Song Playing is
"Give Thanks"
"In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us
grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy."
The World did not give me my joy,
and if the world didn't give it, the world can't take it away:)
Lord, send me out today
To leave heartprints.
And if someone should say,
"I felt your touch,"
May that one sense YOUR LOVE
Life as a College Student 2001:
Hello:) I wanted to add a page about my going to college, what led me to go to college, a choice I made last year during college, and how I see my future as being the best it possibly can:) As you will see as you read this page, the Lord is the most important guidance that I have in making my choices. I am sure I am making the correct ones, and I pray this page will help one to see that listening to God and Obeying him when he asks something of us, even if we do not understand it, is the best way. That really is very true. Of course, there is always a proper way to do and handle things. Anything NOT of Love is NOT of God. I know I have to take the Holy Bible and apply all of it to my life, not just the parts that I want and choose to. (JESUS says, KNOW THE TRUTH {NOT SOME of the TRUTH NOT Parts of the TRUTH that I(WE) like NOT what I(WE) want the TRUTH to be} and it WILL set you FREE.) Having balance in your life is something that is very important. I love being able to balance the many things the Lord has asked me to do. Of course, there is always room for the Lord in my life! No matter where I am or what I am doing. He is first and most important to me, as I am sure you can see. I needed to have balance in my life, and I am Thankful the Lord has taught me how to do just that.
We MUST first KNOW who we are IN Christ Jesus Our Lord, BEFORE we CAN KNOW Ourselves. I began adding Christian pages to my site, so that while I am not online as much and attending college, others could be able to see on my pages and what I have learned over the last few years. Hopefully, something will help someone else visiting here.
I do believe in "Outside Professional Help, sometimes, we just have to obtain this in our lives {such as Christian Counseling, Personal Counseling, Alcohol Treatment, Drug Treatment, Family and Marriage Counseling Etc..} but I also know the Lord Jesus needs to be in YOUR Life. and Heart. He HAS to be the "CENTER" of your Professional Help! No-one can put your life back together and make You and Others You Love "COMPLETE and "WHOLE", with-out "EMPTINESS"
And Make your Situation that WAS Bad work for the GOOD, as Jesus Christ Our Lord CAN.
If you know me at all you know that what you see and read here on my pages is the "real" me. I am the same. I do not change my personality, or the way I love and care for others. I am a very honest person. I have never been forceful and "crammed" religion, or anything else, down someone elses throat. I know I would not want someone to do that to me and in return I know someone else would not want that done to them.
~I believe in "Planting seeds", even if I am not always the one who "Waters" them.
~ We may "Be Watering" a "Seed" Some-one Else has "Planted". ~ ~ Everything is for a Reason and a Season.~
~ When Some-thing IS for a Lifetime, the Lord WILL let us know ~
We all have a Special Gift. We need to soul search, overcome our own issues, and ask the Lord to direct us in what our gift is. We then may of be help to others. We all have something to do that No-One else can do. We each carry a Special "Style" about us as indivisuals (I like to refer to it as a style) no two people will ever be the exact same with the style they have. The way they carry themselves will reach out to those others who can "relate" to that same style. Whether it is Ministering to someone, or something else, such as Parenting or Everyday Situations. That's why all of us being the same is not a good thing. When things are presented to us in a different way, by different people, some can learn from one style better and learn more than from another style:) Alot of the word style here. I know I do wrong, as I am not perfect. I know that no-one is. If I am wrong, or I have hurt someone; I want that person to know "I am sorry". We can never be perfect as humans, just like Jesus, but we can strive to live as close to his image, excellence, and integrity as possible. I know one day the Lord will be coming back; I have to make sure I am doing the Lords Will for me, when he does return. I really love the new college I am in now. It is small, cozy and there are many wonderful people there:)
