Fun Facts:
Mom and Dad got me from a  breeder. I was the only puppy born from my birth mom. And I  was born by C section.
  My Birthday is December 2. And my dads is December 3. I think that is kinda cool.
I snore louder than Jason. And everyone always laughs at me..I don't know why
Did you know that Most dogs like me don't bark alot. Well I proved  everyone wrong. My uncle eddy taught me how to bark. But people always laugh at it. They say its not very scary.
- Playing with eddy.

-Sleeping in the computor room closet

- long naps

-eating paper

- eating treats. chips, icecream. or whatever I get.
- Being woken up to go to the potty.

-the vacumm

- the hairdryer

- getting a bath

- green peppers

Welcome to Tobys Page
Hi my name is Toby. I am a very well loved boston terrier. I live with my mommy MISSY and my daddy Jason. Well really I just live with Jason. See mommy and daddy aren't married yet. So daddy and I live with grandma and J.T. And of course my uncle eddie. Eddie is my grandmas Jack Russell. We get along great. I love to play with him and bite his tail. Oh yeah Jake daddys bird lives at the house too. Uncle eddy likes to bark at him. But i listen to daddy and let him flap his wings in peace.
Well thanks everyone for coming. I hope you learned a little bit about me. Now you can head on over to my picture page and see how cute I am.I would love you to sign my guest book.    Hope you all have a wonderful day. And come back soon to look at the changes that Mommy makes
Missy thought this was funny
To get to Tobys Pictures.