Usagi: HEY WAIT!!!!!!!! Did anyone else notice that The Three Lights are here too!?!!?!??!?!!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
::has heart attack::
Yaten: ::Grumbles...Aww s^& they caught us....:: I mean no...were not The Three Lights, your dillusional...::gets idea:: so how's your boyfriend??????????
Usagi: Awww that's so nice and caring of you to ask that Yaten!!!! Well, we are doing fine now that he isn't dead anymore...I still hafta keep Hotaru a distance away from him though...she doesn't like him very fact _I_ don't like him very much, so I think I'll go out with Seiya instead, do you think he would??? Probably...but oh yeah we were talking about m-a-m-o-r-u weren't we???
Seiya: ::Was sneaking away, but stopped when he heard the part about Usagi wanting to go out with him::
Taiki: The perfect question Yaten...she'll be talking for hours!!! tee hehe!!!
Yaten: ::smiles:: I know....haaa sometimes I think I'm smarter than you....
Taiki: =.= i dun think so...
Seiya: o-o-odango??? Did you really mean that going out thing?
Minako: ::immediatly runs to yaten and clings onto him::YATEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY SUGAR LUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yaten: ...
Sailor Chibi Moon: ...ack! ><"
>:) yes more to come >:)