I have worked in other areas that were not college related. I worked in factories for a while, I worked as a secretary, a telemarketer ( BORING:) a nursing home. I finally came along to waitressing, which I did for 11 years. I loved waitressing the best out of all of the jobs I had. I used to get upset at myself, because I felt I was way to organized, and I would love to be like others that were more spontaneous and could be more of a "free" person. I am Thankful now, that I do have a high Organization Skill. I found, it is a big key to a lot of success in this world. It's not hard to achieve organization; it just requires some work to keep all of your things straight so that they can run smooth. I am also Thankful I have a high level of Diversity. It is much needed to deal with others I believe. I respect and accept that others have their own personal thoughts and feelings. I accept that right that others have. A lot of times, someone else can help us along our way as a human and bring things to our attention that we often do not see ourselves on the surface. I believe God wants us to help each other along the way and leaving our own Personal Biases aside, NOT wagering in them, because we are entitled to think and believe as we wish to. Sometimes we are right. However, laying them aside is something I believe we need to do to allow ourselves to help others as best that we possibly can. If we can not do this, then letting that person know honestly and politely that it is best that I don't help them with that situation, due to my personal Bias of that. That way it won't interfere with them getting the proper help. Most importantly, it will not come between us, if there is a friendship/relationship there. Being a good example for someone can be such a help and leave a lasting impact on others and to others, more than we realize I think. We need to recognize the person(s) Culture and where they come from, as well, in Society. I also believe we need to when dealing with people, have Empathy( meaning) we can put ourselves in their shoes, and their feelings affect us so much that we actually can hurt, almost to the same degree as they do It is almost as if we can "touch" their feelings, and they affect us, when they are going through something that is upsetting or hurtful to them. I go back to where I said above, if I would not want something done to me, then I would not do it to anyone else. I allow myself to stand in that persons shoes and say "that would not be right or could be hurtful to do". I always say, if someone is the way they are; there is an inner reason for that. Most times, what we as humans need is Friends. Others to help us and to just simply be there, no matter what, with kind words, help, and most importantly, "Love". We can't START at the top with others that need help. We adjust to the level that they are at, in THEIR life, and build them UP:) Of course, there is always a Proper and Loving way to handle ALL situations and bringing something to someone else's attention. If it is not done in a Loving way, then I don't think we should do or say anything. I loved talking to people and serving them meals and making them happy and even when I waitressed, I found myself an outlet for a lot of people. Many of the places were a family place, and the same people came again and again. I met a lot of wonderful people that way:) I would find serving them food turned more into a conversation. Many times, it would end with them saying "Thank you" for being so kind, listening to me, and for smiling. I could remember people very well and what they said, even if it was 3 months ago (example) they could come back in to eat 3 months later and I could say, how did your doctor appointment go? A lot of people looked surprised I could remember so long ago, but they loved that. It made them feel really good. Gosh, I sure miss waitressing to be honest. Sometimes it's all I can do to keep from going out to waitress again. I know, when I am older, a waitress will not be something I can do like I could then and now at age 30, and they don't get a lot of benefits and things I believe we need when we are older and are settled in our job career.
As most of you know, from my other web pages, I was in college during the years of 1999 and 2000. I decided to go to college, after my Brother passed away, knowing that I had done so many things in the world and being told I was very good at them. I would need an Education to be a Professional at what I decided to do as my Career in this life. I also knew at a later date, I wanted the Lord to intervene in the choice I was going to make, because that was something that was important to me. I never really thought much about going to college, before I became saved and got to know the Lord. I was a High School Drop out, in 1988. I would have graduated High School in 1989. I am sorry I made that choice then, but I am not sorry now. I learned from what I done wrong in the past and am now correcting it. I did go back to get my GED a few years after I dropped out, not with the intention then of going to college but just so I would have a diploma. I have the Lord to Thank for bringing me this far, and I know he will carry me all the way through. Not only in my college years, but with many other things in this life I will face.
I was in College, during my second semester, in October of 2000. I was doing very well, and my grade point average was 3.7 both semesters I attended. I was thriving and doing what I believed to be the right choice in my life. I was going to college with my intended major as "Criminal Justice". I was very much into going, thriving and enjoying all that college had presented itself to be to me so far.
