KTIP Lesson Plan Format

Lesson Plan Format


Name: _Maggie Edelen___ Date:_6 April, 2004_ Age/Grade Level:_4____

 Subject: Health/Practical Living  # of Students: ______ # of IEP Students:_________

 Major content: Basic Food Groups Unit Title: _____________________________


ACTIONS—Described prior to observation

 Goals and Objectives-

  1. Students will learn about the 5 basic food groups
  2. Students will be able to categorize foods and know how much of each is recommended on a daily basis
  3. Students will learn to differentiate healthy from non-healthy foods
  4. Students will begin to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle


PL-E-1.3.1 The major body systems are affected by diet, exercise, and rest

PL-E-1.3.4 Young children’s health habits and behaviors affect physical health

PL-E-1.4.1 Nutritious foods play a role in the growth of healthy bodies

PL-E-1.4.2 The food guide pyramid has an organizational structure that recommends the number of servings at each level

PL-E-1.4.3 Nutritious snack choices (e.g., fruits, vegetables, dairy products) are preferable to snack foods (e.g., sugar-coated cereals, soft drinks, candy) for health and well being


This lesson will be used to introduce the “Practical Healthy Living” Unit.  Students will not only learn the basic food facts, but they will be able to apply nutritional knowledge to their everyday lives.  They will eventually learn how to read food labels and become educated consumers.  Knowing how to keep themselves healthy will aid in many areas of students’ lives.


  1. Website for food pyramid: www.uen.org/utahlink.lp_res/nutri043.gif
  2. Construction paper
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue
  5. Magazines
  6. ˝ sheets of poster board
  7. Markers


  1. Collect materials from teacher
  2. Visit website
  3. Look through magazines and cut out pictures of foods from each group
  4. Using construction paper and poster board, create your own food pyramid
  5. Place pictures in proper categories and label serving sizes
  6. Write a reflection on how well you think you meet the daily recommendations as of right now

 Student Assessment-

Students will create a food guide pyramid out of paper, pictures, and cardboard.  They will be assessed on the content, neatness, quality, and timeliness of their work.

IMPACT—Prepared after the lesson and post-observation conference

 Reflection/Analysis of Teaching and Learning-

Discuss student progress in relation to the sated objectives (i.e., what they learning with indicators of achievement.)  Discuss success of instruction as it relates to assessment of student progress.  Include three student samples (high, average, low) and an analysis of their performance based on assessment results.


  1. Was this activity enjoyable?
  2. Did students work diligently?
  3. Was enough time allotted to finish the project?
  4. Did students learn about the food pyramid?

 Lesson Extension/Follow up: 

See Curriculum