The East Broad Top 

The East Broad Top (EBT) was a 3 foot gauge railroad running about 35 miles between Robertsdale and Mount Union, PA.  When it shut down, it was sold for scrap, but the scrapper decided not to tear it apart.  In the early 1960's, 5 miles of it, from Orbisonia to "Colgate Grove", was opened as a tourist railroad, and it is still running in that capacity today.

The EBT currently has 2 of its 8 surviving steam locomotives operational, with one undergoing boiler work..  They are all 3 foot gauge 2-8-2 locomotives, built by Baldwin.  #14 has slide valves and Walshaerts valve gear.  #17 is the largest, and most modern of the running engines, with piston valves and southern valve gear.  The other engines are #3, #6, both standard gauge 0-6-0s, and #12, #15, #16 and #18, all narrow gauge 2-8-2's.  #12 is the oldest and smallest of the EBT engines, and needs serious boiler work to be operational. #15 is currently stripped down undergoing an FRA required boiler inspection. #14 and #15 are practially identical, differing only in minor details. #15 It should be operational for the 2003 season. #16 and #18 are the same as #17, larger than the other three with piston valves and southern valve gear.  Theoretically, #16 and #18 could be brought back to operation, but they would need a thourough inspection, as they haven't run since the EBT shut down in the 1950s. #3 is stored at the EBTs enginehouse in Mount Union, PA, and is not on public display  #6 is no longer at the EBT, but still survives in Indiana, albeit in poor condition.

The remaining portions of the line are still there, but time and vadalism is slowly chipping away at what's left.

Every Columbus Day, the EBT has their "Fall Specacular", where all their running engines, and the Brill gas-electric M-1 are brought out for a lot of running.

The images below were all taken by me during the 1998 Fall Spectacular.  In 1998, #12 was still operational at that point, so I have a few photos of her in operation. I used a Pentax K-1000 camera, Kodak b&w film, and I scanned the negatives. (Forgive the color, I'm still trying to learn how to do the whole digital photo work thing...)

Now for the images.... (click on the thumbnails to see a larger version!)

#12 by the sandhouse #12 backing down from the turntable past the shops and sand house, getting ready for a days run.

#12 with coal train #12 pulling a train of restored coal hoppers.

#12 with coal train Another photo of #12 with the coal train

#12 approaching a grade crossing #12 approaching a grade crossing on the outskirts of Orbisonia

#12 and #15 coaling #12 and #15 sitting by the coaling dock, awaiting the call to move through the yard.

#12 and #15 coaling Another photo of #12 and #15 by the coaling dock.  Notice the 3 way stub switch in the foreground.

#14 white fence #14 pulling a passenger train.

#14 yard #14 heading up the track to the roundhouse from the coaling dock.

#15 crew The crew of #15 takes a well deserved break.

wheelsets Some of the spare wheelsets sitting outside the shops.

If you're interested in the EBT, Visit Chris Coleman's Unofficial East Broad Top Railroad Homepage.  Its the best starting point for checking out the EBT on the web.

I would also strongly suggest you join the Friends of the East Broad Top, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and restoring the EBT, and recording its history.  For more info, visit the link above, or write to:

FEBT Membership Office
c/o Peter Clarke
10428 Carlyn Ridge Road
Damascus, MD 20872

EBT Webring


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All photographs and text © Mike Boucher. Ask permission if you want to use any of it!

For more info, contact me

Last Updated March 27, 2003