I had just enrolled for my Spring Semester and had my first Criminal Justice Class on my schedule. After my placement test, Intro to College English, Study Strats for College, Music and Psychology(Entry Level) were completed. I felt ready to begin classes for my intended major. I was praying to the Lord all through out my semesters in college that he would guide me. He would help me achieve the best as possible in college. I felt everything was right, and I could not ask to be doing better.
It was in the Fall of 2000, I was led by the Lord to create an online group to- reach out to others, bring people together, to allow friendships to form, and also to minister to those low in Faith, needing to accept the Lord as their Personal Savior. I could not understand why the Lord would ask that of me, especially at that time in my life. I had my hands VERY full. I was only going to college part time as I did not want to overload myself to begin. I wanted to make sure that was the right step for me in my life.
I prayed about 3 weeks about starting the group and seeking the Lords will above my own in this matter. It was defiantly what was wanted of me at that time. So, on the last day I could possibly withdrawal from college, I went to the office and said, I cannot attend right now, and I need the paper so I can withdrawal. The office ladies looked shocked, because I had gotten to know them:) and really enjoyed talking to some of them on my breaks and in the halls. The said as they filled out the paper, to relieve me from my classes, "We hope one day you will come back." I finally, smiled and said, "I am sure I will, but I just can not go right now".
That was very hard for me to do, but after I withdrew, I didn't look back. I knew there had to be an underlying reason the Lord asked me to do that at that time in my life. Running an online group, was NOT in my picture and sure was something I never though about doing. I did however always enjoy emailing one on one with others who had seen Mike's (My Brother who passed away) site. I was doing well keeping up with emailing and the other things in my life. But an online group was much more time consuming than what I had been doing.
The Lord Promised me Peace for things in my life, and to be honest, I needed Peace for many things. I believed that Peace would come to pass one day in my life. I didn't know when or how or anything like that, but I did know it would happen.
I knew at the end of February in 2001 that my time for running the Group had come to an end. I knew I had to look back at the situation, and see what it was that I needed to know by doing that. It didn't take me long to figure it out. I always loved people, and I knew whatever I did, I would want to be at the helping end of people and their lives. This Group was something I loved to see grow, and not only grow, but when people would join and email me later, and say, I have changed my life, I feel good about myself now, and other wonderful remarks, I would just smile ear to ear:) and I know the Lord did also.
When I first was asked to build the Group, I never knew that so MANY different people and situations would be coming into the Group. I had my PRIMARY focus on Helping those with Grief and the Loss of a Loved One. But the LORD had OTHER plans and brought many people and situations to this Group(Child and Sexual Abuse Victims, Rape Victims, Neglected and Abondanded people, Those who had not spoken to Family Members in Years, Those who Suffered from Eating Disorders, Adopted people, Those who Suffered from Addictions, or a Family Member Suffered from them, Homosexuality, Marriage Troubled people, People in Divorces or Getting over one, Teens in the Middle of Divorces, People in Domestic Violence Relationships, Those who had a Loved One Murdered, Scitzofrenias, Depressed people, People in Poverty, Suicidal people, Terminally Ill people, Diseased and Sick people, Those who were hurt in their Church, Those who needed Christ and were Lost, or had the Gospel backwards, Those who needed a boost in Faith, Those who wanted to be a part of the Group to Help Others and Pray Faithfully and YES:) Some even went on to become Preachers that were part of the group. Praise GOD!! There were MANY people there with Many different Jobs, Professions, and Situations. Each person was SPECIAL because "Every-one" is Created by God and is Unique in His/Her Own Way. The Lord even sent a few Preachers, some Good Evangelists, and a Professional Psychologist/Christian Counselor (Who has her own radio show:) Thank You Lord Jesus! The Lord asked me to broaden MY horizons, Listen & Understand, Encourage & Help, Love & Pray And Bring the Truth to Light with Grace to those that needed it. "Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin"
We are ALL flawed by Sin.
