9:03 PM - Monday, March 1st, 2004 - The New Adventures of Things I Write
Jenny inspired me to start a livejournal, which you can now view here. It's just one more thing for you to keep up with, so ignore it if you feel the need. But be warned: You ignore it at your peril, as well. Actually, no, no you don't, but I just wanted another thing to write in when I found myself bored. Now I have a regular paper journal, this blog, and a livejournal. Yay for redundancy!

John is a capitalist (read the journal)

6:55 PM - Saturday, February 28th, 2004 - On a roll
Sorry I didn't come with you and Max when you called, Amanda, but like I said, my dad and little brother had just gotten back from spending two weeks at this dog training camp, and I thought I should hang out with them for a little while. I don't want you to think I'm anti-social or anything. I'll definitely come with you guys next time.
As I said, my dad and brother just got back from dog training camp, and they brought back a dog! (go figure). His name is Lexus III. Here he is, in all his magnificient, splendid scremtrillescence:

That's him now. He's beautiful, but look at the puppy pictures:

It's going to be a while before he's really comfortable, and until he bonds with my brother and establishes who is the master, the rest of the family isn't supposed to be excessively nice to him. Yes, it sucks! We can only even touch him when he's on "release", which means he isn't on duty, but we're supposed to keep him on duty for a while, because he feels more comfortable when he's doing his job. It's not a dog, it's a robot!

I'm Rick James, bitch.

10:40 AM - Friday, February 27th, 2004 - Once again, I don't owe you anything
So, I haven't updated my blog in.... almost a month and a half. Fortunately, Amanda is the only one who reads it, and I talk to her (or you, I should say), just about every day at school. I don't at all understand why you request for me to update this blog, but here you go anyway.
Earlier today, in PE, Ashley was rambling on about how he could, "kick your ass at wrestling." I was astounded at this divine revelation. He, someone who had trained and practiced for an entire wrestling season, could beat me, someone who had gone to one practice and then left? How motherfucking astounding!. I quickly reminded him that I didn't plan on wrestling him, and he told me that he just might come up behind me and start attacking me. I further reminded him that when you fight someone in real life, you don't have to follow arbitrary rules, such as no headlocks, and no eye-gouging. If I really wanted to, I could kick him in the balls until he bleeds from the eyes. And I will. Watch

P.S. - Despite the fact that he is indeed very horny, John Anderson is not stupid, and is in fact, 1337, b17ch3z!!!!!11

8:48 PM - Tuesday, January 6th, 2004 - I don't owe you anything
That's right, keep that little tidbit in mind: I owe you nothing. So what if I haven't updated in almost a month? I've been busy with things, like Christmas. That reminds me: Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Mirthful Kwanza, Kickass Ramadan, and Happy fucking New Year. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go sit on my ass.

Andrew out.

7:55 AM - Sunday, December 7th, 1941 - A Day that Will Live in Infamy
On this day 62 years ago, the Empire of Japan, without provokation, launched a surprise air attack against strategic air and naval facilities at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Over 5,000 American sailors and airmen were killed in this cowardly and honorless act.
The Japanese objective of the attack was the cripple the American Pacific naval fleet, so that they would have no opposition in taking over territory in the Pacific. Fortunately, several American aircraft carriers were not present at Pearl Harbor during the week of the attack, as they were out at sea performing attack and defense movement exercises. Had they been destroyed in the attack, the Japanese would have had a clear path to the western coast of the United States.
While American forces were re-grouping, the Japanese moved quickly, seizing more territory in the Phillipines, and making a move for Midway Island, a small but strategically vital piece of land halfway between Japan and the west coast. 3 Japanese aircraft carriers and a battle group consisting of several cruisers and destroyers, along with support ships, were taken completely by surprise by an American ambush at the island, and most of the Japanese's aircraft carrier capabilities were destroyed in the battle. After Midway, the Japanese advance was over, and American forces slowly but surely began pushing the enemy back into their own land. The greatest war in history ended in August 1945, with the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Days later, delagates representing the will of the Empire of Japan signed a surrender treaty on the deck of the U.S.S Missouri.

