married Chief Murdoch MacLean

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Chief Murdoch MacLean and Anna MacDonnell had five known children. Their daughter, Ann MacLane, born about 1555,  married Chief John MacNauchtan.