LUKE 5:32- I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Also, to help others to see that TRUE PEACE CAN ONLY COME FROM OUR LORD JESUS. I Praise God! that Others were helped, and Many began going to church or back to church:) Thank you Jesus! No-One who was Suicidal when joining, committed Suicide. I KNEW that with HIM as my guide and with the Leading of the Holy Spirit, I would be able to handle this. I needed to Spread the Love and Word of God and get the people to HIM. I shared this, in HOPES YOU would KNOW If God asks something of YOU, YOU will be ABLE to do it. I would NEVER disclose Personal Names, as that would be very cruel and UNGodly. Some people were "Open" and shared with others, some were not "Open". Some asked me to share prayer requests stating their "Specific" need(s. Others asked that I not repeat "Some" of the Situation or "Anything" about the Situation. Whatever was asked, I respected that. When I ended the group with me as the leader I knew that most people that were in the group, were helped and on their way to a happier, healthier life. That was something that made me so happy; I never thought the ending of the group was the answer "but it was". The Lord made sure that most people who were --seriously-- there had what they needed at the time he was also guiding me to leave the group as the leader of the wonderful online group I had started. I loved to see others join, be helped-- saved and move along to their outside physical life in a better way than when they joined the Wings of Peace. Most had made lasting Friendships with others within the group that had been where they were at one time in their own life or they "Bonded" with. I know that, many were brought to know the Lord, many were Healed, and many went along their way to Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others that they came into contact with. Praise God I never thought that day would come I could stop with Peace, with well over 200 members in about 6 months and more and more joining Daily! I thought, there is no way I can ever stop this. I can not leave anyone as a friend, as a source of support, and I accepted that. I was not angry and knew that I would be running a online group for the rest of my life. But you know it sure is amazing, how God was so right about HIS promise of Peace to me. The Lord guided me to know also that others had to take care of themselves at some point. It was really the best, if they were on their own after awhile doing things for themselves and making their life all that they wanted it to be. Of course, I know that did not mean to leave anyone's life, it just meant, people had to do for themselves also. I guess, that was hard for me to accept. I got used to running the wonderful group, and I really enjoyed it as much as others. I believe it helped me heal as well in many ways. I made sure that everyone that was once in this group had a email from me letting them know I would always be here, if they ever needed anything. I wanted to remain in touch. I am so Blessed to have so many in my addy book and also Blessed to add new friends I have met since then:) I lift my WHOLE addy book up in prayer! I still am to reach out in this very same way, ONLY now I do not have group, pages, and activities.
More times than not, there are "Misunderstandings" about Ministries that are in place both Offline and Online.
The Group/Non Profit Organization-Ministry -Wings of Peace- was in No Way, Shape or Form a -Cult- Even though It was thought of as that {by very few people at one time} I wanted to share views on a -Cult-
No-one was Forced to Remain here or Forced to Believe and Do what was Followed.
If you think about it- When ANYTHING is in place with Numerous amounts of people, there HAS to be Some-one or People "Opening" it and keeping "Order" within it. Otherwise, you would have Complete "Disorder" and Total "Disfunction" as well.
Mostly ALL Well Established Groups/Organizations, within Society, have Codes of Conduct, Rules and Creeds that HAVE to be followed.
Even In Our Homes, We Apply These Same Principles.
Christianity, the "Holy Bible", and "Jesus"(What Would Jesus Do) were the "Foundation" for the Wings of Peace Any-Where in Society (Churches, Charities, Business Organizations etc...) there HAS to be Founders & Leaders, Codes of Conduct, Rules and Creeds. If not, as I said, It would be Total "Disorder" and "Disfunctional"
A Church is a large, established "religious body", having a bureaucratic(Inflexible Rules) structure.
Our message is not ourselves. Jesus is Lord. One day all of
creation will acknowledge and praise him. For the people
around us to praise Jesus today, they need to see him alive in us.
