Letter from Davie

Davie McNaughtan, also known as "Tottie", writes brilliant letters. He lives in Glasgow Scotland where he owns a furniture shop and once owned a bookstore. Though he is not directly related to our line of McNaughtons he is a cousin in the broader sense, for all McNaughtons and McNaughtans and Macnaghtens and etc. are indeed cousins. Here in America where I was born and raised I have no opportunity to hear the sounds of the Scottish accents of my ancestors. Davie manages to put them into his letters. They are a veritable treasure. So, it is my intention to introduce Davie McNaughtan to you if you have not met him before, by including some of his wonderful letters in our website. This first one is from New Years Day 2003.


New Years Day 2003

A Guid New Year tae yeese aw.

I am 18 pounds heavier than I was this time last year, all of it round the gut.

I have been on a coconut and banana diet since October.

Ah huvnie lost any weight, but I am brilliant at climbing trees.


I have cut down on the Lager, and no puddings at all.

It is a bit of a strain aw this cuttin’ doon on the starches.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that stressed is desserts spelled backwards?

Political Correctness gone mad in the UK.

The British Red Cross have decided in their “wisdom” to ban any reference to Christianity in their fourteen hundred or so Charity Shops. Nae Nativity scenes, nae wee fairies wey Christmas trees stuck up their bum, nuchin.

A spokesman for The Red Cross stated “We are a charity organisation dealing with all faiths and we do not want to offend any Muslims, Jews etc. by appearing to be favouring Christianity”.

Mind you, that did not stop a booklet dropping through my door a month or so back, from The Red Cross, begging me to buy a box of ten Christmas card from them at £12 for ten.

Bloody hypocrites.

They are well and truly off my donation list.

That may be a wee bit of an exaggeration, as I don’t have a donation list. Charity begins at 1068 Cathcart Road.

I am that poor, even the Ethiopians are sending food parcels to Mount Flo.

While I am on about begging. Glasgow must be the capital city of beggars. There is one on every corner of the city centre streets, whether harassing you to buy the Big Issue or sitting wey half a polystyrene cup shouting abuse.

I handed an Issue seller 80p, but did not bother taking a copy.

He came running after me shouting “Haw you it’s a pound for that Magazine”.

Another wan came up and said “Heh mister gawnie gie us 50p furra sandwich” (I think he came from Edinburgh with that accent)

I said “Let me see the Sandwich first”.

Lynn is always shouting at me for giving them my change. She says “They’re only going to buy alcohol with it.

And I’m thinking like, and I’m not.

We are preparing for a war in the Middle East early next year.

There is a madman on the loose who is the president of his country and got elected by a rigged ballot, and has access to nuclear and chemical weapons.

So we say Americans unite and go put the loony where he can do no more damage.

Get up out of your comfy armchairs today and go vote Bush out the White House before he starts World War III.

That’s meant to be a three, no a hundred and eleven.

I Know some of yoose urnae too bright.

And who is Duby’s  monkey?

None other than oor PM, Bambi Blair

They state that Saddam has evil weapons of mass destruction.

However, our own weapons of mass destruction are all nice and friendly.

Blair and his Labour Government have done more harm to the working class in the past five years than the Tories did all last century.

I hate him like hell, as Ruth would say.

His new plan is to scrap the retirement age.  Instead of putting yer feet up after you’re 65, they now expect you to graft until yer 70.

Can you imagine a fireman at 66 up a turntable ladder, an old polis running after a shoplifter.

Worse still, a 70 year old air hostess.

That disne ber thinkin’ aboot..

And can you imagine oor Joe still on the Stock Exchange floor at 69.

Oh haud oan a minute ther’, ah kin see him still making millions at that age.

Other than that it has been a fairly uneventful year.

All the family are fit and well.

Except furr me. Spondulitis, Arthritis, Sciatica and the usual mental


Thank Goad ah’m no a hypochondriac.

Oor John called from Oakville bang on the Bells.

That’s the Brother at his best.

We have phoned Uncle Bill in Renfrew and he is still “Wan o’the lucky Wans” at 92.

So until next year.

Eat drink and  be merry

Furr the morra wee diet.

And a couple o’ McNaughtan things tae check oot and a photie fae Porty on the 27th December.



Till next year




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