or lack thereof...

-08.15.04: Doh! I'm bad I know, and this isn't even a decent update, merely some light housekeeping. I'm trying to overhaul the site, but it looks like it might be more of a pain than a pleasure. Things have gotten a bit too dusty around this site even with my lax standards. I'll try my best for those who still care enough to give me a swift kick every once in a awhile ;)

-02.09.03: Oh dear. A whole year without updates. Yeah, it's a sucky update too. Recently, one, Usagi Tuskino, wrote disparaging remarks about my site and myself in my guestbook. Not being one to be insulted without having the last word, i have made follow-ups to these said entries. Are you for Real? Please... Give it a look, I thought it was funny...

-01.30.02: First update of the new year but I'm afraid it's not a large one. I've gotten e-mails and guestbook entries concerning my Rumors section being wrong. To those of you who do believe that I think that Chibichibi is Princess Kakyuu, please realize that that entire page is covered in SARCASM!!! It was my attempt to be witty and actually get a chance to use my rather acidic humor. I've posted a warning on the page for those who might have missed this update. No offense, but if Kahlila-san had been reading the whole list of rumors, she would have noticed that I do in fact know who Chibichibi is. It's rumor number one of the list. Sorry for the confusion....

-10.14.01: Wowsers! A name change and face-lift! About the name change, I've always abhorred this site's name. It was completely un-original and boring. Midori means green in Japanese and it's also a favorite drink of mine ;D I've actually been working on this face-lift since August, and only recently had time to put it up. Many of the subpages aren't quite complete yet (they still look awful!), so those are next on my agenda, then I'll add the new sections. This page is coming back!

-06.26.01: as of today, i will not be updating my sites until august. i'm going to australia as an exchange student for the summer and it is doubtful that i will have time to update. see you guys in august!

-06.03.01: An attempt to make the page look more uniform. Basically, I just stuck a picture of Jupiter-chan on all the sub-pages. I know I know, it's a pathetic attempt.

-05.23.01: I got enough complaints about the quiz to get me to make it less... challengeing. Also, in the couple years since I had posted it, no one had ever gotten all the questions right (was it really that hard? am I really that picky?!). I also got complaints of there being too much stuff from the manga on it. I tried to fix at least some of these problems in my limited time.

-04.11.01: gggggggrrrrrrr! The stupid thing didn't word wrap like it was supposed to!!! After about a half hour of reformatting, the stupid thing is finally (really) ready to be on the page. Sorry for the few hours of inconvience.

-04.11.01: OH MY GOD!! Hehe, the last thing you ever expected to be updated ever ever again has been updated! I actually wrote another fic! Thanks to the gentle prodding i came up with something. Amazing what you can do when you have a little spare time.

-03.30.01: A few minor updates to the Jupiter an Underdog section along with a few technical updates. Maybe more exciting updates later this weekend (the weekend translating to 3 months from now, I'm so lazy...)

-02.06.01: WWWWWAAAAAAAAIIIIII!!! An update!! Thanks to Sailor ChibiJupiter-san for giving me a firm e-mail kick. (and yes, I am that lazy :Þ) First off, this page was created because of the lack of room in the current layout. Also, minor updates to the Mako's profile. I also took down the WAV files just because I couldn't remember if they still worked or not (god, this is getting rediculous). I also redid the opinion section. There was also a lot of quirky html that has been fixed. Hmmm... I think that's it...