We serve others in Jesus' name. We are- his body, his hands of
compassion, his heart of mercy, and his voice of tenderness. So
let's lift up Jesus. Not just by telling others about him but
serving others as his presence in the world.
I thought Criminal Justice was the answer for me. However, it was not. I needed to go to college for Social Work or Psychology. I needed to have more skills, and the Lord needed me to see that is what he wanted of me. To be honest, I probably would not have listened any other way other than the way I did things at the time. I do think now, maybe later in my life, I could go into Christian Counseling. I know some other people who have their College degree in Psych and/or Social Work and also do some counseling at a Church and other Christian related services. There are also a few Religion courses that I can take as electives, and I am going to take those courses. I sure am Thankful for the Lords intervention in my life, to make me see that. I would of been crushed to get along way down the road in college and see I went for the "wrong" thing.
I know, if anyone else has had the Lord call them to a stop in something they love or know they are doing that feels so right, it is hard to accept what may be asked of us at that time by God. We may have NO clue at that time what the reason is for us stopping dead in our own tracks and doing something else. It is WELL worth listening and obeying!!
I do have Peace and many Blessings fell into my lap over the 6 months I listened carefully as what I know now to be a crucial time in my life that was going to determine a lot of my life's outcome. Finacially, Emotionally, Physically, and Spiritually, I have grown so much and so has my Family. I also was going to college "knowing that to buy our home" my Husband and I would need to both be working, in good jobs. Well, that came to pass for me also, and I am not going to college at age 30 now to buy our home. I asked the Lord ONCE (I hardly ever ask for anything for myself..) about a year ago for a New Home with good Christian People associated with this home, before my husband and I were much older. The WORDS that come out of my mouth, will NOT return unto me VOID:)He is ABLE to do above and beyond ANYTHING we may think or ask. The Lord seen we had not only a home of our own but a home that is completely remodled with all new things such as the heating system, piping, roof and so much more! Honestly, everywhere you look, it is new.(So we would not have to worry about things breaking and having to fix them right away)and also a bonus for my hubby, a nice garage of his own! He's always wanted one of them:)Not only that:) also a new "fancy" sidewalk, and a new "fancy" deck:) before I went back to get schooling this time, the Lord seen we had this:) The people we met through this home also got us to the right church:) (and for that, I am so Thankful and very Blessed) after we relocated in March of 2001, due to my husbands job promotion. What is so wonderful is they shared with us when they began redoing this home, it was in September of 2000. The same exact month I began my online group. It took them nine months to finish the home. Actually, they were not quite all the way finished, when we first moved in. The inside was all done though. We got to watch as they added the beautiful deck and sidewalk. All that I kept saying, to myself, was...Thank you Jesus. I didn't ask for all of this. He is so GOOD:) It was rather funny, because I was Praising the Lord here - I had NO idea - at first, that the people who owned this home were Christians as well. We didn't talk about that, right away:) They were just about finished with the last thing here. I was outside, while he was finishing up the steps on our deck. His wife came that afternoon as well. My hubby was at work. We were chatting, and he looked up and said, "you all go to church anywhere"? I said..well, no, but we used to. I was surprised. It just caught me off guard. He said "REALLY" I said, yeh, we used to be there all the time. It was a wonderful day! I had been Thanking God for our home and also Praying, "Now Please get us to the "right" church. She said, well come to our church. I said, "what kind of music do they play"? Funny huh..I just wanted so much a church like our other church, before we moved. A Spirit Filled, Bible Teaching church. She said, I have a *Bunch* of tapes. Do you want some? I sure did:) I was so happy! I kept saying, Oh Lord, let this be a wonderful church. We had attended Saturday night church at our other church. It was so wonderful, everyone could not sit down on Sundays, because of all of the people. She said, YEP..there is Saturday night church as well. I was really really excited! I could not wait to go see it and see what this church was all about. It was totally amazing! I never thought the people we found our home with, would also get us to the right church:) Isn't GOD so GOOD? :) I am Thankful the Lord used them to reconstruct this home. I know this is the Lords home:) BUT with us moving in March 2001, we did not get this home right away. We were in a rental again when we first moved in March, but I said, "Thank you Lord for giving me a home", even though it is a rental, "I thank you for it" I know that the Lord knew we would get this home, but first, I had to work very hard and grow in him. I did just make the Salvation Prayer page here on the site, just before we first called about this home. I had to always show myself to be Thankful and True, no matter what, before us receiving this home could happen. I sure have grown so much in my Lord Jesus. We are building a wonderful friendship with them, and we are very Thankful the Lord crossed our paths and allowed us the wonderful Blessing of meeting a wonderful Christian couple who are natured alot like my husband and I to have as close friends:) I was Praying that "Good Christian People" would come into our lives. Our neighbors are also wonderful Christians. He is a part time Pastor at a Spirit Filled church. Thank You Jesus.
