Middleburgh Student Press
"The Real Voice of the Students"
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Wednesday, April 3, 2002
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       If you have questions, comments, corrections, tips, suggestions for stories, or letters to the editor, please contact the Middleburgh Student Press through one of the means below.

U.S.Mail-   The Middleburgh Student Press
                 Robert Kerley, Editor
            C/O Mr. Jonathan Bright
                Middleburgh High School
                Main Street, P.O. Box 400
                Middleburgh, N.Y. 12122


Personal Contact-  Talk to Robert Kerley

Middleburgh Student Press Sports Page
       This week's Middleburgh Student Press was delayed because of computer related problems; more specifically the journalism class located in B-2 (also known as the 'tech room") couldn't get on the Internet.    
         Internet access has been down for the computers in the technology computer lab three out of our four-day school week last week. The strange thing is, the Internet has only been inoperable during 9th period.            
        According to Mr. Gray, Midtel Net is to blame for the computer problems. He said that Midtel Net has been doing things with the computers and service for the school and assumes that it is their fault the Internet was down in the B-2, the technology computer lab.    
         However the computers were not down in the other computer labs, according to Mrs. Haverly and Ms. Jones.  When Mrs. Haverly was asked what caused the problems over the past week, she said it was partly Midtel Net, and partly MCS.  She said that there have been problems with the router, and that Midtel Net had been making some changes, which could result in a lack of access.  She also admitted that the school has some internal networking issues that need to be worked out.  When asked if she thought Midtel Net was to blame for the outage in B-2 over the past week, she replied "not likely".     
        Management at Midtel Net said "if one leg of the computer lab is down is has nothing to do with Midtel's service. If one leg is down, that means it's an internal networking issue."  Midtel Net doesn't control the internal network; they provide service, set everything up, and leave when it's working.     
        Several weeks ago, Midtel Net boosted the school's Internet speed up a few notches.  This was following the replacement of the router MCS was using.  Apparently there had been some issues with the router, which was to blame for the sketchy Internet connection over the past several months.    
         That still doesn't account for the lack of Internet connection last week.  So the question remains, why was there no service in the computer room from 2:16pm to 2:54pm all last week?  The answer seems to be in a gray area, according to sources, so Midtel will be in to inspect the DSL hardware and be sure everything is functioning correctly. 
School paper disrupted by unexplained Internet outage
NEWS by Jordan Becker
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