Name: Usagi Age: 16 Birthday: August 8 Favorite anime: Sailor Moon Favorite color: pink...thanks mina..... Least favorite color: green Favorite food: lasanga, reeses, anything with tons of caffiene in it Least favorite food: green beans, grapefruit ::hurl:: Favorite animal: My soon to be Luna Least favorite animal: Larry ::hurl:: Favorite school subject: would be drawing, but the teachers an adec.... Least favorite school subject: Gym, and any math..... Favorite game: Final Fantasy 1-10 Strengths: being funny, getting my way, whining, bob Weaknesses: thunder storms, sad friends, puppy eyes.... Hobbies: drawing, playing final fantasy ::it rules ^^::, aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddddd drawing... |
If you have anything bad to say about me then you can enter the Forbidin Area |
Or you can kiss my @$$... |
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