My name is Melanie Slack, and this is my page! Welcome! Thanks for visiting!

I have been working on my own genealogy for about nine years. I was fortunate that my great grandmother was living until May 2002, and she was able to provide me with a lot of my information for the Compton, Baker and Webb families. If not for her, I would have had a heck of a time getting started, because no one else had this information. The Comptons have kept wonderful records in their Bibles as a rule, so that has sure helped. I'm glad we talked about family before she left us.

I have been married to my husband Joe for ten years, and have a son, John, who is 20, and a grandson who is 2. I am currently in college, but still not sure what I am going to be when I grow up! I'm a little late starting, but, hey, better late than never, right?

Genealogy has filled a lot of my time over the years, and I'm proud to say I have helped a lot of people. You would not believe how many people have contacted me through this site, and I have even found a cousin!

If you have any questions or comments about anything that appears on this site, please do not hesitate to contact me. I'm always open to looking at conflicting information!

Thanks for visiting, and please come back again!

Melanie Murray Slack


Robert Vincent Murray


"The Wind Beneath My Wings."