la vida dominicana
...and what does the Lord require of you? to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
                                  micah 6:8
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Books – Spanish books of all levels, beginning level English books (kindergarten or first grade level), coloring books , elementary math books, didactic books, etc...

Science Supplies – baby food jars, magnifying glasses, “bug boxes,” little notebooks for observations, plastic beakers and test tubes, experiment books, etc…
the first six-week session of science class - topic: chemical reactions - has come to an end. on monday of holy week, the class will get together for a "party" and "recap" of all of the experiments and information gathered during our six weeks together. to see pictures and read more: click here.
Semana Santa: Holy Week
during holy week, i was able to welcome my parents and little sister to the Dominican Republic to share with me in my ministries here and to spend some quality family time together.
to read more about their visit
click here
on tuesday, wednesday and thursday of Holy Week, La Anunciacion became a meeting place for 125 kids and teenagers learning more about Jesus.
the mini-Bible school took place thanks to materials provided by Pat and Joe Fitzsimmons :) and with help from teachers and administration in the school. The lessons focused on Palm Sunday, The Cross and The Resurrection.