We have been brainstorming and thought that it would be fun to present challenges to everyone. We have two objectives: First and foremost, we hope that we can give a little incentive, encouragement and maybe even a little inspiration to the new writers out there. Second, we just want to have fun! We will be presenting you with a variety of writing projects, some with specific characters, some specific topics, some with time limitations...anything is possible. The challenge will be for you to complete the project and then send it in to be posted. As always, if you have any suggestions, comments, problems, whatever, you can contact Mel or Kat. |
Make the challenge! Do you have an idea for a challenge? A story line or unique mind bender? Send it in! There are so many talented writers out there. (some yet to be discovered) Put the masses to the test and let's get more great fiction. |
Older challenges have been moved here. |
Due to the growing popularity of the writing challenges, we (MelKat) have decided to revise our policy concerning Writer’s Block and Embarcadero Station. In the past, we have been firm in our resolve that any story using one of Hyde Street Station’s story starters must be posted on HSS. Our goal was to create a hub of Nash Bridges stories and we feel as if we’ve succeeded. Now, in an effort to expand, we want to ease that restriction to allow the authors to post their own stories on their web sites. All that we ask is that you also post a link on the story page back to Hyde Street Station. Of course, we would be honored if you choose to allow us to post your stories on HSS! We simply want to give people the option and, hopefully, attract more fans to the site. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE SIU ORPHANAGE! Copyright issues would be involved with the fans who originally generated the story and passed it onto HSS. Only the original authors have the right to post stories from the SIU Orphanage on their sites. Again, all that we ask is that you use a link back to Hyde Street Station. If you would like to use one of our classy HSS buttons, all you need to do is ask! We’d love to share the gifs with you. If you want to make one that is better suited for your web page, feel free! If you have any questions or concerns, JUST ASK! Peace, MelKat |