4:38 PM - Saturday, 11/22/03 - "The Hot Zone" is the scariest book ever
No time for me to write very much, since my piece-of-shit connection decided to crap out before I could save the post I wrote a minute ago (Isn't a cable connection supposed to notsuck?). Anyway, here is the general plot: A previously unknown strain of Ebola, possibly the most horrific and deadly disease known to mankind, is found in a primate research facility. In suburban Washington D.C. The creepy part is, this is a totally true story.

Andrew out.

8:33 PM - Saturday, 11/8/03 - Hi Amanda
Since it's more than highly likely that you're the only one besides myself who reads this pigshit.

12:28 PM - Sunday, 10/12/03 - I'm not quite so happy anymore
Why? Because I want to go paintballing today, but I have to wash my mom's car, and she's using her car right now, so I'm being severely delayed. I hope she gets back within an hour or so, so I'll at least have some playing time. Friggin' soccer, friggin' San Jose.

Ben Folds is God.

6:11 PM - Tuesday, 9/23/03 - I'm so happy
Why? Because I like the clothes I'm wearing. Because it's warm right now. Because I'm hanging out with John. Because I don't have any homework. Because it might rain in the next week, and I love rain. Just because.

Andrew out.

10:05 PM - Friday, 9/19/03 - About damn time, right?
Yeah, well I've been busy, okay? Algebra homework doesn't do itself, despite my numerous efforts using psychokinetic energy.
TGIF. John's coming over tomorrow, stayin' the night, playing some paintball. It might just be me and him, or we might be able to get Evan, and maybe even Brendan. Either way, I've had to talk John down from playing in the moonlight. He doesn't quite understand that a flashlight on the barrel of the gun isn't a good idea for a number of reasons. At least this time I have money, so we can go get breakfast or something. Moon Juice, baby.

Andrew out.

<5:21 PM - Friday, 9/12/03 - Don't get your hopes up
It's been a while. When school is in session, I have innumerably less interesting things to say. The system eats away at my brain, it seems. I guess there are a few things to report, though...
Sean's party is tomorrow. John is still undecided about whether or not he can come. That's a shame. I don't think he'll end up coming. He can't take a piss without re-arranging his schedule. I feel sorry for him, but I guess he likes it.

Andrew out.

3:21 PM - Friday 8/29/03 - So about those last few posts....
Okay, okay.... yeah, I said ok-..... DUDE, SHUT UP!! So high school isn't really that bad. In fact, it's pretty great. The classes are cool, we actually do interesting things in them (hint hint middle school adminstrative nazi robots), and showers aren't really that bad. Well, it's hard to get the full shower experience, since the water is only turned on for about 18 seconds. Now that we've started running insane distances in P.E, I'm sweaty and actually want to take a shower, I can't. That's irony's sting at it's stingy....est.
John's coming over, so I have to rake a path through all the crap in my room so we can actually sit somewhere.

Andrew out.

8:11 PM - Sunday, 8/24/03 - Please help me!
I have only a few precious hours of freedom left. I don't know what to do! For the past few years, I've been anxious to return to school, possibly because I had forgotten how much homework sucks. I didn't realize how wonderful it was to not have to go do unnecessary crap right after dinner. Now I realize that ahead of time, and I'm also beginning to realize that ignorance is bliss!
Oh, I don't have anything of substance to write about. Pray for me!

Andrew out.

10:11 PM - Saturday, 8/23/03 - Savoring the last sweet drops of the nectar of freedom. How about you?
Summer is gone, which means that school is beginning, which means that I'm already counting down the days until next summer. And it's a whole new kind of torture this year: high school. I don't like the name "high" school because it implies that middle school was pointless. At least "elementary" school infers that it contains things that are basic and necessary. 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are known as "middle," or "intermediate". What importance does that carry? None. There is nothing inheritly important about middle school itself, other than the fact that it prepares you for high school. Oh wait, did I say that it prepares you for high school? I meant it doesn't prepare you for high school. At all.
So, in conclusion, middle school was useless, high school will suck, and the only thing I can look forward to in the next year is showering with other hairy guys. Oh joy.

Andrew out.

*UPDATE* - Actually, I am looking forward to open-campus lunch. That and the whole hairy guys thing.

12:27 PM - Sunday, 8/17/03 - It's been a while
I know, I know. It's been a while since I've posted. But then again, who besides me reads this? Anyway, I haven't been updating the site because now that the 25th is approaching, I actually have to do work on the stupid English work that I've been putting off all summer. I have the final book that I have to read in my lap right now, so I better cut this short and get to it.

