Fan Fiction
General Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or New Moon and I make no money off of these stories.  I just enjoy writing them and hope you enjoy reading them.  So please don't sue.
PLEASE BE AWARE OF RATINGS!  If you are under 18, do NOT read stroeis rated NC-17, and if you are under 17, avoid stories rated R and use good judgement.  If you are underage, there are plenty of age appropriate stories here for you to choose from.  Rating warnings and story genres are listed along with the summarys.  Please use your better judgement and avoid stories with subject matter you find uncomfortable.
It Ends Tonight: (RATING: Strong PG-13 for language, sexual situations, and suicidal thoughts)  Edward’s time in Italy when he thinks Bella is dead.  Takes place during New Moon.  Drama, Action/Adventure, Angst, Supernatural (Work in Progress)
A Time For Us: (RATING: PG for extreme cuteness) Edward and Bella watching the 1968 version of “Romeo and Juliet” together. Takes place during New Moon.  Romance, Song Fic, One-Shot (Completed)
Together. Forever.: (RATING: PG for angst)  Edward’s thoughts on the plane to Italy.  Takes place during New Moon.  Angst, Drama, One-Shot (Completed)
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