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"Einstein's symbolic E=MC2 has opened the conscious mind to higher science. Reiki symbols open the Soul to deeper Truths." Mayagal
In the 19th century, Dr. Makao Usui rediscovered an ancient healing art;  he called it REIKI (RAY-kee) which is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force energy, or KI - the activating energy of all life forms.  It is known as PRANA in India and CH'i in China.   The Polynesian Hunas call it MANA, and quantum physicists refer to it as patterns of conscious organic energy.  Doctor Usui has done for the field of energy healing what Einstein did for physics and Jung,  for psychology.   Reiki practitioners of today stand on the shoulders of those who understood that an unseen life force orders and balances our universe.
Reiki principles are based on the knowledge that physical dis-ease is a manifested result, created by our depleted energy centers (called
endocrine glands to physicians, and chakras to energy healers.)   These centers are directly associated with the atoms, cells, tissues, and organs of the physical   body.   Reiki practitioners are trained to focus on this vibrational energy, creating a pathway of exchange with the client.   The energy will self-direct to the most fundamental layers in need of healing.  The  practitioner is simply a facilitator to that end.
Reiki works well in pain management.   It may begin the process of clarifying mental and/or emotional issues, assist a transitional patient in the process of acceptance, or simply release negativity.   Reiki balances the subtle body energies, relieves stress, stimulates the immune system (THYMUS GLAND - very important!) and accelerates natural healing.
I personally feel that the goal of a Reiki practitioner is to assist the client on SELF-HEALING; therefore, after a few treatments, I try to encourage clients to "take the ball and run with it" so to speak.  One does not need a Reiki practitioner for life!  They need a practitioner who promotes THEIR life!
In the July 4, 2000 edition of The Stockton Record, staff reporter Carolyn Eads published an article  in her regular column, describing her experience with Reiki. Ms. Guni Ellerbe and I had the honor of training Ms. Eades in 1998.   This is what she had to say: "At this time two years ago, I was weeks   away from surgery to have a brain tumor removed. Observing my stress one day, a coworker said I should have a Reiki session.   I asked 'What's  Reiki?' A few days later I went to Healing Touch Clinic and was   attended by two Reiki Masters.   After the session, I could not believe how I felt. (The) serenity that surrounded me was incredible."
"The morning of the surgery, I was calm and ready. Afterwards, the surgeon told me there was hardly any bleeding and the procedure took an hour less than expected."

Carolyn subsequently took   Reiki self-healing classes, and in conclusion she stated,
"Reiki has been very helpful in my life and I would not hesitate in recommending this practice to anyone."
You can and should expect a soothing, safe environment during a Reiki session.   As you recline on a  therapeutic table (or in hospital), the   practitioner first ensures you are comfortable and relaxed. The only apparel you should be asked to remove is your shoes. Reiki can be performed even over bandages, casts,  sheets, and blankets, so removal of clothing is not necessary.
Beginning with the face, a full body treatment is performed with all respect   paid to your integrity.   The hands of the practitioner are facilitated  in locating hyper- and hypo-active energy points.   When these points are determined, the practitioner works to replenish and balance the energies.  A sensation of warmth is usually felt.   However, the hands may also emit tingly, cool, normal, or throbbing characteristics.   Each carries with it a unique healing property.   Many clients of mine have remarked on the sensation of  
electromagnetic pulses moving though their body.   Some results are immediate, but most require a period of processing from a deeper level through a series of arranged treatments.
The traditional Usui Reiki system uses no instruments, drugs, or "tricks."  Your practitioner should always work with the highest and best intent.   S/he should be focused only on your well-being.
Increased urination, runny nose, sweating, vivid dream activity and/or other   releases may follow a Reiki session.  These are normal indicators that the body is releasing toxins in order to make way for self-healing.
Reiki Energy Support Therapy is not a substitute for allopathic medical diagnoses or treatents,  but is a natural supplemental therapy to accelerate healing.   However, whereas allopathic guidelines are structured to keep you going to physicans routinely for life, a wise Reiki practitioner understands that the key to your success  is SELF-EMPOWERMENT. Big difference....
This page is dedicated to Ms. Guni Ellerbe, my friend and Reiki trainer.

Are you seeking Reiki training?
encourage anyone who truly desires to help to heal self, others, and our planet with the highest intent to seek out a Reiki teacher.  I personally suggest that you seek a one-on-one training with a trained Reiki III (Master) practitioner.  I have heard about "mass" training that takes place over a weekend!    This to me is NOT advisable and cannot possibly provide you the personal attention needed..  Find a Reiki Master who is willing to train you one-on-one and apprentice you in the healing art over months of teaching, practical experience, and knowledge.  So, Light Workers, go and SEEK!
We are all familiar with the changing of the seasons; of birth,  life,  death - a natural and timeless cycle.  The earth,  as part of the scheme and plan of the Universe,  also goes through cycles of change.  This is scientifically referred to as the Precession of the Equinoxes.  However, the Maya and other ancient cultures understood these cycles with far more reverence and insight that many of us who came after.  Now, we have re-entered the season of "winter"; what we recognize to be our institutions, societies, and cultural structures, are rapidly breaking down now--at least it may seem that way.  But spring always follows winter and the promise of renewal.                         Live Your Light........ MAYAGAL
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Consciousness Communicates Continuously!
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