Andrew out.

3:54 PM - Friday, 8/8/03 - Reporting to you live from Intel headquarters
Well, maybe not Intel "Headquarters", per se, but close. I would call it a "subsidiary faction" of Intel. Well.... Intel gives it money.... sometimes. But where I am is of no importance. The important thing is that I am. Then again, the fact that I am isn't really all that important either, now that I think about it. Okay, I'm rambling, but it's because I'm bored. I have nothing to do. Let me rephrase that: nothing fun to do. I still have that freakin' AP English work to do. School starts on the 25th, so I really should get working. Please take note that I used to word "should", not "will".

Andrew out.

4:29 PM - Thursday, 8/7/03 - I got the better deal, Sean
Now, I've been contemplating getting an mp3 player for quite some time. Every once in a while, I'll start saving up for one, but then find better things to invest my hard-earned cash in. Eventually, about 4 months ago, I decided that I would be happier if I spent my money on cheap, disposable things, like food, and drugs (just kidding). But I have, -ever wishywashy- decided to finally purchase one. Nay, I have already bought one, just a few minutes ago. I talked with Sean yesterday, and told him I would be buying the same one he had, but then I found a cheaper one with the same storage capacity, just with a few less crazy, frivolous features. Like a clock. But no matter: for what of time do I care? I have a watch. What I want from an mp3 player is for it to play mp3s, damnit! And this one will do just fine. By the way, Sean, it's about $50 dollars less than you paid. Oh wait. You don't pay for things, do you? Your parents buy them for you. It must be nice being feared. HAHAHAHAH!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!.... yeah....

Andrew out.

10:18 PM - Tuesday, 8/5/03 - The OC kicks ass!
Just watched "The OC", on Fox. It turned out even better than I expected. I thought it would be a mix between 90210 and Dawson's Creek, but it seems to be neither. The cinematography reminds me of "Boomtown", and the guy who plays the main character, Ryan Atwood, is great. First episode, and already a drunken fight scene. I look forward to next Tuesday.
On an entirely different note, I finished "To Kill a Mockingbird", or as you may or may not know it as, "Tequila Mockingbird". I'd have to say that one of the greatest American literatary masterpieces paled in comparison to some TV show on Fox. Oh well, whatever.

Andrew out.

9:33 PM - Saturday, 8/2/03 - Not so much a post as a useless update that no one will ever read
Unless you count my writing and reviewing it as reading. Anyway, the anouncement is that, in lieu of any more decent flash movies for the front page, I've decided to simply put up a scan of an amusing sketch I made. FYI, the man in the upper right corner is Uday Hussein, and the one in the lower left is Qusay, copied quite realistically off of the cover of Newsweek.

Andrew out.

3:21 PM - Tuesday, 7/29/03 - I have the feeling I won't have enough to write to cover the space this picture takes up...
So I bought a CD today. But I make sure that on the rare occasions that I do buy CDs, they're worth my treachery. And this one definitely is. "Lennon Legend", a best of John Lennon mix. The tracks include "Imagine", "Instant Karma", "Stand By Me", "Beautiful Boy", "Working Class Hero", and "Watching the Wheels", among others. I'm just thankful that there are no tracks with Yoko in them, even though a good percentage come from the album "Plastic Ono Band".
You know, I don't think I would have really had to tell you the name of the CD I bought. That is, unless you're completely blind and can't see the way-too-massive picture of the cover art to the left of this text. And if you are blind, it begs the question: how did you access this site?

Andrew out.

3:43 PM - Monday, 7/28/03 - Got Milk?
I just read about Harvey Milk High School, a gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender high school in New York. Part of me wants to cheer them on, but another part of me says that an all gay high school is just as bad as an all-straight high school or an all white high school. Seperating homosexuals from their straight peers just says that they're different, and need to be treated differently, which I know is not what anyone wants. I just don't know....
Anyway, I put up a new flash quickie on the main page, as you must have seen. The adventures of bored man. Next week I'll put on another one I've made. I made about 5 quick clips, so I'm pretty much set for the next month or so.

Andrew out.