College is important for any job/career you are wanting to do as your work. No matter what you would like to be, you have to have the proper training and education to be able to do your career choice professionally. I believe when you are wanting to deal with others and help them, we need to have this education, because there are human lives we are dealing with, and humans are very fragile. We certainly do not want to take on some situations with human lives when we do not have the proper education to do so. I do not believe God wants us to do that either. Of course helping someone is wonderful, and I believe when someone has actually lived through something themself; they are alot of help to someone else. Of course, we can not let that come in the way of our thinking we are trained to handle all things professionally, until we are educated. If I did not know the answer to a question someone had, I would direct them to the place I felt was the best where they could receive the correct answer or get the help they needed, If I felt I did not really know. Sometimes it was online, but alot of times it was offline in their physical world that they needed to be helped. All humans make mistakes. However, with the proper training, we are more apt to make the right choice in telling someone else what is the best for them. That's why, I believe online, we need to be EXTRA careful as to who we allow to tell us things. and guide us. In the outside physical world, you can get a much better idea as to how someone really is and what Degree they have. Like a Counselor you would go to, you would want to see their Degree and what schooling they have usually. A Minister at a Church, you would more than likely want a Minister running the Church to have the Proper schooling to do that. (Just a few examples) Just something to keep in mind. While the Lord does guide us, we also have to have the common sense knowledge and the proper education. There are several different career paths to choose from. Of course, I always believe praying about what you are wanting to do and seeking the LORDS way above our own. God will put us in the best place where we can do the best, for years to come.
There are several different programs available to help you with going to college, so that you can afford it. It is WELL worth looking into, and it is not hard. There are people from ALL walks of life going to college. Some are older ( some even retired) some are young, some are working, some are not, some are married, some are single, some are divorced, and etc., etc. I was worried that it would be to hard for me, and I would not be able to do it. It is a lot easier than high school for me. I am determined and serious! Thats probably why:) I Thank the Lord for bringing this Blessing to me and for giving me the chance to go to college and excel in a rewarding career that he has chosen for me to do. I will do my very best for the time the Lord has gave to me here on earth.
I will add some pages in the future as to how my college years are going:) I am going to be going full time as of next quarter, and I look forward to that. I am still undecided if I will go 2 years or 4, but I know the Lord will help me with the answer when the time is near I have to decide that. Right now, I would love to work in the Adoption Section of Social Services when I am finished. I feel I have alot to offer there. I have already had hands on expierence with that in Social Services in North Carolina. (Since I was adopted at 3 days old myself, and I found my Biological Parents at age 18) helping Parents and Children who are adopted understand the emotions and feelings associated with being adopted is an area I feel I have alot of knowledge in, and I could be of great help to those in need. Of course, I have found out Social Services offers a very wide range of opportunities for job choices. I am sure I will be doing the right career choice when that time comes:) As many of you know, :) I still love being online when I can and emailing and helping others. I guess that part of me will never leave me:)
I just could not wait to share this:) I have been praying, something would open up a door for me, so I could begin speaking again, while I was still in college. I just wrote the paragraph above on Oct.1, 2001.
