Middleburgh Student Press
"The Real Voice of the Students"
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Monday, February 4, 2002
A letter of welcome to our readers
    Hello, everyone.  I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome the school community to The Middleburgh Student Press.  The staff of the Press is delighted to serve the students of Middleburgh Central School through this newspaper.  We are all eager to inform the readers of the stories they want to learn about, and understand.
     There is no doubt that Middleburgh Central School is in need of an accurate and trustworthy newspaper, a newspaper that a student can look to to provide an outlet for his or her questions.  The
Press is going to try very hard to fill this role.  A newspaper needs to be an advocate for the people of the community it serves, and we at this newspaper understand this very well.  The task is at hand, and we are ready to take the task on.
     I want everyone to know that every individual in this school is encouraged to provide tips to the
Press, and ideas about stories.  We encourage that letters be submitted to the editor of the Press, as well.  Our goal is to help students become totally integrated with their school, and feel a sense of confidence and liberty as full members of the school community.  The Middleburgh Student Press will truly be "The Real Voice of the Students".

Robert Kerley
MCS classes in session
during January Regents week
by Robert Kerley
January 30, 2002, MiddleburghNew York State Regents' Examinations were taken at Middleburgh High School last week by some students, while regular classes were being held there at the same time.
        Regents' examinations were given Tuesday, January 22, through Friday, January 25, at MCS.  High School students were given Thursday and Friday off from school, but were not given Tuesday and Wednesday off.  Regular classes in the middle school were held on all four days.
        Superintendent of Schools Charles Morse said that students in the high school had all four January Regents' days off last year, and that last year was the only time all four days were
January 23, 2002 (2:45 PM), Main Street, Middleburgh -   In the last several months there has been some confusion circulating regarding whether or not a larger corporation was buying out the local Central National Bank of Middleburgh.  In response to several rumors, The Middleburgh Student Press took on the task of investigating this situation first hand.  To get some answers we went to the source, Mrs. Carol Granbacka, the person virtually responsible for the day to day goings on of the Middleburgh branch of the Central National Bank.  During our time together we discussed the current state of the bank, her past experiences in this line of work, and her feelings about the future of her bank.  
Central National Bank
bought out by NBT Bank
by Peter DeBartolo
Continued on page 2
  Continued on page 2
Contact Information
       If you have questions, comments, corrections, tips, suggestions for stories, or letters to the editor, please contact the Middleburgh Student Press through one of the means below.

U.S.Mail-   The Middleburgh Student Press
                 Robert Kerley, Editor
            C/O Mr. Jonathan Bright
                Middleburgh High School
                Main Street, P.O. Box 400
                Middleburgh, N.Y. 12122


Personal Contact-  Talk to Robert Kerley

Middleburgh Student Press Sports Page
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