The book published in 1955 is entitled

Publications of the


Third series

Volume XLVII


pages 89-90

From Tuesday January 21 Wednesday January 29.

Act and Order of Council, for Sequestrating the Rents of such as are in Rebellion against Their Majesties. 1

At Edinburgh, January 3, 1690.

The Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council considering, That by the Laws and Acts of Parliament of this Kingdom, and particularly by the 2d Act. 12.  Parl.  K. Ja. 2. It is expressly Provided and Declared, That where any Person or Persons are suspected or scandalled of Treason, that they be taken and remain in Firmance, and their Goods under sure Borrows, until they suffer an Assize, and be Tryed whether they be guilty or not: And that the Persons after named, viz.  John Earl of Melfort, Sir Archibald Kennedy of Cullean, Coll.  Cannon, John late Viscount of Dundee, Earl of Dumfermling, Earl of Buchan, Viscount of rirendraugh, Lord Dunkel, Mr. Colin M'kenzie, Uncle to the Earl of Seaforth, Sir John Drummond of Machany, Sir William Wallace of Cragy, SirJames Hamilton of Eliston,of Archarach, Crawfordyounger of Ararnillan, and Crawford his Brother, Mr. David Graham, Brother to the late Viscount of Dundee, Robertson of Strouan, Stuart of Ladywell, Ogilvy of Clova, James Edmiston of Newtoun of Down, Grant of Balindalloch, Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochel, Cameron his eldest Son, Sir Donald M'donald of Slait, M'nauchton of Dundorow, Major Middleton, Ensign Winster, Capt.  Charters, Capt.  John Ramsay, Son to the late Bishop of Ross, Major William Grahame of Boquhaple, Capt.  Patrick Blair, lately Captain in the Earl of Dunmores Regiment of Dragoons, Cleiland of Foskin, Halyburton of Pitcur, Grant of Glenmoristoun, Frazer of Foyer, Blair of Glessclune, Archibald M'donald of Largy, M'donald his Brother, Alexander M'allister of Loup, M'ilvernock of Oib, Donald M'neil of Galoclielly, Hector M'neil his Cousin German, John M'nauchton, Uncle to the Laird of M'nauchton, M'nauchton, his two Sons, Stuart of Appein, John Stuart of Ardsheil, Stuarts his Brethren, Alexander Stuart of Innernahyle, James Stuart of Fasnaeloich, John Stuart Fiar thereof, Alexander M'donald, alias M'ean of Glencoe, M'donalds his two Sons, M'donald of Auchatrichaton, Sir John M'clean, Laird of M'clean, Hector M'clean of Lochbuy, M'clean of Kingarlock, M'clean of Kinlockhalin, Mr. Alexander M'clean, late Commissar of Argyle, M'clean of Coll, M'clean of Tarbet, M'cleans three Sons, to Charles M'clean in Arros, M'clean of Ardgour Elder, and M'clean of Ardgour Younger, his Son, M'clean, Grand Child to the said Laird of Ardgour Elder, John Cameron of Glendishory, Cameron his Brother, Cameron of Callort, M'martin, alias Cameron of Latterfindlay, Cameron his Eldest Son, Cameron of Glenivish, M'quar of Uluva, M'donald, Capt. of Clanronnald, M'donald of Glengary, M'donald of Ochterraw, M'donald of Ferset, M'donald of Benbecula, M'donald of Keppoch, Major Duncan Menzies,


I have highlighted the McNaughton names in blue to make it easier. I have also highlighted some of the other names in yellow, just to point them out. I highlighted Archibald Kennedy's name because Donald McNaughton married Elizabeth Kennedy in 1814. I do not have proof that they are related -- but it shows how our people were still holding a sort of alliance with the same other clans, even 200+ years later. I highlighted Hector M'clean of Loch buy because that is Anna MacLane's family, John MacNauchtan's grandmother. I highlighted M'martin, alias Cameron of Latterfindlay, because Latterfindlay is the area where Duncan's son Finlay was born in 1780. You see, our McNaughtons are ensconced within the Highland areas of their ancient allies and friends. It makes things clearer.

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