I just got a speaking job with Social Services here, on Tuesday, October 23, 2001. I am going to be speaking with adoptive parents who are adopting a child or children from the system:) I loved doing that when we lived in NC:) and now I am Blessed by doing that again and its a big step to my getting my foot in the door here!!:)I am so happy and Thankful. I speak 1 time every 3 months for this county.
I was waiting for information to finish a report that I had to write for my Social Services class, and the Supervisor emailed it to me, since the regular adoption worker did not know some of the answers to the History of their Social Service Department. I found myself emailing back to the Supervisor, about my being adopted and that I had worked with SS before and if they ever needed anyone to speak, I would be glad to. It was about 10 minutes later, and she emailed back and said, they actually could use me if I would be available. It turns out she was the guest speaker for our class Tuesday night, and I met with her, and I got the Speaking Job:) I am so excited and so Thankful!!:)
And in closing of this Quarter, that ended at the end of November 2001, I have been offered a volunteer job at a Christian Pregnancy Counseling Center in a town close by to us:) Praise the Lord! It happens the teacher I had for Social Work runs and operates this Agency! I am so thrilled, and pray I will do the very best that I can. knowing I can hopefully and prayfully make a difference in many girls lives. Hopefully, it will give me wonderful chances to bring others to know our Lord and Savior Jesus. I am so thrilled and can not Thank my Lord Enough! I ended up doing well this Quarter and received a 97% in my Social Work class as a final grade. AMEN:) I am going to take 2 classes again next Quarter and see what the Lord has in store for me. Am I worried or upset the Lord may be calling me away from college again? NOPE:) If it's HIS WILL, I will OBEY:) I do believe God places a "Supernatural" gifting within us, if we allow ourselves to USE the gift and expand and GROW in our Gifting :) Thank you Jesus, Thank you...
If you are thinking about going back to College, please check into it. It is well worth your time, effort, and energy to get an Education and to be able to perform your job with a Professional Degree.
May God Bless You,
Please visit ~ 2002 Career My 2002 Career:)
Please visit ~ Welcome to My Christian Home Welcome to My Christian Home
Please visit ~ Our Beliefs Our Beliefs
Please visit ~ Salvation
Prayer if you have not already, will you accept Jesus into your life
Please visit ~ A Prayer For You A Prayer For You
Please visit ~ Holy
Spirit Prayer A Prayer to Receive the Holy Spirit
Please visit ~ Forgiveness
Prayer A Prayer to help us Forgive Others
Please visit ~ Prayer to receive Healing Prayer to Receive Healing
Please visit ~ Is God Faithful/Overcome Trials/Storms Is God Faithful?Overcome Trials/Storms
Please visit ~ God Is God Is (Bible Versus)
Please visit ~ Praise and Worship Praise and Worship
Please visit ~ Forgiving Someone Else Forgiving Someone Else
Please visit ~ Forgiving Yourself Forgiving Yourself
Please visit ~ Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts
Please visit ~ My
Christian Walk My Christian Walk/Testimony
Please visit ~ Power
of Prayer Power of Prayer
Please visit ~ Grief Steps Grief Steps
Please visit ~ Wings of Peace My Founders page/Spiritual Discernment Wings of Peace My Founders page/Spiritual Discernment
Please visit ~ Attack on America Dedication Attack on America Dedication
Life's Not Only About Me
Though my troubles and my worries
are sometimes all that I can see,
still I always must remember
life's not only about me.
Other souls are also hurting
and I know that it is God's plan
to reach out to help another,
to extend to them my hand.
With this purpose as my focus -
to be a comfort to a friend,
all my troubles and my worries
seem to fade out in the end.
It is one of God's true lessons
how my walk is meant to be,
true happiness I find when
life's not only about me.
© 2000 ~ Tom Krause
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