OZ Media Maccabee
Welcome to the sign up page of OZ Media Maccabee.  We are a lobbying force that counters anti Israel and anti Jewish bias in  Australian Newspapers, TV and Radio.

Our Activists watch the Australian media for blatant instances of anti Israel/ anti Jewish bias and then create an action alerts.  These action alerts are then sent out to the members via our email mailing list.  Maccabees respond by writing letters and emails, making phone calls or sending faxes to the offending media outlet.  All it takes to fight bias is half an hour every couple of weeks to write a letter!  If you would like to join, simply fill out the box below.  After you have sent off your information, you will receive an email requesting you to confirm your subscription.  Just click the hyperlink in that email and you are a Media Maccabee!

Membership is currently closed until 1 September 2003.  When the mailing list is reopened to new members, you might be requested to provide details about yourself inorder for your membership to be accepted.  Failure to provide these details could result in your application not being processed.

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