2:25 PM - Friday, 7/25/03 -Nothing much...
Not much going on around here. Grandma in town until later today, I'm at the Intel Computer Clubhouse right now, volunteering. I feel bad that I haven't been able to come for the last few times for one reason or another, and I can't wait for them to get back to the fall schedule so I can remember when it is I have to come (I almost forgot again today.) Hope everyone likes my movie on the front page, aptly named "powerbomb". Removed image of hand flippin' the bird in last post, cuz' I imagine a few people might be offended. Still, I wish there was a way that I could only make it appear on the computers of people who support the RIAA. You know, looking back on this post, I realize that it has been useless, almost drunken ramblings, so I guess I'll sign out for now.

Andrew out.

12:10 PM - Tuesday, 7/22/03 - It finally came!
No, that's not what I mean, you sicko. I'm talking about my Kazaa instant message from the RIAA saying "It seems that you are offering copyrighted material for upload. Stop this, it is illegal". Guess what?
Image Removed, cuz' it was kind of offensive

Scare tactics only piss people off.

Andrew out.

1:48 PM - Monday, 7/21/03 - No one online, nothing to do
Except, of course, update this site or play Battlefield 1942, still unarguably the best game in existence.
I've been trying to think of ways to put my new Cannon scanner to good use, but have yet to find any, unless you count scanning horrific headlines from the newspaper and making them even more horrific by changing "4 dead in freak accident" to "4 dead in hilarious accident".
Ironically enough, I don't have an interesting image to give you today, because I'm lazy and feel that I already put too much work into this site.

1:36 PM - Sunday, 7/20/03 - Tequila Mockingbird
Summer is dying, the days are getting shorter, and the ominous prospect of high school is becoming less of a distant threat and more of a nuisance that must be accepted. Oh well. I still have a little while before I have to get to work. Oh wait. No I don't. I still have to read those freakin' summer books for AP English. Damn...
As I'm sure I've mentioned in earlier posts, although not quite that sure, because I'm far too lazy to scroll down and look at them, Lee Harper's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is my required reading for the summer. As you might have guessed from the heading of this post, and from the hilarious (if I do say so myself) image. I try not to take important things too seriously.;->

Andrew out.

10:18 PM - Friday, 7/18/03 - Do you like my new heading?
But that isn't the end of it, my friends. Oh no! There are great changes coming. One of them might be the end of this humble geocities site that I really write more for myself than anyone. I could be moving on, on to a www.something.com site, one that will actually produce traffic. Sean wants to make a web comic, and sell shirts. I told him I don't know where the hell we're going to get shirts, much less ones with our logo embroidered on them. We don't even have a logo. That's another thing we have to do.
I know that none of this has been in the least bit interesting, but I might as well be talking to myself. Who reads this? Nobody does. If you're reading this, please e-mail me. Seriously, I will respond to every single e-mail, because I only expect a single e-mail, actually. Maybe. Please?

Andrew out

July 16th, 2003 - I'm more American than you are
You see, because I have this big picture of an eagle with an American flag across it's face, I have more rights as a citizen than you do. If someone blows up the Golden Gate Bridge, the G-men wouldn't even think of questioning me. Oh no, they'd talk to Habib and Akmed, you know, the two guys always talking in Arbabic at the deli.
Yeah, I know this probably should have been in the "Insane Rants" section, but that thing is always hard to format, and I'm a very lazy person. Besides, Law and Order is on.

Andrew out.

July 14th - Insert Witty Quip here
I almost feel ashamed that I don't have any good news to deliver to you, the anxious masses, after such a long absence. Almost. Nothing particularly interesting happened over the past week. I played in a baseball tournament. We lost. My brother fell out of his wheelchair and broke his elbow. Entirely his fault. I got a new scanner. Hey, that qualifies as good news. I wish I had gotten it during the school year, though, so I could actually put it to good use. As it is, I just use it to send funny images to Sean. I guess that's what I would do during the school year, too, actually. But it would feel more important.

Andrew out.

July 7th, 2003 - More ballin'
More paintballing today. I popped a few caps in a few b17ch3z, but soon returned to my lazy, procrastinating summer kind of mood. I still have some more g0dd@mn books to read for school, which starts at the end of August. I have to read "To Kill a Mockingbird", or as I have dubbed it "Tequila Mockingbird". Whatever. I'll get it done. I always do.
So..... yeah.

Andrew out.
