Writings by Thomas Ross Holme

This is a work in progress. It's nowhere near finished...

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   1. The Quandry of the Missing Australian McNaughtons

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  2.  UISCE NIGHEAN: The Ancient Origins of McNaughton

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  3. The Story of Dierdre and the Sons of Uisnech

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   4. Royal Pict Uisneachdan lineage of King Nechtan

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   5. The Nechtans of Moray

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   6. The MacNachtans of Fraoche Eileen on Loch Awe

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   7.  The Flitting of Lorn, the Fall of castle Dubh Loch

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   8.  Shane Dhu

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  9. Anna MacLane's Ancestors

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes) 10. How the Reformation affected the MacNachtans.

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  11. The Religion of the Comet

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   12. "I hoip in God"

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  13. The last chief, John MacNauchtan of Anstruther

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  14. Thomas and Malcolm McNauchtan of Dunderave

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   15.  Our McNaughton ancestors come to Canada

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  16.  McNaughton Genealogical Chart from 1300 AD to Modern Times

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)  17.  Parish Marriage and Birth Records

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)   18. The Ancient World - The Danubians

More Thoughts...

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)    A.  Princess Royal of the Picts, Unuisticc of Fortrenn - and Eochaid the Venomous of Dalriada

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)       B. St Columba was baptized by a priest named Cruithnechan who afterwards became his foster-father. Cruith = Scottish Picts, Nechan = the priest-family of Uisnech/Nechtan.

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)    C. Skenes Ancient Maps of Scotland

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)    D.   Letter from King James to Chief John McNaughten

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)    E.  Proceedings of Scottish Estates

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)     F.  How many McNaughtons lived in Glen Shira

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)      G.  Time Line

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)     H.  The Losing of Dunderave

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)      I. The Order of the Beggar's Benison and Merryland

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)      J.  Montrose

 grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)      K.  Ancient Sisters

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)         L. Photos of Letterfinlay, Scotland by Donald Young

grayovalbutton.gif (5497 bytes)          M. Letter from my friend Davie McNaughtan


Dunderave05bySamBarricklow_th.JPG (11249 bytes)

Photos of Dunderave Castle are by Sam Barricklow

Click to enlarge

Dunderave7bySamBarricklow_th.JPG (11106 bytes)


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