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How can 'we' define a UNIVERSE ? Umm, who are "we" really ?

Could we possibly define a word what we call it a UNIVERSE ? But it must be a whole Universe, it is totally beyond of 13,700,000,000 years of Universe journey. Could we possibly mean a word what we define it a LIFE ? But it must be a Life meaning as long as 4,500,000,000 years since Hadean eon on Earth. Perhaps finally we may discover that the answers are simply like we do counting our age limit from nothing, and growing then we're going back to nothing, but 'we' have something of a mind journey. Our life are fully colorful of mind journey, our destiny are always searching a Life meaning in Universe, perhaps also it will be 1(one) universe cycle.

If you are an astro-physicist, you always have calculation of space journey, a star-galactic journey. If you a scientist living  in USA, you always chew debate-menu of creationist-evolutionist-atheism. Someday we could discover life elsewhere, someday we could create a flying super-man. But from time to time of human civilization at least we have discovered meaning of  'ONE-ness', isn't it ?

It is initially we learned from Arabic_numerals, we take only two figures '1' and '0' to create digital world dreams  right now. It was discovered one Earth, Columbus prove Earth is not flat-land then Ferdinand_de Magellan had tried encircling One-Earth, so human again  had successfully written symbol of   "Zero of Earth Circle".

Next we discover one humanity, even we tried to define a half-human from the past time. We always try to define life elsewhere, we always try to create immortality.  It could be many many life elsewhere beyond of light-years journey. We always hate of all of this improbability phenomena. 

Then finally we understand our mind journey that the farthest distance of observable universe has a figure of 13,700,000,000 years  light-year. Umm, I am thinking this curious huge number. Is it symbol of "Zero of Universe Circle" ?  

Why do we always forget the basic of our fate that we're still mortal species. The big problem of human life is not 70% problem of dark-energy in universe, but the big duty of every human is 70% to solve problem of humanity whatever we do for human kindness and goodness. The big question of universe beyond there, but the big challenges of humanity are still actual from the past time. It was happened here on Earth stage :  varies human race population, war, money, politic, religion, science, technology achievement, world poverty threats, hungry and greedy imperialist  monsters, that is the Shakespeare theatre. But do you believe that it is color of consciousness, it is universe consciousness. It is simply to describe consciousness is similar like sound-wave when we listen a radio, our body likes a radio receiver, it's 'consciousness-receiver'. When we say it is sound-wave journey so it is also mind-journey, transmitting from a radio broadcasting far beyond a point of Earth globe. When we listen it the sound, we're just conscious. We're human is prepared to receive the wave of universe consciousness. What's kind a wave ? Let's say de Broglie wave-frequency in his hypotheses.

Let's take summary of my essays in  'Beyond a cave man', 'Nature Disharmony', 'One-Earth', 'Aristotle', and 'Conscious Universe' at  above links :

  1. Life is a universe main process which will self-discover and self-declare itself in a game grandstand  what we call it dimensions of space-time and mass-energy and probably it was happened only in One-Earth.

  2. If universe playing baryon tunes ( in scale of 13,700,000,000 years ) and life playing DNA tunes (in scale of 4,500,000,000 years ) next someday we human civilization ( in scale of 10,000 years ) will count total production of baryon and DNA here on Earth.

  3. Life evolution of  DNA journey is fine tuned harmony. Baryonic matter evolution which creating Mendeleyev atomic periodic table, it is also harmonic tunes.

  4. We live in wave-frequency of mind  and our consciousness is actually De_Broglie_wave-frequency  which is now observing universe. Human consciousness are 'online/synchronic'  with its universe consciousness and have a modulation span of 'synchronous frequency'.

  5. Our universe have been driven by 74 % of  'dark energy'  and 22% of  'dark matter' , it means our universe is dominated by random energy/matter. Is it meant our universe are driven by couple of  harmonic energy/matter and disharmonic (random) energy/matter ?

Harmonic energy/matter D Disharmonic (junk/random) energy/matter

A = 13,700,000,000 years  = Total time-table of universe

B = 4,500,000,000 years  = Time-table of harmonic energy/matter being interacted with life consciousness

C = 10,000 years  = Time-table of universe consciousness (human civilization)

So I try to describe Universe time-table and road-map in UNIQUE-M matrix as follows :       

The UNIQUE-M  of space time

10,000 yrs

13.7 bya

4.5 bya

4.5 bya

10,000 yrs

13.7 bya

13.7 bya

4.5 bya

10,000 yrs

You need to check huge numbers comparison between baryonic matter and life matter (DNA) in matrix  as follows : 




click T

Huge Stars



click G


Our Future


click A

Huge Cells



click A'


Birds singing

click C




click C'


a Life ?


click T'


Huge Memory



click G'


10,000 yrs




When we try to understand ourselves as human being compared with huge scale of galaxies, we always forget that we're also the real 'huge numbers' of networking lived-cells. Stars-galaxies are also huge-numbers, but it is simply matter/energy network. We're the huge-huge numbers in DNA,  we're not just dust in star-galaxy, we're the most valuable, we're the most meaningful, we're the most intelligent in universe. But who are 'we' ? Let's say we're some kind of de Broglie wave-frequency formats in universe, we're living in synchronous with dimensions of universe consciousness, we're always searching the meaning of origins, every human like a candle light of consciousness searching  the true meaning of life. So could we possible to define word of UNIVERSE ?

Let's try to make a conclusion :                


What is a UNIVERSE ?

A =  Universe is physically  'House of production of matter/energy'

B  =  Life is 'House of production of consciousness'

C =  Human is 'House of production of universe consciousness'

Universe is totally A + B + C running in space-time cycle as follows :  





Jakarta, 27-09-2007

Mohamad SM  


Note : The bold italic links of the article are Wikipedia  sources as reference readings